9 research outputs found


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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of plant coverage of the soil on the amount of water moving through the soil profile and the concentration of N-NO3, as well as the volume of load components taken out from the soil. The lysimeters were cover by the following plants: cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) – non-fertilized, cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) and perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) – fertilized with doses 20 kg P, 50 kg K i 120 kg N·ha-1, and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) - fertilized by 20 kg P and 50 kg K·ha-1. The study was conducted in 2009–2011 in Nowosielce, Podkarpackie province. Two sub-periods were distinguished in the vegetation season. The first period included growth of plants in the first regrowth, and the second in the second one. During the experimental period the biggest amount of water moved through the soil profile in the control object, and the least in the object with the red clover. The greatest concentration of NO3-N was found in water seepage in the object with red clover. The largest load of NO3-N was stated in this object as well. It was two times bigger than the load in the control object, by 20% bigger than in the object with perennial ryegrass and by 8% bigger than in the object with fertilized cocksfoot

    The Social Assistance System in Poland and Its Financing in 2015-2018 as A Factor of the Stabilization of the Socio-economic Policy of the State in Turbulent Conditions

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    Most developed countries in the world strive to provide their citizens with adequate living conditions and ensure a high level of social security. This security system also includes social assistance, which is the last level of state policy in supporting its citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Apart from fulfilling a protective role, the social welfare system also plays a stabilizing role in the socio-economic policy of the state. Problems related to the social system and financial resources allocated to their functioning from the state budget are the subject of many scientific publications around the world. Meanwhile, in Poland, there are few scientific publications on the effectiveness and financing of expenditure for social purposes, including the social assistance system. Identifying the level of financial resources allocated to the social assistance system may be the first step to rationalizing the system of financial transfers from the state budget. The article aims is to identify the level of budgetary expenditure allocated in Poland in 2015-2018 to the social assistance system. The analyzes carried out indicate that in the period 2015-2018, budget expenditure on the social assistance system and supporting families increased. In 2018, these expenses accounted for as much as 12.7% of the total state budget expenditure. There is a noticeable tendency consisting of reducing financial resources allocated to social assistance while increasing budgetary transfers directed to families with children - government's "Family 500+" program

    Analiza biopierwiastków w wodach źródlanych Powiatu Sanok na granicy Karpat Wschodnich i Zachodnich oraz ich wpływ na funkcjonowanie organizmu człowieka

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    The analysis of underground (spring) waters concerned 6 springs located in the eastern part of the Sanok District on the border of the Eastern and Western Carpathians (analysis of bioelements). There have been detected „natural mineral waters with sodium chloride content” with chemical admixtures such as: boron (HBO2 >10 mg·dm-3) strontium (Sr > 10 mg·dm-3), barium (Ba > 3 mg·dm-3), Lithium (Li > 1 mg·dm-3), in a potential perspective of economic importance. The above-mentioned water from Tyrawa Solna, has a historical aspect, connected with salt-works, as signified by the name of the village. The publicly availablespring of Chopin from the Sanok park is characterized by „natural mineral water with calcium content” at the same time it is „low-sodium water” with a sodium content ( 10 mg · dm-3) strontu (Sr > 10 mg · dm-3), baru (Ba > 3 mg · dm-3), litu (Li > 1 mg·dm-3), w ewentualnej perspektywie o znaczeniu gospodarczym. Wymieniona woda z Tyrawy Solnej, posiada aspekt historyczny, związany z warzelnictwem soli, o czym świadczy również nazwa miejscowości. Ogólnodostępne źródło Chopina z parku sanockiego cechuje „naturalna woda mineralna z zawartością wapnia” jednocześnie jest to „woda niskosodowa” o zawartości sodu (< 3 mg · dm-3). Źródło z Bykowiec niedaleko Sanoka, posiada „wodę swoistą leczniczą żelazistą” o zawartości żelaza (II) powyżej 10 mg · dm-3, natomiast źródło na drodze Olchowce-Liszna „Nad Wodospadem” (Pomnik Przyrody) jest bogate w „wodę swoistą leczniczą siarczkową” o zawartości siarki dwuwartościowej 3,8 mg · dm-3 (charakterystyczny zapach). Kryterium „wody swoistej leczniczej borowej” o stężeniu kwasu metaborowego HBO2 wyższym od 5 mg · dm-3 (współczynniki farmakodynamiczne) (Rozporządzenie Ministra Zdrowia) spełnia już wspomniana woda z Tyrawy Solnej. Woda ta zawiera również duże ilości sodu potasu, wapnia i magnezu, a jej mineralizacja przekroczyła 3500 mg · dm-3 (wysokozmineralizowana solanka). Na granicy Karpat Wschodnich i Zachodnich przemieszczając się na południe w kierunku Słowacji znaleziono w Bieszczadach dwa źródła (Mików, Radoszyce). Woda z „Cudownego Źródełka” w Radoszycach (okolice) należy do wód miękkich (twardość = 10 stopni niemieckich) oraz niskozmineralizowanych (mineralizacja < 500 mg · dm-3). Oznaczono również biopierwiastki, które występują w wodach źródlanych w ilościach śladowych tj. jod < 0,3 i fluor < 0,1 [mg · dm-3] oraz selen i wanad < 20, cynk i miedź < 10, chrom i nikiel < 5, molibden < 1 [μg · dm-3]. Analizy chemiczne wykonano następującymi metodami: ASA, ICP-OES, ICP-MS, IC, potencjometria (pH), konduktometria (EC), potencjał ORP, turbidymetria, argentometria, alkacymetria. Opisano wpływ na funkcjonowanie organizmu człowieka, niektórych biopierwiastków

