4,553 research outputs found

    Jačine i odnosi jačina mišića ekstenzora i fleksora kolena kod sportista nakon rekonstrukcije prednjeg ukrštenog ligamenta

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    Introduction Maximal strength ratios such as the limb symmetry index (LSI) and hamstring-to-quadriceps ratio (HQ) may be considered the main outcome measures in the monitoring of recovery after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Although explosive strength is much more important than maximal strength, it is generally disregarded in the follow-up of muscle function recovery. Objective The purpose of this study was to compare ratios between maximal (Fmax) and explosive strength (rate of force development - RFD) in individuals with ACL reconstruction. Methods Fifteen male athletes were enrolled and had maximum voluntary isometric quadriceps and hamstring contractions tested (4.0 ± 0.1 months post reconstruction). In addition to Fmax, RFD was estimated (RFDmax as well as RFD at 50, 100, and 200 ms from onset of contraction) and LS gt I and HQ ratios were calculated. Results The involved leg demonstrated significant hamstring and quadriceps deficits compared to uninvolved leg (p lt 0.01). Deficits were particularly significant in the involved quadriceps, causing higher HQ ratios (average 0.63), compared to the uninvolved leg (0.44). LSI was significantly lower for RFD variables (average 55%) than for Fmax (66%). Conclusion The assessment of RFD may be considered an objective recovery parameter for one's readiness to return to sports and should be an integral part of standard follow-up protocol for athletes after ACL reconstruction. Moreover, the combination of indices derived from maximal and explosive strength may provide better insight in muscle strength balance, as well as a clear picture of functional implications.Uvod Maksimalne jačine ekstenzora i fleksora kolena, njihov međusobni odnos (eng. hamstrings-to-quadriceps ratio; HQ), kao i indeks simetrije operisane i neoperisane noge (eng. limb symmetry index; LSI) važni su pokazatelji pomoću kojih se prati oporavak nakon rekonstrukcije LCA. Iako je za izvođenje brojnih funkcionalnih zadataka eksplozivna jačina važnija od maksimalne, ova sposobnost generalno je zanemarena u praćenju oporavka mišićne funkcije. Cilj rada bio je da se uporede odnosi (maksimalne jačine (Fmax) i odnosi eksplozivne jačine (eng. Rate of Force Development - RFD) kod sportista sa rekonstrukcijom LCA. Metode rada U studiju je uključeno 15 sportista, kojima je testirana maksimalna voljna izometrijska kontrakcija (MBK) ekstenzora i fleksora kolena (4,0 ± 0,1 meseca postoperativno). Pored Fmax, procenjivan je i RFD (RFDmax, kao i RFD na 50, 100 i 200 ms od početka kontrakcije) i računati odnosi jačine (LSI i HQ odnos). Rezultati Maksimalna jačina i ekstenzora i fleksora operisane noge bila je značajno niža nego kod neoperisane noge (p lt 0,01). Deficiti su bili posebno izraženi kod ekstenzora operisane noge, usled čega su i HQ odnosi na toj strani (prosečno 0,63) bili veći nego kod neoperisane noge (0,44). Indeks simetrije je bio značajno niži za varijable RFD (prosečno 55%) nego za Fmax (66%). Zaključak Procena eksplozivne jačine može biti još jedan objektivni pokazatelj oporavka i spremnosti za izlaganje specifičnim opterećenjima i kretnjama, zbor čega bi trebalo da bude deo standardnog protokola za praćenje sportista nakon rekonstpukcije LCA. Štaviše, kombinacija indeksa izvedenih iz maksimalne i eksplozivne jačine morala bi dati kompletniji uvid u balans jačine mišića za kretnje koje zahtevaju maksimalne i eksplozivne akcije, kao i jasnu sliku o funkcionalnim implikacijama

    Alternating Consecutive Maximum Contraction as a Test of Muscle Function in Athletes Following ACL Reconstruction

