34 research outputs found

    The reactions of bread wheat lines against stem (black) rust (Puccinia graminis F. Sp. tritici) population

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    Quality parameter is very important selection for bread wheat improve programme. Yield trials were evaluated in terms of some physical characteristics, the amount of protein, its quality and some gluten rheological parameters. Stem rust (Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, (Pgt) can occur at higher altitudes and coastal areas in Turkey. On the other hand, stem rust is unfavorable for wheat quality to susceptible cultivars. 26 bread wheat genotypes (mixographe class; 3-6, (Bezostaja-1; 5) in yield trials were developed by the Central Research Institute for Field Crops (CRIFC) Department of Quality Assessment and Food. The aim of this study was to determine the reactions of 26 winter bread wheat lines to stem rust disease in adult plant stage. The test materials were sown in a one-meter row with 2 replications in Seydiler, Kastamonu Province. The test materials were screened under natural epidemic condition with Pgt (virulent on: Sr5, 6, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9b, 9g, 10, 30, Tmp and Mcn resistance genes). Stem rust developments on each entry were scored using the modified Cobb scale (Susceptible control cv. Little Club 80-100S) in June-August 2015. Coefficients of infections were calculated, and the values below 20 were considered as resistant to disease. Five (14%) genotypes were resistant to Pgt. These resistance genotypes can be used in both quality and stem rust resistance breeding programs to stem rust reactions


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    WOS: 000418419700009The present research was conducted to determine the reactions of 42 pure lines selected from bread wheat landraces of Eastern Anatolia, Turkey, against the leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) disease under field conditions across 7 environments. G (Genotype), GE (Genotype Environment) biplot analysis method was used to determine the reactions of landraces against leaf rust disease. GGE-biplot graph created to assess leaf rust disease was explained a 78.12% of total variation. While E3 and E2 constituted the first and second mega environments respectively, the other four environments constituted the third and fourth mega environments. The lowest PC1 values and PC2 values close to 0.0 explaining the resistance of pure lines to leaf rust at best in the biplot. Reactions of landraces varied based on their distance from the Average Environment Axis (AEA). While the pure lines with the same or similar reactions in 7 experimental environments fell close to the axis, ones with different reactions in one or more environments were relatively distant. The pure lines of EA15 and EA19 were identified as the most resistant and stable genotypes in all environments when EA42 and EA41 were the most susceptible/stable genotypes in all environments. Pure lines that were resistant or moderately resistant at all seven tested environments should be useful for breeding wheat cultivars with resistance to leaf rust in Turkey.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [111O255]; TUBITAKTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK)This research was funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK, project number 111O255). The authors thank TUBITAK for their financial support

    Evaluating leaf rust reactions of pure bread wheat landrace lines using non-parametric statistics

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    This research aims to assess genotype × environment interactions (G × E) of the leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) reactions of 29 Turkish landrace-derived pure lines over seven environments. Field experiments were conducted in Çanakkale, Edirne and Samsun (Turkey) in three consecutive growing seasons from 2011-2012 to 2013–2014 under natural conditions. Leaf rust reactions of genotypes were recorded in accordance with the Modified Cobb scale. Genotype stabilities assessed by non-parametric stability statistics. Furthermore, a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) biplot of non- parametric stability statistics were used to compare their capability for capturing both stability and leaf rust reactions of genotypes in the given dataset. PCA Biplot results showed that non-parametric parameters of Thennarasu and Percentage Availability (PA) showed a positive association with mean disease severity while Rank Means (RM) were negatively associated. Non-parametric stability analyses revealed that Genotypes 29, 25 and 15 were the most stable pure lines when only 25 and 15 could be considered as resistant-stable. In order to determine both stability and leaf rust resistance in bread wheat, PA and RM are recommended. © 2020, Springer Nature B.V

    Nexus between financial development and economic growth in Turkey: a RALS-EG cointegration test

