166 research outputs found

    Éditorial : Le patrimoine religieux des XIXe et XXe siùcles - 1ùre partie

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    Au cours des deux derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, le patrimoine religieux a fait l’objet d’une attention soutenue comme en tĂ©moignent les nombreuses publications, articles de recherches, colloques et confĂ©rences produits par les universitaires, les professionnels du patrimoine, les responsables religieux ou mĂȘme politiques. En 2008, le comitĂ© du patrimoine cultuel du ministĂšre de la Culture et de la Communication a organisĂ© un colloque sur le thĂšme de la sauvegarde des Ă©glises urbaines et rurales. En ju..

    Pathways project evaluation: final report

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    Pathways: Health and Well-Being through the Arts The Pathways project aims to deliver participatory arts practice within communities in Manchester addressing issues of mental health and social inclusion. From September 2004 - 2005, a research team from the Research Institute for Health and Social Change at Manchester Metropolitan University was commissioned to undertake an evaluation of Pathways, using a participatory and inclusive approach. The Pathways Evaluation aimed: ‱ To articulate the processes that artists were engaged in from the perspectives of both artists and participants; ‱ To examine some of the mechanisms and outputs of the artistic processes in terms of the extent to which they can be gauges of change over the duration of the project (for example ‘tree people’ diagrams; ‘social atoms’, life stories); ‱ To understand the mechanisms through which the artists relate with and work with the participants and the impact of these ways of working on both participants and artists (including, for example issues of playfulness, fun, trust); ‱ To identify changes in mental health and/or social support and/or participation and inclusion of participants as a result of participating in the project; ‱ To indicate how Pathways contributes to PSA target: improving outcomes for adults and children with mental health problems; and PSA target: improving quality of life; ‱ To identify the process and impact of the Pathways Exhibition on participants and artists in terms of well-being and social inclusion; ‱ To identify the relative strengths of different forms of data for evaluation of arts and mental health work. Taking an holistic perspective, information was gathered from artists, participants, LIME staff and project venue managers. Experiences and assessments of the workshops were collected through interviews, graffiti boards, diaries, questionnaires and research participant observations as well as emotional and social documenting via participatory group methods including the ‘tree people’ and ‘social atom’ techniques

    Éditorial : Le patrimoine religieux des XIXe et XXe siùcles - 2ùme partie

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    Figure 1 Église Saint-Pierre de Firminy-Vert. Phot. Bernard Toulier, 2009. © FLC. Au cours des deux derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, le patrimoine religieux a fait l’objet d’une attention soutenue comme en tĂ©moignent les nombreuses publications, articles de recherches, colloques et confĂ©rences produits par les universitaires, les professionnels du patrimoine, les responsables religieux ou mĂȘme politiques. En 2008, le comitĂ© du patrimoine cultuel du ministĂšre de la Culture et de la Communication a organ..

    Patrimoines et conservation préventive, pratiques comparées et nouveaux enjeux

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    Introduction La Direction gĂ©nĂ©rale des patrimoines a inaugurĂ© en octobre 2011 la premiĂšre session d’un cycle annuel de journĂ©es professionnelles Ă  l’intention de tous les acteurs du monde de la conservation-restauration du patrimoine. Ces rencontres annuelles ont pour objectifs : - de prĂ©senter Ă  la communautĂ© patrimoniale des Ă©tudes de cas exemplaires, tant par la mĂ©thodologie utilisĂ©e que par les questionnements rencontrĂ©s ; - d’offrir un espace de dialogue transversal Ă  l’ensemble des cha..

    Patrimoines et conservation préventive, pratiques comparées et nouveaux enjeux

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    Introduction La Direction gĂ©nĂ©rale des patrimoines a inaugurĂ© en octobre 2011 la premiĂšre session d’un cycle annuel de journĂ©es professionnelles Ă  l’intention de tous les acteurs du monde de la conservation-restauration du patrimoine. Ces rencontres annuelles ont pour objectifs : - de prĂ©senter Ă  la communautĂ© patrimoniale des Ă©tudes de cas exemplaires, tant par la mĂ©thodologie utilisĂ©e que par les questionnements rencontrĂ©s ; - d’offrir un espace de dialogue transversal Ă  l’ensemble des cha..

