32 research outputs found

    The Association Between Survivors’ Guilt and Gratitude in the Belongingness of First-Generation College Student Refugees

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    Refugees often experience a lot of stress and trauma before relocating to their host country (Leo, 2021). Additionally, they often continue to experience different challenges while adapting to their new environment (Leo, 2021). Refugees who relocate may experience survivor’s guilt, gratitude to their host country, or may not feel like a member in their new community. On top of new challenges and stressors, refugee students who are the first in their families to attend college feel pressure to excel academically in a way to ‘give back’ to their family and their host country (Turjanmaa & Jasinskaja-Lahti, 2020). Although there has been prior research on refugee individuals, there is limited work focused on first generation refugee college students. The current study aims to test three questions: 1) How does survivors’ guilt impact the feeling of belongingness in first generation college student refugees? 2) Do first generation college student refugees feel obligated to do well in school due to the feeling of indebtedness to their host country and family or the feeling of gratitude? 3) How does gratitude and indebtedness impact the feeling of belongingness in first generation college student refugees? We aim to recruit first generation college refugee students in the United States from multiple colleges to test these research questions. Aims will be tested with questionnaires provided to the students that assesses survivors’ guilt, gratitude, belongingness, obligation, and discrimination. The current abstract will focus on existing literature and the planned study.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/uresposters/1416/thumbnail.jp

    Typologie spatiale de la végétation sahélienne en relation avec les indicateurs de dégradation au Burkina Faso

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    La variation spatiale du couvert vegetal constitue un des determinismes majeurs de la qualite des ecosystemes. Elle influence la physionomie  spatiale de la vegetation ainsi que les mutations des ressources naturelles. Lfobjectif de ce travail est dfexaminer la typologie spatiale de la vegetation sahelienne selon le taux de couverture vegetale en decrivant les glacis selon le stade de degradation a travers une caracterisationfonctionnelle et structurale. La variation spatiale de la couverture vegetale a ete determinee par utilisation dfune image satellitaire de type Modis appuyee dfobservations visuelles et dfinvestigations de terrain. Erdas Imagine 9.2 et ArcGIS.10 ont ete utilises pour la cartographie synchronique de lfindice Normalise Differentiel  de Vegetation (NDVI). Le taux de  couverture vegetale a ete visuellement apprecie sur le terrain. Des relevesphytosociologiques et dendrometriques ont ete faits et des variables  environnementales ont ete examinees et caracterisees. Au terme de cette etude, trois stades de degradation bases sur le taux de couverture  vegetale ont ete definis: le stade tres degrade (NDVI faible et couverture vegetale < 10%), le stade moyennement degrade (NDVI moyen et 10% . couverture vegetale < 30%) et le stade peu degrade (NDVI eleve et couverture vegetale . 30%). Les analyses multivariees montrent une importante dissimilarite entre les stades de degradation des glacis. La caracterisation comparative des variables a revele des differences  significatives. Lfanalyse statistique en composantes principales (ACP) basee sur une approche correlative a permis la mise en evidence des meilleures variables indicatrices de chaque stade de degradation. Cette etude constitue un outil dfaide a la caracterisation des stades de degradation des glacis saheliens, etape importante pour le suivi de ladesertification pour un amenagement durable des ecosystemes.Mots cles: Images satellitaires, couverture vegetale, stades de  degradation, variables indicatrices, amenagement durable, Burkina Faso

    Rapid HIV testing and counseling for residents in battered women’s shelters

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    Over one million Americans live with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and roughly 20 percent of those living with HIV are unaware of their status. One way to decrease this epidemic is community-based rapid testing with high-risk populations. One high-risk population that has received limited attention is victims of intimate partner violence who seek shelter. In an effort to gain foundational information to implement rapid HIV testing and counseling services in domestic violence shelters, the current study conducted a series of focus groups with eighteen residents and ten staff of local shelters from October 15 to December 12, 2012. Participants provided valuable insight into how HIV rapid testing and counseling might be best implemented given the resources and constraints of shelter life. Despite identifying some potential barriers, most believed that the promise of quick results, the convenience and support afforded by the shelter venue, and the timing of the intervention at a point when women are making life changes would render the intervention acceptable to residents. Further insights are discussed in the article

    Evaluation of phosphorus in forest soils: Comparison of phosphorus uptake, extraction method and soil properties

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    Phosphorus in soils from plantation of red pine ( Pinus resinosa Ait.) was determined using six extractants: 0.002 N H 2 SO 4 (pH 3.0); 0.025 N HCl+ +0.03 N NH 4 F; 0.5 N NaHCO 3 (pH 8.5); N NH 4 OAc (pH 4.8); anion exchange resin (Dower −2, Cl-form); H 2 O. Correlations of extractable P with Al- and Al-+Fe-P indicated that these fractions are the dominant forms of inorganic P in most of the soils.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43473/1/11104_2005_Article_BF02149737.pd