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    Bu çalışmada 1980-2016 dönemi için Türkiye’de finansal gelişme ile ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişki araştırılmıştır. Literatürde finansal gelişme büyüme etkileşimini araştıran çok sayıda çalışma vardır. Ancak önceki çalışmaların birçoğunda finansal gelişmeyi temsilen özel sektöre sağlanan kredilerinin GSYH’ye oranı, borsa kapitalizasyonunun GSYH’ye oranı veya M2 gibi değişkenler kullanılmıştır. Ancak, bu göstergeler finansal gelişmenin karmaşık çok boyutlu yapısını dikkate almamaktadır. Bu çalışmada literatürden farklı olarak finansal gelişmeyi temsilen Uluslararası Para Fonu (IMF) tarafından hesaplanan finansal gelişme endeksi verileri kullanılmıştır. Değişkenler arasındaki uzun dönemli ilişki Engle-Granger (1987) ve Lee vd. (2015) tarafından geliştirilen RALS-EG eşbütünleşme testleri ile analiz edilmiştir. Engle-Granger eşbütünleşme testi sonucu, değişkenlerin eşbütünleşik olmadığını gösterirken, RALS-EG testi sonucu ise değişkenlerin eşbütünleşik olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Ardından uzun dönem katsayıları tahmin edilmiş ve finansal gelişmenin ekonomik büyümeye pozitif katkı sağladığı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca yapılan Granger (1969) nedensellik testi sonucunda finansal gelişmenin ekonomik büyümenin nedeni olduğu saptanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular arz öncüllü hipotezin Türkiye’de geçerli olduğunu göstermiştir. Finansal gelişme ve büyüme arasında bulunan bu ilişki, politika yapıcıların büyümeyi teşvik etmek için finansal gelişmeyi sağlayacak bankacılık sektörünü ve sermaye piyasalarını geliştirmeye yönelik gerekli düzenlemeleri yapmaları gerektiğini göstermektedir. Farklı finansal araçlara sahip derin ve likit bir piyasanın olması ülkelerin finansal şoklara karşı direncini artırmaya yardımcı olacak ve finansal istikrarı da teşvik edecektir.This study analyzes the relationship between financial development and economic growth for the period 1980-2016 in Turkey. There are many studies in the literature investigating the financial development growth interaction. However, in most of the previous studies, variables such as the ratio of loans provided to the private sector to GDP, the ratio of stock exchange capitalization to GDP, or M2 were used to represent financial development. However, these indicators do not consider the complex multidimensional nature of financial development. Unlike the earlier studies, the financial development index which is calculated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is used to represent financial development. The cointegration relationship between variables is examined by employing Engle-Granger (1987) and RALS-EG which is developed by Lee et al. (2015) cointegration tests. The results of the EG cointegration test denote that the variables are not cointegrated and the results of the RALS-EG test denote that the variables are cointegrated. Then long-term coefficients are estimated, and results indicate that financial development positively affects economic growth. Also, Granger (1969) causality test results indicate that financial development is the cause of economic growth. Thus, the findings show that the supply-leading hypothesis is valid in Turkey. This relationship between financial development and growth shows that policymakers need to make the necessary regulations to develop the banking sector and capital markets that will provide financial development to encourage growth. Having a deep and liquid market with different financial instruments will help countries increase their resilience to financial shocks and will also promote financial stability

    Evaluation of resistance of Turkish bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties to recently emerged Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici races

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    Using genetic diversity has made significant contribution to stripe rust resistance to improve wheat production. However, rapid evolution of the Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), and emergence of virulent races can negatively affect the wheat genotypes with race-specific resistance gene(s). In this study, reactions of 130 bread wheat varieties, released from 1931 to 2014, were evaluated to recently emerged Pst races in Turkey, PSTr-6 and PSTr-23, at seedling and adult-plant stages. 65.4% and 67.7% of wheat varieties showed susceptible reaction to PSTr-6 and PSTr-23 at seedling stage, respectively. Moreover, coefficient of infection (CI) values generated by infection type (IT) and disease severity (DS) data demonstrated that PSTr-23 (59.78) was more virulent than PSTr-6 (57.93) at adult-plant stage. In addition to these, the presence of important yellow rust (Yr) genes in these varieties was investigated at molecular level. It was determined that the frequencies of three Yr genes, Yr5, Yr10 and Yr15, among these varieties were 1.5, 6.2 and 3.8%, respectively. However, none of them had Yr36 and only one variety had Yr5+Yr10 combination with frequency of 0.7%. In conclusion, most varieties have not these Yr genes and possess a moderately resistance/susceptible reaction to both races in general. © 2022 Elsevier Lt