    The Negligible Effect of Toxic Metal Accumulation in the Flowers of Melliferous Plants on the Mineral Composition of Monofloral Honeys

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    The accumulation of heavy metals in plant pollen and nectar exposes pollinators to environmental contaminations. Although honeybees act as biofilters and impede the transfer of heavy metals to honey, possible antagonistic interactions could negatively affect the mineral composition of bee-processed nectar. The aim of this study was to assess the level of harmful metals (Cd, Pd, Hg, Al, Ni and Tl) in relation to essential macro- (K, Ca and Mg) and microelements (Mn, Fe, Zn, Cu and Se) in three melliferous plant species (n = 45)—rapeseed, dandelion, and goldenrod—using the ICP-OES method. Metal transferability to three types of monofloral honey (n = 45) produced from these plants was evaluated. Among the studied plants, goldenrod and dandelion were found to be Cd and Pb accumulators; however, regardless of the plant species, only traces of harmful metals were found in honey (<0.015 and <0.043 mg/kg, respectively). What is more, the adverse impact of accumulated toxic metals (Tl, Cd, Ni, Pb and Al) on Ca, Mg and K levels in plants was noted, though it was not reflected in honey. Our findings suggest that in moderately contaminated environments, toxic metals are not transferred to honey and do not disturb its beneficial mineral composition

    Comparison of US and EU prices for Orphan Drugs in the perspective of the considered US Orphan Drugs Act modifications and discussed price-regulation mechanisms adjustments in US and European Union

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    The 2019 worldwide sales of Orphan Drugs were estimated at $136 billion USD, which constituted 16% of the global pharmaceutical prescription market and is expected to grow by 12% in the next 5 years. A better understanding of Orphan Drug pricing may contribute to on-going discussions on Orphan Drug Act (ODA) corrections in US or modifications of price setting mechanisms in EU. The objective of the study was comparison and analysis of the prices of Orphan Drugs in US and EU. All drugs with Orphan Drug status were compared in the US and EU. For the US prices, the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) was sourced. The EU List Prices came from six EU countries: Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Poland, Spain. We found US prices to be higher than the six selected EU countries. The average Price Ratio was 1.64. The prices across EU countries were more homogeneous, while the number of the reimbursed and therefore available to patient medicines varied and was correlated with GDP per capita r = 0.87. Considered implementation of the External Reference Price system in US may generate significant savings in the US but may result in upward pressure on pricing of Orphan Drugs in EU. Centralization of the Orphan Drugs pricing negotiations in EU may prevent such development and offer a win-win opportunity for all involved parties

    Interventions to increase patient safety in long-term care facilities - umbrella review