    Access of rural women to forest resources and its impact on rural household welfare in North Central Nigeria

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    This study examined access of rural women to forest resources and its impact on rural household welfare in North Central Nigeria. Three states out of 6 states in the study area were purposively selected to cover 3 ethnic groups. A state was selected to cover at least one ethnic group. 4 villages were randomly selected in each state to make a total of 12 sample villages. Primary data were collected through structured questionnaire from 20 randomly selected rural women in each sample village to make a total of 240 respondents. Interview schedule was used to get information from 3 key informants in each sample village. The results of the study showed that rural women have restricted access to the exploitation of firewood and forest fruits on communal and family lands in the study area. They however have free and independent access to exploit fodder among the 3 ethnic groups while rural women have free access to exploit snails and mushrooms among the Yoruba ethnic groups in the study area. Chi-square test (p Tenurial rights Rural women Forest resources Rural household North Central Nigeria

    Impact des activités anthropiques sur la dynamique de la végétation de la réserve partielle de faune de Pama et de ses périphéries (sud-est du Burkina Faso) dans un contexte de variabilité climatique

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    Objectif : Ce travail rĂ©alisĂ© dans la rĂ©serve partielle de faune de Pama et ses pĂ©riphĂ©ries a pour objectif d’évaluer les changements opĂ©rĂ©s dans la vĂ©gĂ©tation sous l’influence du climat et de l’Homme.MĂ©thodologie et rĂ©sultats : Des images Landsat de 2001 et 2013 ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es pour faire la classification de la vĂ©gĂ©tation. Une ordination des sites en fonction des paramĂštres de vĂ©gĂ©tation collectĂ©es, a permis de faire le lien entre les sites dĂ©gradĂ©es et leur mode d’utilisation. Les variations du climat sont analysĂ©es à partir de l’indice standardisĂ© des prĂ©cipitations, les sĂ©quences sĂšches et le nombre de jours pluvieux. Les rĂ©sultats indiquent une rĂ©duction des formations vĂ©gĂ©tales denses, et une augmentation de la vĂ©gĂ©tation savanicole, sols nus et mosaĂŻques champs-jachĂšres. La carte typologique des changements d’occupation du sol, a montrĂ© une amĂ©lioration de 66,8 % de couverture vĂ©gĂ©tale localisĂ©e surtout dans les aires protĂ©gĂ©es tandis que la portion de la zone d’étude dĂ©gradĂ©e est de 28,8 %. Les paramĂštres pluviomĂ©triques montrent que la dĂ©cennie 2001-2010 est relativement plus aride que celle prĂ©cĂ©dente. Quant Ă  l’impact des modes d’utilisation des terres, les aires pĂąturĂ©s et les jachĂšres sont les plus dĂ©gradĂ©es comparativement Ă  la RĂ©serve partielle de faune de Pama et aux forĂȘts communautaires.Conclusion et application : La dĂ©gradation des Ă©cosystĂšmes de cette zone rĂ©sulte d’une action combinĂ©e des facteurs climatiques et anthropiques. Les phytocĂ©noses situĂ©es dans les aires protĂ©gĂ©es sont les moins dĂ©gradĂ©es, ce qui rĂ©affirme l’importance de ces aires de conservation dans un contexte de pression anthropique et de pĂ©joration climatique.Mots clĂ©s : dĂ©gradation des terres ; images Landsat ; indice de prĂ©cipitations ; types d’utilisation des terres

    Land cover change and plants diversity in the Sahel: A case study from northern Burkina Faso

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    Understanding land cover degradation patterns and the effects of geomorphological units on phytodiversity is important for guiding management decisions and restoration strategies in the Sahelian vulnerables zones. This paper describes land cover degradation by combining Landsat TM image analysis and field data measurements in the Gourouol catchment of the Sahelian zone of Burkina Faso. Erdas Imagine 9.2 and Arc-GIS.10 were applied. The change patterns were obtained by superposing land cover maps for 1992 and 2010. The field data were collected by the mean of inventories according to the Braun-Blanquet phytosociological relevés methods. Plot sizes were 50 m x 20 m for woody species and 10 m x 10 m for herbaceous species. Six land cover types were identified and mapped: cultivated lands, bared lands, lowlands, which all spatially increased; and shrub-steppes, grasslands and water bodies, which all spatially decreased. The dynamic patterns based on the geomorphological units were non-degraded lowlands, stable sand dunes and degraded glacis. High plant diversity was found in lowlands, whereas low diversity occurred in glacis. A significant dissimilarity was observed between communities. The Shannon diversity indices in plant communities were approximately close to ln(species richness). The Pielou indices were close to 1, indicating a species fairly good distribution. Our results showed a variation of land cover over time and the effects of geomorphological units on phytodiversity. Furthermore, this variation helps oppose land degradation in the Sahel