    Races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici identified from the coastal areas of Turkey

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    Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is a devastating disease of wheat in Turkey and worldwide. This pathogen can overcome known resistance genes and negatively affect the wheat production. The objectives of this study were to determine the virulence patterns of wheat stripe rust isolates collected from the coastal areas (Aegean and Mediterranean regions) of Turkey, and to examine the genetic diversity of the pathogen populations by simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker analysis. The majority of the isolates collected were virulent at various frequencies on the resistance genes Yr1 (50%), Yr6 (100%), Yr7 (78%), Yr8 (50%), Yr9 (84%), Yr10 (25%), Yr17 (38%), Yr24 (22%), Yr27 (31%), Yr32 (22%), Yr43 (47%), Yr44 (6%), YrSp (41%), YrTr1 (6%), and avirulent on Yr5 and Yr15. Based on the analysis of virulence, all isolates were determined as 25 races and clustered into six virulence groups (VGs). In contrast, the isolates clustered into four molecular groups (MGs) based on genotypic data. All four MGs were found in Aegean region of Turkey, while only three MGs (MG1, MG2 and MG3) were found in the Mediterranean region of the country. Additionally, analysis of molecular variance indicated that 80.9% of genetic variation was found within regions and 19.1% was found between the regions. The results suggest that interregional migration of the pathogen was high. The data can be helpful for the management of stripe rust and understanding the population structure and migration of Pst in Turkey. © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    Determination of rust reactions on some selected bread wheat lines

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    Bread wheat is important cereal crop in Turkey. Rusts (caused by Puccinia spp.) are significant fungal diseases affecting quality and yield on the Central Anatolian Plateau. Aim of this study was to determine the reactions of 24 genotypes to local rust populations at the seedling stage (for Pst, Pgt and Pt) in Ankara and at the adult plant stage (for Pst and Pgt) in Ankara (YR;Yellow rust, SR; Stem rust) and Kastamonu (SR) during 2013-2014 growing season. In this study, rust reactions were determined at selected 24 bread wheat genotypes according to quality parameters having test weight (75.5-80.4 kg/hl), mixographe (3.5-6.0), Zeleny sedimentation (57-65 ml). These materials were developed by Field Crops Central Research Institute (FCCRI) Department of Quality Assessment and Food. For seedling test; the seedlings were inoculated with local Pgt, Pt (LR; Leaf rust) and Pst populations. Yellow, leaf and stem rust developments on each entry were scored after 14 days with 0-9 and 0-4 and scale for yellow rust and leaf-stem rust, respectively. For adult plant test; the genotypes were inoculated with local Pst (YR) and Pgt (SR) populations. Yellow and stem rusts developments on each entry were scored using the modified Cobb scale. Coefficients of infections were calculated and values below 20 were considered to be resistant. At the end of this study to determine rust reactions on 24 quality bread wheat lines; at the seedling stage, 8 (33%), 6 (25%) and 6 (25%) genotypes were determined as resistant to YR, LR and SR, respectively while at the adult stage, 10 (42%) and 0 (0%) lines were found resistant to YR and SR, respectively. These 8 and 6 materials which have been selected according to resistance for YR and LR respectively were selected for next yield trial. In addition to these materials can be used in disease and quality crossing studies

    How much do we know about the venous thromboembolism? The approach of turkish plastic surgeons to the venous thromboembolism prophylaxis and preferred methods in prophylaxis: A survey study

