112 research outputs found

    How the Use of Curriculum Resources Explains Inter-Teacher Differences in Lesson Planning

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    This study concerned teacher education in mathematics―specifically, curriculum resources (textbooks and other media that teachers use when planning a lesson or delivering classroom instruction). Four levels of curriculum resources (media) were identified, and the concept of “translation” was adopted to describe the process in which a medium at a higher level is replaced by a medium at a lower level. A survey was conducted among 15 trainee teachers in t he 2019 academic year. The purpose of the survey was to examine inter-teacher differences in lesson planning; particularly, the media the teachers used in their translations, the order in which they used the media, and how each medium shaped the translation process. The results revealed that (1) the trainee teachers simulated the actions of the textbook authors or students and that (2) the functions of the media changed after a translation was performed. These findings imply that differences in lesson planning can be explained by differences in the type of media translated, the order in which they are used, and the way the media are used

    Analysis of Mathematician's Activities : Implications for Mathematics Teacher Education

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    本稿の目的は,ある数学者による研究論文を分析することによって,専門家としての数学者の活動の一端を理解し,数学科教師教育への示唆を得ることである。 検討の結果,数学者による活動は,演繹的に論理を詰めていくだけでは無く,仮説としての予想を経験的帰納的にたてて検証していく部分も多いことが指摘された。学問としての数学の研究論文を学部学生に与えることは,その読解に相当の数学的素養を必要とすることから必ずしも適切とは限らない。しかしながら,実際の数学者による研究活動や,研究論文として提出された成果の導出過程を追体験すること,なぜその研究論文がかかれねばならなかったのかという知識構成の必要性の感得など,数学科教師教育に対しても扱い方によっては十分に価値があることがわかった。The purpose of this paper is to have implications for mathematics teacher education through analysis of mathematician's activities by reading an academic paper. The result suggests that a mathematician does not only think deductively but also take an inductive and empirical approach while forming hypotheses. It isn't always appropriate to provide academic mathematics papers for undergraduate students because an essential background is needed to read them. However, to read an academic paper could be enough worth for students in mathematics teacher education because they could follow a mathematician's research process including submitting an academic paper and reflect reasons to write the paper

    IL-21 is required for the maintenance and pathogenesis of murine Vγ4+ IL-17-producing γδT cells

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    Murine IL-17-producing γδT (γδT17) cells are divided into two subsets: natural γδT17 (nγδT17) cells, whose development is restricted to the fetal thymus, and inducible γδT17 cells, which require antigen exposure for their IL-17 production and are presumed to develop from Rorc+Il17a-CCR9+ immature γδT17 cells in the adult thymus and whose T cell receptor (TCR) is biased toward Vγ4. Although IL-23 is known to be involved in developing γδT17 cells, the roles of other cytokines, such as IL-21, which is involved in developing Th17 cells like IL-23, in the development, maintenance, and pathophysiology of γδT17 cells remain unknown. Here, we show that IL-21 is dispensable for the fetal thymic development of nγδT17 cells but is required for the peripheral maintenance of Vγ4+nγδT17 cells. Upon stimulation with γδTCR, IL-1 plus IL-21 induces the proliferation of Vγ4+nγδT17 cells via STAT3 as effectively as IL-1 plus IL-23. Using bone marrow chimeric mice, we demonstrated that immature γδT17 cells are produced de novo in the adult mice from donor adult bone marrow cells and that IL-21 is dispensable for their development. Instead, IL-21 is required to expand newly induced Vγ4+γδT17 cells in the periphery upon immunization. Finally, using adoptive transfer experiments of γδT17 cells, we found that IL-21 receptors on γδT17 cells are involved in maintaining Vγ4+γδT17 cells, subsequent infiltration of Th17 cells into the spinal cord, and exacerbation of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Collectively, IL-21 plays a vital role in the maintenance and pathogenesis of Vγ4+γδT17 cells


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    The purpose of this study was to clarify the current status of nursing practice for elderly cancer patients with dementia receiving treatment in acute care hospitals and related factors. An anonymous, self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted from May to July 2021, involving 400 people with experience of providing nursing care for elderly cancer patients with dementia. Factor analysis identified and as factors of self-evaluation of nursing practice for elderly cancer patients with dementia receiving treatment in acute care hospitals. Such evaluation was influenced by , , , , , and