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    The novel test based on isometric alternating consecutive maximal contractions performed by two antagonistic muscles has been recently proposed as a test of muscle function in healthy subjects. The aim of this study was to evaluate reliability and sensitivity of a novel test as a test of knee muscles function in athletes recovering from anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Fifteen male athletes with recent ligament reconstruction (4.0 +/- 0.1 months following the surgery) and 15 sport and physical education students participated in the study. Peak torques of the quadriceps and hamstring muscles assessed both through the alternating consecutive maximal contractions and standard isokinetic test performed at 60 ((degrees) under bar)/s and 180 ((degrees) under bar)/s served for calculation of the hamstrings-to-quadriceps ratio and the bilateral difference in strength. When applied on individuals recovering from anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, the novel test revealed a high within-day reliability and sensitivity for detecting imbalances both between antagonistic and between contralateral muscles. The present findings suggest that alternating consecutive maximal contractions could be used as a test of muscle function that is either complementary or alternative to the isokinetic test, particularly in the laboratories where the isokinetic devices are not available. Potential advantages of the novel test could be both a brief testing procedure and a possibility to conduct it using relatively inexpensive devices such as custom made kits containing a single one-axis force transducer

    Strange Particle Production in p+p, p+Pb and Pb+Pb Interactions from NA49

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    Recent NA49 results on Lambda, Antilambda, Xi- and Antixi+ production in minimum bias p+p and centrality selected p+Pb collisions at 158 GeV/c, and the results on Lambda, Antilambda, K+ and K- production in central Pb+Pb collisions at 40, 80 and 158 A GeV are discussed and compared with other available data. By comparing the energy dependence of Lambda and Antilambda production at mid-rapidity a striking similarity is observed between p+p and A+A data. This is also seen in the energy dependence of the Lambda/pi ratio. K+/pi at mid-rapidity is affected in a similar way, due to the associated production of K+ together with Lambda particles. The observed yields increase faster than the number of wounded nucleons when comparing p+Pb to p+p. As already observed in A+A collisions, the increase is larger for multistrange than for strange baryons and for baryons than for anti-baryons.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, To appear in proceedings of Strange Quark in Matter 2001-A Flavourspace Odyssey, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 24-29. Sept. 200

    Hanbury-Brown--Twiss Analysis in a Solvable Model

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    The analysis of meson correlations by Hanbury-Brown--Twiss interferometry is tested with a simple model of meson production by resonance decay. We derive conditions which should be satisfied in order to relate the measured momentum correlation to the classical source size. The Bose correlation effects are apparent in both the ratio of meson pairs to singles and in the ratio of like to unlike pairs. With our parameter values, we find that the single particle distribution is too distorted by the correlation to allow a straightforward analysis using pair correlation normalized by the singles rates. An analysis comparing symmetrized to unsymmetrized pairs is more robust, but nonclassical off-shell effects are important at realistic temperatures.Comment: 21 pages + 9 figures (tarred etc. using uufiles, submitted separately), REVTeX 3.0, preprint number: DOE/ER/40561-112/INT93-00-3

    Bioprospecting Staphylococcus Phages with Therapeutic and Bio-Control Potential

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    Emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is a serious threat to the public health. This is also true for Staphylococcus aureus and other staphylococci. Staphylococcus phages Stab20, Stab21, Stab22, and Stab23, were isolated in Albania. Based on genomic and phylogenetic analysis, they were classified to genus Kayvirus of the subfamily Twortvirinae. In this work, we describe the in-depth characterization of the phages that electron microscopy confirmed to be myoviruses. These phages showed tolerance to pH range of 5.4 to 9.4, to maximum UV radiation energy of 25 µJ/cm2, to temperatures up to 45 °C, and to ethanol concentrations up to 25%, and complete resistance to chloroform. The adsorption rate constants of the phages ranged between 1.0 × 10−9 mL/min and 4.7 × 10−9 mL/min, and the burst size was from 42 to 130 plaque-forming units. The phages Stab20, 21, 22, and 23, originally isolated using Staphylococcus xylosus as a host, demonstrated varied host ranges among different Staphylococcus strains suggesting that they could be included in cocktail formulations for therapeutic or bio-control purpose. Phage particle proteomes, consisting on average of ca 60–70 gene products, revealed, in addition to straight-forward structural proteins, also the presence of enzymes such DNA polymerase, helicases, recombinases, exonucleases, and RNA ligase polymer. They are likely to be injected into the bacteria along with the genomic DNA to take over the host metabolism as soon as possible after infection