1,847 research outputs found

    Role of ICTs in Enhancing a Sustainable Educational Development in Selected Secondary Schools in Ilorin Metropolis

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    The study investigated the impact of the introduction of Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) has made on the Sustenance of Education in selected secondary schools in Ilorin metropolis. The study made use of primary data obtained through the administration of questionnaires on thirty (30) teachers and Ninety (90) students randomly selected across the six secondary schools within metropolis. The data obtained from the study were analysed using descriptive statistics and chi-square. The results reveal that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has helped in the development of education in the study area. The findings also reveal that the students’ respondents have developed a positive attitude towards the use of ICT for the acquisition of new skills. . The study therefore recommended that government should make computer and internet facilities available at all levels of our education system as this is expected to improve the performance of students in their academic pursuit. Keywords: Sustainable Development, Information and Communication Technology.(ICT)

    Pengaruh Input Terhadap Nilai Tambah Industri Pengolahan Tembakau Di Indonesia

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    The purpose of this researched is to identify and analyze the influence of raw materials cost, fuel cost and capital cost to value-added of tobacco processing industry in Indonesia. This research was used secondary data from the years 2000-2013, published by the Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia. The analytical method used multiple linear regression analysis, the beta coefficient test and elasticity test with SPSS 21. The results of this research showed simultaneous raw materials cost, fuel cost and capital cost affect the value-added of tobacco processing industry in Indonesia. Partially fuel cost has no significant effect on the value-added of tobacco processing industry, while raw materials cost and capital cost significantly influence the value-added processing of the tobacco industry.The capital cost has a negative value. Raw materials cost have a dominant influence on value-added of tobacco processing industry in Indonesia

    Pengaruh Tingkat Pengangguran dan Tingkat Upah Minimum Provinsi terhadap Tingkat Kemiskinan di Provinsi Riau

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    Poverty is a complex and complicated issues that require analysis in order to obtain a solution to overcome poverty or at least reduce poverty. This study aimed to examine the effect of the unemployment rate and the level of the minimum wage on poverty levels in Riau province. This research uses secondary data. Analysis of the data in this study using a multiple linear regression method. Hypothesis testing using partial test (t test), simultaneous (F test), Test Correlation Coefficient (R) and test the coefficient of determination (R2). The data used in this study are data on the number of poor people, the number of unemployed and the level of the minimum wage in the province of Riau Province in 2002-2011. The results of the testing that has been done, the entire regression test showed that all independent variables have a significant effect on the dependent variable. Individual regression test showed that the number of open unemployment has no significant effect on the number of poor people in Riau province, but the provincial minimum wage have a significant effect on the number of poor people of Riau Province. The magnitude of the effect caused by the two independent variables together on the dependent variable of 92.1%, while the remaining 8.8% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.Keywords: Poverty, Unemployment, Province Minimum Wage

    Capital Fixity and Mobility in Response to the 2008-09 Crisis: Variegated Neoliberalism in Mexico and Turkey

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    The article examines the 2008-9 crisis responses in Mexico and Turkey as examples of variegated neoliberalism. The simultaneous interests of corporations and banks relative to the national fixing of capital and their mobility in the form of global investment heavily influenced each state authority’s policy responses to the crisis at the expense of the interests of the poor, workers, and peasantry. Rather than pitching this as either evidence of persistent national differentiation or some Keynesian state resurgence, we argue from a historical materialist geographical framework that the responses of capital and state authorities in Mexico and Turkey actively constitute and reconstitute the global parameters of market regulatory design and neoliberal class rule through each state’s distinct domestic policy formation and crisis management processes. While differing in specific content the form of Mexico and Turkey’s state responses to the crisis ensured continuity in their foregoing neoliberal strategies of development and capital accumulation, most notably in the continued oppression of workers. That is, the prevailing strategy of accumulation continues to be variegated neoliberalism

    Stagnancy of Land Use Arrangement Former Cultivation Rights

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    Land issues still cause problems especially in terms of USAge rights that are discharged, the allocation is still limited to the obsolete concept that is still applied today, while the increasingly complex needs for the development of the suitability and more appropriate. This study formulates the extent to which the city of Makassar in reorganizing this concession as its purpose-built sustainably and sustainable future. This study uses empirical juridical and legal research supported by the results of observation. The results of this study describe the efforts undertaken by the government in this case BPN Makassar City seem less innovative so that the impact on potential obstacles of regional development and running haltingly
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