33 research outputs found

    Etiology, 3-Month Functional Outcome and Recurrent Events in Non-Traumatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage.

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Knowledge about different etiologies of non-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and their outcomes is scarce. METHODS We assessed prevalence of pre-specified ICH etiologies and their association with outcomes in consecutive ICH patients enrolled in the prospective Swiss Stroke Registry (2014 to 2019). RESULTS We included 2,650 patients (mean±standard deviation age 72±14 years, 46.5% female, median National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale 8 [interquartile range, 3 to 15]). Etiology was as follows: hypertension, 1,238 (46.7%); unknown, 566 (21.4%); antithrombotic therapy, 227 (8.6%); cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), 217 (8.2%); macrovascular cause, 128 (4.8%); other determined etiology, 274 patients (10.3%). At 3 months, 880 patients (33.2%) were functionally independent and 664 had died (25.1%). ICH due to hypertension had a higher odds of functional independence (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 1.33; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.00 to 1.77; P=0.05) and lower mortality (aOR, 0.64; 95% CI, 0.47 to 0.86; P=0.003). ICH due to antithrombotic therapy had higher mortality (aOR, 1.62; 95% CI, 1.01 to 2.61; P=0.045). Within 3 months, 4.2% of patients had cerebrovascular events. The rate of ischemic stroke was higher than that of recurrent ICH in all etiologies but CAA and unknown etiology. CAA had high odds of recurrent ICH (aOR, 3.38; 95% CI, 1.48 to 7.69; P=0.004) while the odds was lower in ICH due to hypertension (aOR, 0.42; 95% CI, 0.19 to 0.93; P=0.031). CONCLUSIONS Although hypertension is the leading etiology of ICH, other etiologies are frequent. One-third of ICH patients are functionally independent at 3 months. Except for patients with presumed CAA, the risk of ischemic stroke within 3 months of ICH was higher than the risk of recurrent hemorrhage

    Reductive dissolution of As(V)-bearing Fe(III)-precipitates formed by Fe(II) oxidation in aqueous solutions

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    Abstract Iron(III)-precipitates formed by the oxidation of dissolved Fe(II) are important sorbents for major and trace elements in aquatic and terrestrial systems. Their reductive dissolution in turn may result in the release of associated elements. We examined the reductive dissolution kinetics of an environmentally relevant set of Fe(II)-derived arsenate-containing Fe(III)-precipitates whose structure as function of phosphate (P) and silicate (Si) content varied between poorly-crystalline lepidocrocite, amorphous Fe(III)-phosphate, and Si-containing ferrihydrite. The experiments were performed with 0.2–0.5 mM precipitate-Fe(III) using 10 mM Na-ascorbate as reductant, 5 mM bipyridine as Fe(II)-complexing ligand, and 10 mM MOPS/5 mM NaOH as pH 7.0 buffer. Times required for the dissolution of half of the precipitate (t50%) ranged from 1.5 to 39 h; spanning a factor 25 range. At loadings up to ~ 0.2 P/Fe (molar ratio), phosphate decreased the t50% of Si-free precipitates, probably by reducing the crystallinity of lepidocrocite. The reductive dissolution of Fe(III)-phosphates formed at higher P/Fe ratios was again slower, possibly due to P-inhibited ascorbate binding to precipitate-Fe(III). The slowest reductive dissolution was observed for P-free Si-ferrihydrite with ~ 0.1 Si/Fe, suggesting that silicate binding and polymerization may reduce surface accessibility. The inhibiting effect of Si was reduced by phosphate. Dried-resuspended precipitates dissolved 1.0 to 1.8-times more slowly than precipitates that were kept wet after synthesis, most probably because drying enhanced nanoparticle aggregation. Variations in the reductive dissolution kinetics of Fe(II) oxidation products as reported from this study should be taken into account when addressing the impact of such precipitates on the environmental cycling of co-transformed nutrients and contaminants

    Quantification of anthropogenic and geogenic Ce in sewage sludge based on Ce oxidation state and rare earth element patterns