    “I leave me outside when I come in school and pick myself back up on the way home”: Young people’s perspectives on healthy schools

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    A collaborative, multi method qualitative case study of three secondary schools was undertaken as part of a Healthy Schools initiative. Year 8 and year 10 pupils gave accounts of how school made them feel. Thematic analysis of these accounts revealed positive and negative links between environment and well-being in schools. In particular, spaces such as the playground and places within school provided sites for bullying and exclusion, and at the same time friendship and belonging. Properties of spaces, such as the physical fabric of buildings and degrees of surveillance also influenced well being. Pupils exercised control over their environments largely through the breaking of what were considered petty and dis-empowering rules. The research indicates the powerful role of place in the emotional well-being of children at schools and suggests that the development of schools as emotionally ‘restorative and healthy places’ require a much fuller understanding of the person-environment relationship

    Ensembles mobiliers, industriels, techniques. Connaissance, protection, conservation, présentation au public

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    Car, en fin de compte, le but d’un ameublement harmonieux est bien, comme on vient de le montrer, de reflĂ©ter l’homme, mais de le reflĂ©ter dans son essence idĂ©ale, ce qui est une exaltation du moi. C’est pourquoi, plus encore peut-ĂȘtre que la peinture, la sculpture, et mĂȘme l’architecture, le mobilier rĂ©vĂšle l’esprit d’une Ă©poque...Mario Praz. Histoire de la dĂ©coration d’intĂ©rieur : La philosophie de l’ameublement [1964], trad. fr. Londres/Paris : Thames et Hudson, 1994, p. 20. Le 7 juillet 2..

    Community psychology meets participatory arts

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    In this paper we explore the research processes and outcomes in a community psychology evaluation of community-based participatory arts projects. We draw on our experiences of preliminary work with artists and arts projects to establish a flexible and participatory evaluation framework, in order to highlight emergent conceptual and practical tensions in the work

    Community psychology and participatory arts: well-being and creativity

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    This paper describes an action research project involving a team of community psychologists from Manchester Metropolitan University and a participatory, community based arts project for people with mental health problems - the Pathways project. As identified in Figure 1, it was anticipated that the link between participation in arts would have in indirect impact on mental well being and social inclusion. Previous work has found that arts impacts on mental health via: enhancing motivation, greater feelings of connectedness, a more positive outlook and reduced fear, isolation and anxiety (Angus, 2002; CAHHM, 2003; HDA, 1999;Huxley, 1997; Huxley and Thornicroft, 2003 ; Matarrasso,1997; White, 2003, 2004). The evaluation was undertaken in the context a programme of work we are engaged in, that seeks to contribute to an 'evidence base' for the arts and mental health work (Geddes, 2004)

    The brown adipocyte protein CIDEA promotes lipid droplet fusion via a phosphatidic acid-binding amphipathic helix

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    Maintenance of energy homeostasis depends on the highly regulated storage and release of triacylglycerol primarily in adipose tissue, and excessive storage is a feature of common metabolic disorders. CIDEA is a lipid droplet (LD)-protein enriched in brown adipocytes promoting the enlargement of LDs, which are dynamic, ubiquitous organelles specialized for storing neutral lipids. We demonstrate an essential role in this process for an amphipathic helix in CIDEA, which facilitates embedding in the LD phospholipid monolayer and binds phosphatidic acid (PA). LD pairs are docked by CIDEA trans-complexes through contributions of the N-terminal domain and a C-terminal dimerization region. These complexes, enriched at the LD–LD contact site, interact with the cone-shaped phospholipid PA and likely increase phospholipid barrier permeability, promoting LD fusion by transference of lipids. This physiological process is essential in adipocyte differentiation as well as serving to facilitate the tight coupling of lipolysis and lipogenesis in activated brown fat
