2 research outputs found

    A Framework for Enabling Access to Usable Data in a BIM Environment Focusing on the Construction Phase.

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    Gradbeni sektor je v zadnjih letih doživel eksponentno rast količine podatkov zaradi vse večjega uvajanja informacijskega modeliranja zgradb (BIM) ter spletnih aplikacij in aplikacij v oblaku. Ker deležniki ustvarjajo velike količine podatkov, se projektne skupine trenutno borijo, da bi svoje podatke spremenile v uporabne informacije, ki predstavljajo vrednost za gradbeni projekt. V fazi izvedbe se veliko časa izgubi pri zbiranju in razvrščanju projektnih podatkov. Poleg tega se več kot polovica podatkov BIM in projektnih podatkov na koncu izgubi zaradi pomanjkanja integracije med obstoječimi aplikacijami. Izvajanje gradbenih nalog na gradbišču ni osamljen proces, na uspeh pa močno vpliva to, ali lahko vsak deležnik brez ovir dostopa do informacij, ki so pomembne za njegovo dejavnost. Z uvedbo vitkega upravljanja informacij v obstoječe informacijske delovne tokove, kot je BIM, lahko gradbene ekipe uporabljajo svoje podatke, kar je dragoceno za lažje izvajane gradbenih procesov. Zato ta disertacija raziskuje koncept vitkega upravljanja informacij kot spodbujevalca dostopa do uporabnih podatkov. Predlagan je bil okvir za vključitev načel vitkih informacij v obstoječe delovne postopke BIM in digitalne tehnologije. Okvir je bil preizkušen na vzorčni nalogi, povezani z gradbeništvom, prek platforme v oblaku, ki združuje procese BIM in vitko proizvodnjo, ter bil ustrezno ovrednoten. Študija ugotavlja, da morajo biti podatki, da bi bili uporabni, predstavljeni ob pravem času in na pravi način, ki je specifičen za informacijske potrebe in funkcije vsakega člana projektne skupine, kar jim posledično omogoča, da drug od drugega črpajo informacijsko vrednost, saj se podatki, ki jih ustvari eden, samodejno spremenijo v informacije za drugega. Pokazalo se je tudi, da uporaba aplikacij, ki kartirajo in povezujejo informacijske procese, neposredno vpliva na proizvodne procese v fazi izvedbe. Za nadgradnjo okvira študija priporoča oblikovanje in razvoj digitalnih izdelkov, ki poenostavljajo proizvodne procese različnih skupin gradbenih deležnikov ter nadaljnje študije na področju testiranja uporabnosti in uporabniške izkušnje (UX). Na splošno okvira predlaga, da bi bilo treba za omogočanje dostopa do uporabnih podatkov povezati tri načela: vitko upravljanje informacij, informacijsko modeliranje stavb in vitko proizvodnjo, ter jih v procesu izvajanja gradnje sprejeti drugo ob drugi, namesto da se jih implementira ločeno.The construction sector has experienced exponential growth in data during the past years thanks to the increasing adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM), web and cloud-based applications. Although stakeholders are generating excessive amounts of data, project teams are currently struggling to turn their data into usable information that can translate into value for the construction project. During the execution phase, a lot of time is wasted while collecting and sorting project data. Additionally, more than half of BIM and project data are wasted due to the lack of integration between existing applications. Executing a construction task on site is not a lone process and success is greatly influenced by whether each stakeholder can access the information relevant to their activity without any hindrances. By implementing Lean Information Management to existing information workflows such as BIM, construction teams can use their data which translates into value in terms of ease of execution of their production processes. As such, this thesis explores the concept of Lean Information management as an enabler for accessing usable data. A framework for integrating Lean Information principles into existing BIM and digital technology workflows was proposed. The framework was tested on a sample construction-related task via a cloud-based platform that integrates BIM and Lean production processes and evaluated accordingly. The study highlighted that for data to be usable, it needs to be presented at the right time and in the right manner that is specific to the information needs and functions of each project team member, which in turn enables them to pull value from each other as data created by one automatically turns into information for the other. It also showed that using applications that map and connect the information processes has a direct impact on the production processes in the execution phase. Furthermore, to build upon the framework, the study recommended the need to design and develop digital products that simplify the production processes of the diverse groups of construction stakeholders through further studies in Usability Testing and User Experience (UX) research. Overall, the framework seeks to proffer that to enable access to usable data, the three (3) principles i.e., Lean Information Management, Building Information Modelling, and Lean Production should be adopted side-by-side during the construction execution phase instead of implementing them in isolation

    African BIM Report 2020

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    While it may seem like the adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) across Africa is slow-paced, the increasing advocacy efforts from various stakeholders is now resulting in a widespread drive for implementation and deployment. Coupled with the ongoing disruption by the global COVID-19 pandemic, there is now a very high degree of the utilization of digital technologies by construction professionals. As a first of its kind across the continent, the African BIM Report was conceived to provide a continuous review of the state of implementation of BIM by the industry. The report will progressively highlight exceptional projects, industry leaders and research experts across Africa. A pan-African survey will integrate the opinion from a wider range of professionals. As a dynamic, future-focused, and thriving community, BIM Africa is well-positioned to champion the digital transformation of the built industry across Africa. Our approach covers broad industry education, extensive research, professional development and certifications, quality networking and the formulation of locally adapted standards. Our Research and Development Committee comprises of a thriving portfolio of internationally certified and brilliant academic researchers of African descent; the coming together of bright minds to impact their motherland