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    Emissions of Ce from anthropogenic activities (anthropogenic Ce) into urban wastewater systems and the environment result from its widespread industrial use (abrasives, catalysts, nanotechnology). Because Ce in sewage sludge can also be of geogenic origin, the quantification of anthropogenic Ce in sewage sludge remains elusive. In this study, we evaluated the suitability of Ce oxidation state and rare earth element (REE) patterns for the quantification of anthropogenic Ce fractions in sewage sludge. A diverse set of soil samples served to gain baseline information on geogenic Ce. Geogenic Ce in the soils was characterized by high Ce(III) fractions (≥70%) and their REE patterns were comparable to the REE patterns of the upper continental crust. The sewage sludges contained on average ∼80% Ce(IV) (range 18–108%), pointing to the importance of anthropogenic inputs of Ce(IV). The quantification of the anthropogenic Ce fraction based on Ce oxidation state, however, was associated with considerable uncertainty because geogenic and anthropogenic Ce cannot exclusively be assigned to Ce(III) and Ce(IV), respectively. The REE patterns of most sewage sludges indicated a clear enrichment of Ce compared to heavier REE. Based on the assumption that the industrially used Ce is free of (most) other REE, we estimated the fraction of anthropogenic Ce in the sludges based on individual Ce/REE ratios. For the individual sludges the anthropogenic contributions were very variable (10–100%) but consistent fractions were obtained for individual sludges when calculated based on Ce/Dy (dysprosium), Ce/Er (erbium) and Ce/Eu (europium) ratios. Electron microscopy analysis of sludges dominated by anthropogenic Ce revealed that the Ce was mostly contained in nanoscale particles devoid of elements characteristic of Ce-bearing minerals. Thus, anthropogenic Ce contents derived from REE patterns may be used to validate current mass flow models for engineered CeO2 nanoparticles

    Effect of Ozone Treatment on Nano-Sized Silver Sulfide in Wastewater Effluent

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    Silver nanoparticles used in consumer products are likely to be released into municipal wastewater. Transformation reactions, most importantly sulfidation, lead to the formation of nanoscale silver sulfide (nano-Ag2S) particles. In wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), ozonation can enhance the effluent quality by eliminating organic micropollutants. The effect of ozonation on the fate of nano-Ag2S, however, is currently unknown. In this study, we investigate the interaction of ozone with nano-Ag2S and evaluate the effect of ozonation on the short-term toxicity of WWTP effluent spiked with nano-Ag2S. The oxidation of nano-Ag2S by ozone resulted in a stoichiometric factor (number of moles of ozone required to oxidize one mole of sulfide to sulfate) of 2.91, which is comparable to the results obtained for the reaction of bisulfide (HS-) with ozone. The second-order rate constant for the reaction of nano-Ag2S with ozone (k = 3.1 X 10(4) M-1 s(-1)) is comparable to the rate constant of fast-reacting micropollutants. Analysis of the ozonation products transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) revealed that ozonation dominantly led to is the formation of silver chloride in WWTP effluent. After ozonation of the Ag2S-spiked effluent, the short-term toxicity for the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii increased and reached EC50 values comparable to Ag+. This study thus reveals that ozone treatment of WWTP effluent results in the oxidation of Ag2S and, hence, an increase of the Ag toxicity in the effluent, which may become relevant at elevated Ag concentrations

    Quantification of individual Rare Earth Elements from industrial sources in sewage sludge

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    Rare Earth Elements (REEs) are used in increasing amounts in technical applications and consumer products. However, to date, the contribution of industrial sources to the loads of individual REEs in wastewater streams have not been quantified. Here, we determine the REE contents in sludge collected from 63 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) across Switzerland. To quantify the industrial fraction of individual REEs in the sewage sludge, we develop two complementary approaches, based on REE ratios and REE pattern fitting. Unspecific (background) inputs, with REE patterns similar to the averaged REE pattern of soils collected across Switzerland, dominate the REE budget of most WWTPs. A few WWTPs receive significant REE inputs from specific industrial sources. Based on population equivalents of Switzerland, we estimate a total annual load of 4200 kg Cerium (Ce, 0.5 g Ce year-1 capita-1), with an industrial contribution of 2000 kg year-1. The latter agrees with estimates of probabilistic mass flow models for engineered nanoscale CeO2 particles discharged to the sewer network. About 7 kg year-1 of Samarium (Sm,total for Switzerland: 184 kg year-1 or 0.02 g Sm year-1 capita-1) and 3 kg year-1 of Europium (Eu,total for Switzerland: 44 kg year-1 or 0.005 g Eu year-1 capita-1) are assigned to industrial inputs from single WWTPs. Gadolinium (Gd) is used in the form of a stable complex as contrast agent in magnetic resonance imaging. Assuming 10% removal of Gd during wastewater treatment, we calculate an annual discharge of 90 kg of Gd from one individual WWTP to surface waters. WWTPs with exceptionally high industrial inputs of specific REEs warrant detailed investigations to identify the respective sources and to assess whether REE concentrations in effluents are elevated to the same degree