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    Introduction: Patient safety in long-term care is becoming an increasingly popular subject in the scientific literature. Organizational problems such as shortages of medical staff, insufficient numbers of facilities or underfunding increase the risk of adverse events, and aging populations in many countries suggests that these problems will become more and more serious with each passing year. The objective of the study is to identify interventions that can contribute to increasing patient safety in long-term care facilities. Method: A systematic review of secondary studies was conducted in accordance with the Cochrane Collaboration guidelines. Searches were conducted in Medline (via PubMed), Embase (via OVID) and Cochrane Library. The quality of the included studies was assessed using AMSTAR2. Results: Ultimately, 10 studies were included in the analysis. They concerned three main areas: promoting safety culture, reducing the level of occupational stress and burnout, and increasing the safety of medication use. Promising methods that have an impact on increasing patient safety include: preventing occupational burnout of medical staff, e.g., by using mindfulness-based interventions; preventing incidents resulting from improper administration of medications, e.g., by using structured methods of patient transfer; and the use of information technology that is more effective than the classic (paper) method or preventing nosocomial infections, e.g., through programs to improve the quality of care in institutions and the implementation of an effective infection control system. Conclusions: Taking into account the scientific evidence found and the guidelines of institutions dealing with patient safety, it is necessary for each long-term care facility to individually implement interventions aimed at continuous improvement of the quality of care and patient safety culture at the level of medical staff and management staff

    Influence of selected indicators of healthcare system functioning evaluation on the health result

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    Background: According to the World Health Organization’s statistics, 7 of the 10 main causes of death in 2019 were noncommunicable diseases. Health indicators are measures used to evaluate public health system effectiveness and functioning. Monitoring mortality rates from leading causes, life expectancy and other health indicators is essential to address their causes and adapt health systems to react adequately. The aim of this study is to present the dependencies of selected health care indicators and health outcomes. Methods: Based on the literature review conducted, selected health indicators, along with healthcare system data, were analyzed using Pearson’s r correlation. The analyses included data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) presented in statistics and the Health at a Glance 2021 report and data collected as part of the preparation of the Financing Global Health 2020 report by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Results: Health system resources are linked to health outcomes. The number of medical consultations, the number of nurses per patient or the level of financing of services under general health insurance are related to life expectancy and deaths due to causes that could have been avoided or treated. Conclusions: Life expectancy is positively correlated with access to general health insurance and public expenditure on healthcare. There is a need for all countries to provide their citizens with broad access to healthcare services

    The sense of coherence and health behavior of men with alcohol addiction

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    Introduction: Alcohol dependence is one of the world’s major health challenges. The salutogenic concept of health developed by Antonovsky focuses on the search for resources and factors supporting health. Its basic concept of the sense of coherence (SOC) focuses on strengthening the global orientation of the patient, and creating permanent internal resources that translate into the improvement of pro-health behavior, including the fight against alcoholism. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the correlation between individual factors and the SOC as well as the influence of the SOC concept on pro-health behavior of people addicted to alcohol. Materials and methods: The study group consisted of 110 men undergoing treatment in an addiction treatment ward. To check the level of the SOC, two standardized questionnaires, Antonovsky’s “SOC-29 Life Orientation Questionnaire” and Juczyński’s “Health Behaviour Inventory”, were used. The correlation coefficient between the sociodemographic variables was checked using the Pearson’s r test. Results: A positive correlation was found with the intensity of pro-health behaviors for three sociodemographic variables. In people aged 43–65 (r = 0.299; p = 0.030), people with primary/vocational education (r = 0.276; p = 0.015), and respondents living in rural areas (r = 0.303; p = 0.028) a greater SOC was associated with pro-health behaviors. Conclusions: Individuals addicted to alcohol are characterized by a low SOC and a low level of pro-health behaviors. Strengthening the internal level of the SOC can constitute an element of addiction therapy when introducing health education to prepare the patient for independent life in sobriety

    Civil lawsuits as an indicator of adverse outcomes in healthcare

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    The financial burden of adverse healthcare outcomes in Poland still remains unknown. The objective of the study was to estimate the cost of adverse healthcare outcomes in the Polish healthcare system. Cost calculation was performed on the basis of civil cases completed in Polish courts against doctors and healthcare entities. The research material consisted of 183 civil cases completed by a final judgment in 2011–2013. The case study was conducted in five out of forty-five district courts across the country. Out of 183 reviewed cases, 73 complaints ended up with favorable judgments (39.9%). The average value of the subject matter of the dispute was USD 78,675. The total expected value of lawsuits in the 183 reviewed cases was USD 11,299,020. The total amount awarded in 73 judgments from medical facilities to injured patients was USD 2,653,595, which on average means USD 36,351 per case. The average amount of awarded compensation was USD 33,317 per case. The average compensation amount in the analyzed cases was USD 11,724. The average one-time annuity for a patient was USD 11,788. The estimated costs of negative healthcare outcomes amounted to USD 8,000,000 per year