2,317 research outputs found

    Screening of heavy quark free energies at finite temperature and non-zero baryon chemical potential

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    We analyze the dependence of heavy quark free energies on the baryon chemical potential (mu_b) in 2-flavour QCD using improved (p4) staggered fermions with a bare quark mass of m/T = 0.4. By performing a 6th order Taylor expansion in the chemical potential which circumvents the sign problem. The Taylor expansion coefficients of colour singlet and colour averaged free energies are calculated and from this the expansion coefficients for the corresponding screening masses are determined. We find that for small mu_b the free energies of a static quark anti-quark pair decrease in a medium with a net excess of quarks and that screening is well described by a screening mass which increases with increasing mu_b. The mu_b-dependent corrections to the screening masses are well described by perturbation theory for T > 2 T_c. In particular, we find for all temperatures above T_c that the expansion coefficients for singlet and colour averaged screening masses differ by a factor 2.Comment: 14 page

    Modes of clustered star formation

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    The realization that most stars form in clusters, raises the question of whether star/planet formation are influenced by the cluster environment. The stellar density in the most prevalent clusters is the key factor here. Whether dominant modes of clustered star formation exist is a fundamental question. Using near-neighbour searches in young clusters Bressert et al. (2010) claim this not to be the case and conclude that star formation is continuous from isolated to densely clustered. We investigate under which conditions near-neighbour searches can distinguish between different modes of clustered star formation. Near-neighbour searches are performed for model star clusters investigating the influence of the combination of different cluster modes, observational biases, and types of diagnostic and find that the cluster density profile, the relative sample sizes, limitations in observations and the choice of diagnostic method decides whether modelled modes of clustered star formation are detected. For centrally concentrated density distributions spanning a wide density range (King profiles) separate cluster modes are only detectable if the mean density of the individual clusters differs by at least a factor of ~65. Introducing a central cut-off can lead to underestimating the mean density by more than a factor of ten. The environmental effect on star and planet formation is underestimated for half of the population in dense systems. A analysis of a sample of cluster environments involves effects of superposition that suppress characteristic features and promotes erroneous conclusions. While multiple peaks in the distribution of the local surface density imply the existence of different modes, the reverse conclusion is not possible. Equally, a smooth distribution is not a proof of continuous star formation, because such a shape can easily hide modes of clustered star formation (abridged)Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted by A&

    Heavy Quark Interactions in Finite Temperature QCD

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    We study the free energy of a heavy quark-antiquark pair in a thermal medium. We constuct a simple ansatz for the free energy for two quark flavors motivated by the Debye-H\"uckel theory of screening.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, contribution to the proceedings of the International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High Energy Nuclear Collisions, Ericeira, Portugal, Nov. 4-10, 200

    Heavy quark free energies and screening at finite temperature and density

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    We study the free energies of heavy quarks calculated from Polyakov loop correlation functions in full 2-flavour QCD using the p4-improved staggered fermion action. A small but finite Baryon number density is included via Taylor expansion of the fermion determinant in the Baryo-chemical potential mu. For temperatures above Tc we extract Debye screening masses from the large distance behaviour of the free energies and compare their mu-dependence to perturbative results.Comment: 6 pages, Presented at 23rd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2005), Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 25-30 Jul 200

    Determination of Freeze-out Conditions from Lattice QCD Calculations

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    Freeze-out conditions in Heavy Ion Collisions are generally determined by comparing experimental results for ratios of particle yields with theoretical predictions based on applications of the Hadron Resonance Gas model. We discuss here how this model dependent determination of freeze-out parameters may eventually be replaced by theoretical predictions based on equilibrium QCD thermodynamics.Comment: presented at the International Conference "Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement - CPOD 2011", Wuhan, November 7-11, 201

    Numerical study of the equation of state for two flavor QCD at finite density

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    We discuss the equation of state for 2 flavor QCD at non-zero temperature and density. Derivatives of lnZ\ln Z with respect to quark chemical potential μq\mu_q up to fourth order are calculated, enabling estimates of the pressure, quark number density and associated susceptibilities as functions of μq\mu_q via a Taylor series expansion. It is found that the fluctuations in the quark number density increase in the vicinity of the phase transition temperature and the susceptibilities start to develop a pronounced peak as μq\mu_q is increased. This suggests the presence of a critical endpoint in the (T,μq)(T, \mu_q) plane.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Talk at Confinement 200

    COSMIC: US-based Conversion Master\u27s Degree in Computing

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    COSMIC is an NSF S-STEM graduate curriculum initiative/conversion program that strives to provide an accelerated pathway to a Master of Science (MS) degree for individuals who do not have an undergraduate degree in computing, but who wish to cross over into the computing field. The structure of our conversion program, the context that motivated it, and insights from conversion students\u27 instructors are presented. Program successes with students from under-represented populations and the limitations that are also experienced are discussed. Our conversion program is based on a highly focused summer bridge course, combined with a customized curriculum pathway that enables people without undergraduate computing degrees to merge quickly and efficiently into a professional MS in computing degree program. The program is similar in concept to post-baccalaureate conversion programs in New Zealand (e.g., the Master of Software Development at the Victoria University of Wellington) and the extensive conversion choices in the UK. Undergraduate and graduate student enrollment statistics from past and current (2018) CRA Taulbee Surveys strongly suggest the computing profession has a moral obligation to seek out and encourage individuals from under-represented populations to become a significant part of the computing professional community. We encourage other institutions to join in the effort to recruit and provide pathways for post-baccalaureate individuals from under-represented populations to become a significant part of the computing community

    Lattice calculation of medium effects at short and long distances

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    We investigate medium effects in QCD like chromoelectric screening and quasi-particle mass generation by calculating the heavy quark potential as well as the temporal quark and gluon Coulomb gauge propagators in quenched approximation.Comment: To appear in proceedings of Quark Matter 2001, 4 pages LaTeX, uses espcrc1.st

    QCD at non-zero chemical potential and temperature from the lattice

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    A study of QCD at non-zero chemical potential, mu, and temperature, T, is performed using the lattice technique. The transition temperature (between the confined and deconfined phases) is determined as a function of mu and is found to be in agreement with other work. In addition the variation of the pressure and energy density with mu is obtained for small positive mu. These results are of particular relevance for heavy-ion collision experiments.Comment: Invited paper presented at the Joint Workshop on Physics at the Japanese Hadron Facility, March 2002, Adelaide. 10 pages, uses ws-procs9x6.cls style file (provided

    The QCD equation of state for two flavours at non-zero chemical potential

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    We present results of a simulation of 2 flavour QCD on a 163×416^3\times4 lattice using p4-improved staggered fermions with bare quark mass m/T=0.4m/T=0.4. Derivatives of the thermodynamic grand canonical partition function Z(V,T,μu,μd)Z(V,T,\mu_u,\mu_d) with respect to chemical potentials μu,d\mu_{u,d} for different quark flavours are calculated up to sixth order, enabling estimates of the pressure and the quark number density as well as the chiral condensate and various susceptibilities as functions of μu,d\mu_{u,d} via Taylor series expansion. Results are compared to high temperature perturbation theory as well as a hadron resonance gas model. We also analyze baryon as well as isospin fluctuations and discuss the relation to the chiral critical point in the QCD phase diagram. We moreover discuss the dependence of the heavy quark free energy on the chemical potential.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, talk presented at Quark Matter 2005, Budapes