    Transformation of TiO2 (nano)particles during sewage sludge incineration

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    Titanium dioxide (TiO2) (nano)particles are produced in large quantities and their potential impacts on ecosystems warrants investigations into their fate after disposal. TiO2 particles released into wastewater are retained by wastewater treatment plants and accumulate in digested sludge, which is increasingly incinerated in industrialized countries. Therefore, we investigated the changes of the Ti-speciation during incineration of as-received sludge and of sludge spiked with anatase (d=20–50 nm) or rutile (d=200–400 nm) using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In the as-received sludge, rutile and anatase were the dominant Ti bearing minerals and both remained unaffected by the anaerobic treatment. During incineration, Ti reacts with hematite to members of the hematite-ilmenite solid solution series (Hem-Ilm). Up to 80% of the Ti spiked as anatase transformed into Hem-Ilm, a distorted 6-fold coordinated Ti (Ti(IV)sulfate) and rutile during incineration. Up to 30% and 60% of rutile transformed into Hem-Ilm and Ti(IV)sulfate represented phases in fly and bottom ash, respectively. Fe and Ti were spatially correlated in ash derived from as-received and anatase spiked sludge, whereas only a thin layer of the spiked rutile reacted with Fe, in line with XAS data. This study highlights the transient nature of nano-Ti species during sewage sludge incineration.ISSN:0304-3894ISSN:1873-333

    Electrochemical Analysis of Changes in Iron Oxide Reducibility during Abiotic Ferrihydrite Transformation into Goethite and Magnetite

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    Electron transfer to ferric iron in (oxyhydr-)oxides (hereafter iron oxides) is a critical step in many processes that are central to the biogeochemical cycling of elements and to pollutant dynamics. Understanding these processes requires analytical approaches that allow for characterizing the reactivity of iron oxides toward reduction under controlled thermodynamic boundary conditions. Here, we used mediated electrochemical reduction (MER) to follow changes in iron oxide reduction extents and rates during abiotic ferrous iron-induced transformation of six-line ferrihydrite. Transformation experiments (10 mM ferrihydrite-FeIII) were conducted over a range of solution conditions (pHtrans = 6.50 to 7.50 at 5 mM Fe2+ and for pHtrans = 7.00 also at 1 mM Fe2+) that resulted in the transformation of ferrihydrite into thermodynamically more stable goethite or magnetite. The changes in iron oxide mineralogy during the transformations were quantified using X-ray diffraction analysis. MER measurements on iron oxide suspension aliquots collected during the transformations were performed over a range of pHMER at constant applied reduction potential. The extents and rates of iron oxide reduction in MER decreased with decreasing reaction driving force resulting from both increasing pHMER and increasing transformation of ferrihydrite into thermodynamically more stable iron oxides. We show that the decreases in iron oxide reduction extents and rates during ferrihydrite transformations can be linked to the concurrent changes in iron oxide mineralogy.ISSN:0013-936XISSN:1520-585

    Release of gold (Au), silver (Ag) and cerium dioxide (CeO2) nanoparticles from sewage sludge incineration ash

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    Engineered nanoparticles (NPs) that are released into wastewater are retained by wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and accumulate in sewage sludge. Increasing shares of sludge are incinerated and landfilled, especially in industrialized countries. It is debated whether certain types of NPs can outlive the incineration process and subsequently be released from sewage sludge ash (SSA) landfills. To investigate the release of different types of NPs from SSA, we spiked gold (Au), silver (Ag) and cerium dioxide (CeO2) NPs to a pilot WWTP increasing the Au, Ag and Ce concentrations to 30, 43 and 389 mg kg−1 (dry matter basis) in the digested sludge. The spiked sludge was incinerated in a pilot fluidized bed reactor resulting in SSA with Au, Ag and Ce concentrations of 61, 103 and 854 mg kg−1. In addition, two sludge samples from a full-scale WWTP with Au concentrations of 5 and 16 mg kg−1 were incinerated, resulting in SSA with 9 mg kg−1 and 30 mg kg−1 Au. The spiked Au-NPs remain largely unaltered during the wastewater treatment and incineration process, whereas Ag-NPs and CeO2-NPs undergo transformation. During simulated landfill leaching in columns flushed with 400 to 500 pore volumes of artificial rainwater, Ag and Ce were retained in the ash, whereas about 17% of the spiked Au was released, mainly in particulate form. Lower fractions of mostly particulate Au were released from the ashes (3 and 9%) of unspiked SSA. In conclusion, unaltered Au-NPs significantly leach from landfilled SSA, whereas the incorporation of Ag-NPs and CeO2-NPs as transformed species into the SSA matrix limits the leaching of (nano)particulate and dissolved Ag and Ce compounds.ISSN:2051-8153ISSN:2051-816