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    Giriş: Derin ven trombozu (DVT) ve pulmoner emboli (PE) diğer cerrahi branşlarda olduğu gibi günümüz Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik cerrahi operasyonlarında da hastalar için önemli bir mortalite ve morbidite nedenidir. Bu çalışmada, Türk Plastik Cerrahların Venöz tromboemboli (VTE) farkındalık düzeyini belirlemek, uygulamakta oldukları VTE proflaksi protokolleri hakkında bilgi edinmek, ülkemizdeki VTE risk faktörlerinin sıklığını belirlenmesi amaçlarıyla uygulanan VTE anketinin sonuçlarının sunulması ve verilerin literatür ile karşılaştırılması amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda, Plastik Cerrahi prosedürlerine yönelik DVT ile ilgili 7 sorudan ve 2 sayfadan oluşan bir anket hazırlandı. Bu anket formu basılı ve elektronik olarak hazırlanarak, Türk Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Derneğinin düzenlediği iki kongrede Türkiye’de çalışan Plastik Cerrahi uzman hekimlerine sunuldu. Ayrıca, anketin elektronik formatı, derneğin forum sayfası üzerinden Plastik Cerrahlara ulaştırılarak sonuçlar e-posta üzerinden toplandı. Bulgular: 57 elektronik, 42 basılı olmak üzere toplam 99 anket değerlendirildi. Anket sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesinde, katılımcıların % 90’in DVT proflaksi uyguladığı, %10 ise uygulamadığı saptandı. Katılımcıların %94’ü preoperatif risk faktörlerini tüm hastaları için sorgularken, %6’sı risk faktörü sorgulaması yapmamaktaydı. Risk grubu sorgulayan cerrahların, en sık karşılaştıkları risk faktörü 93% oranıyla geçirilmiş DVT hikayesi olarak saptanmıştır. Sonuç: VTE‘ye bağlı mortalilite ve morbidite oranlarının azaltılmasında en etkili ve ucuz yöntemin proflaksi olduğunu unutulmamalıdır. Bu bakımdan ülkemiz Plastik cerrahi hasta populasyonuna ait risk faktörlerinin ve toplumdaki edinsel ya da konjenital hiperkoagulabilite oranlarının belirlenmesi ile VTE profilaksisi konusunda kendi branşımıza ait bir protokol oluşturulması gerektiğini düşünmekteyiz.Introduction: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) are important causes of morbidity and mortality for patients undergoing Plastic Surgical operations. In this study we evaluated the results of the survey which is prepared to identify the level of the consciousness about the venous thromboembolism (VTE) of the Turkish Plastic Surgeons. On the basis of this survey we also aimed to define the risk factors for VTE and the preferred methods for VTE prophylaxis. We also compared the results of this survey with the literature. Material and Methods: We prepared a survey composed of 2 pages and 7 questions, regarding the Plastic Surgical operations and VTE. The printed forms of this survey were distributed to the Turkish plastic surgeons in two national congresses of the Turkish Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. The electronic forms were distributed through the web page of the Society and the results were collected via e-mails. Results: The study included 99 surveys (57 electronic and 42 printed). Ninety percent of the participants were administering DVT prophylaxis. Ninety four percent of the participants were evaluating the risk factors for VTE before administering VTE prophylaxis. Conclusion: The easiest and the cheapest way to prevent the morbidity and mortality due to VTE is prophylaxis. It is necessary to find out the risk factors for the Plastic Surgical operations. It is also necessary to create a Plastic Surgery specific protocol for VTE prophylaxis


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    WOS: 000480511400079This research was conducted to determine reactions of 200 pure lines selected from among the bread wheat landraces collected from 18 provinces and 7 regions of Turkey to yellow (stripe) rust (YR) at seedling and adult stages. Seedling reactions were studied in greenhouse conditions at the Central Research Institute of Field Crops in Ankara against two YR isolates and adult plant reactions were determined under natural or artificially developed disease epidemics in field conditions in Ankara, canakkale, Bingol, Kahramanmaras and Edirne locations over three cropping seasons of 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14. For seedling stage reactions, urediniospores of two YR isolates representing populations in Ankara location were inoculated in mineral oil suspension. The test materials were incubated first at 9+1 degrees C with 100% humidity for 24 hours after inoculation. For adult plant stage reactions, the test materials were screened under natural or artificial developed disease conditions. For this, materials were sown in one-meter rows with two replications. YR severity on each entry was scored using the internationally recognized Modified Cobb scale when the cv. Little Club reached 80-100S. From the scores, Coefficients of Infections (CI) were calculated and values below 20 were considered to be resistant. As a result of the seedling stage and adult plant stage assessments over three years in five locations indicated that, 4 lines showed high level of resistance to YR. These landrace genotypes resistant to YR have been incorporated into breeding programs to be used as resistance sources against YR.Turkish Scientific and Technological Research CouncilTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [1110255]This paper presents research findings obtained through the three-year field experiments implemented with the support provided by Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (with a project number of 1110255). Acknowledgements are also extended to staff of the Central Research Institute for Field Crops and Thrace Agricultural Research Institute for their support in experimental work