1,432 research outputs found

    Paper Based Pressure Sensor for Green Electronics

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    This work reports a resistive paper-based disposable pressure sensor based on porous 3D conductive cellulose micro-fiber network. The conductivity in microfibers was achieved by subjecting the network to graphene oxide (GO) - poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT: PSS) solution. The modified cellulose matrix is sandwiched between graphite paper electrodes so that overall structure is flexible. The device tested in 32-386 Pa range detected a minimum of 34 Pa and exhibited fast dynamic response (in tenths of seconds) with excellent repeatability. The proposed approach for disposable sensors is a step towards green electronics and holds promise for wide range of wearable applications

    Let the Dodo Bird Speak: A Rejoinder on Diversity in Children\u27s Books

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    Urban Public School Libraries and Educational Reform: The Case of the Detroit Public Schools

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    This article explores the implications of school reform on school libraries using the Detroit Public Schools (DPS) as a case study in urban librarianship. A literature review on the role and impact of school librarians in K-12 education is included to help illustrate the role of school libraries in public school reform. Two DPS reforms are selected for closer evaluation: a 2002 district-initiated reform and a 2008 state-mandated reform. The article concludes by offering a list of recommendations to help strengthen DPS reform goals and objectives by utilizing the professional knowledge and resources of school librarians in the district. These recommendations are shaped by the author’s personal and professional experiences as a former school library media specialist in DPS and as a college professor who teaches school and urban librarianship courses

    Cultural Inquiry: A Framework for Engaging Youth of Color in the Library

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    This article describes the conceptual underpinnings of a learning approach described as cultural inquiry. This learning approach grew from the author’s work with a diverse group of African American youth in an after school book club, named Circle of Voices. The purpose of describing this learning approach is to help youth services librarians develop strategies for engaging youth of color in the library. An equally important goal of this work is to provide a theoretical framework for explaining some of the cultural disconnects that youth of color experience while learning in mainstream schools and libraries. Some of the theoretical influences of this learning approach, which are described in this article include: social constructivist theory, critical pedagogy, and the Afrocentric idea in education. Contrasts are drawn between the conceptual underpinnings of information inquiry and cultural inquiry. Lastly, Callison’s four phases of inquiry are used to contextualize real world examples of cultural inquiry from the Circle of Voices book club


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    Agama merupakan sumber dari nilai religius dan mempunyai keterkaitan yang sangat erat untuk masuk kedalam jiwa seseorang. Untuk membentuk manusia yang agamis dan mempunyai nilai-nilai religius dalam dirinya diperlukan pendidikan yang terarah. Sebuah lembaga pendidikan hendaknya mengenalkan dan menanamkan tauhid atau akidah kepada peserta didik sebagai pondasi awal sebelum peserta didik mengenal banyaknya disiplin ilmu lainnya. Dengan begitu para guru umunya dan guru pendidikan agama Islam khususnya untuk berupaya menciptakan budaya religius dan meningkatkan potensi religius guna membentuk kepribadian peserta didik menjadi manusia yang beriman, bertaqwa dan berakhlak. Pertanyaan dan tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses implementasi pendidikan agama Islam dalam membangun nilai-nilai religius di lingkungan Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan dipilih secara purposive dan bersifat snowball sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis deskriptif

    Getting InFLOmation : A Critical Race Theory Tale from the School Library

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    Using Critical Race Theory\u27s storytelling method, this chapter weaves a tale set in a school library setting told through the eyes of Jamal, a 17 year old Black male Harvard -bound scholar athlete. Using artifacts to build the plot, the story shines light on places where diversity and inclusion initiatives fail, where unchecked privilege and whiteness do harm to everyone touched by them, where inequality ruins lives and where libraries might be spaces of hope and possibility

    Integrative Monitoring System for Arabic Learning Plans in University-Affiliated Islamic Boarding Schools

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    Universities often face challenges in ensuring the quality of education, especially in the learning segment during the lecture process. Therefore, this study examines the phenomenon of quality and quantity, which is the basis for the quality of Arabic learning planning at Al-Falah As-Sunniyyah Jember University. The main objective of this study is to identify and explore effective strategies for ensuring the quality and quantity of education through an integrative monitoring system for Arabic language learning planning. Using a qualitative approach and literature studies as methods, the writer collected data by searching related literature. The data were analyzed using qualitative methods involving reading, synthesizing, and interpreting information found in the literature. Research findings confirm that the implementation of an integrative monitoring system appropriately has great potential to be used as the best model in planning Arabic language learning to improve the quality of learning significantly

    INFLO-Mation: A Model for Exploring Information Behavior through Hip Hop

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    This paper explores the insights that hip hop might afford young adult library researchers who study information behavior, particularly in online environments. A Critical Race Theory (CRT) approach was used to explain how existing information behavior models describe youth experiences in ways that mask their unique racialized experiences and culturally specific information-creating behaviors. Using CRT’s counter-storytelling method, a new model called INFLO-mation is introduced, featuring a continuum of information behaviors captured within three descriptive categories of creativity: Rhythm, Rhyme, and Remix (R3). Findings include a discussion the INFLO model, its classification scheme, and illustrative examples from contemporary teens’ digital media practices rooted in hip hop culture

    Mobile Ferry Ticketing Reservation For Ferry Line Langkawi Ferry Services Sdn. Bhd. In Kuala Perlis

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    Telecommunications, the Internet and the mobile computing are integrating their technologies to form a new business called Mobile Commerce. With the Mobile Commerce (M-Commerce) and Mobile Ticketing reservation, services can be obtained easily at any time in any location. This research introduces a prototype "Mobile Ferry Ticketing Reservation Application (MFTRA) for Ferry Line Langkawi Ferry Services Sdn. Bhd. (or LFS) in Kuala Perlis" that provides the customers with the service of reserving tickets for the ferry without having to go to the sale point in Kuala Perlis. By using this prototype, customers can easily get necessary information for ticketing such as the ferry time table by using their mobile devices. So, they can save their time and effort. The findings of the study revealed that the users are satisfied with the MFTRA prototype. This study also proposed future works
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