44 research outputs found

    Apoptosis: its origin, history, maintenance and the medical implications for cancer and aging

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    Programmed cell death is a basic cellular mechanism. Apoptotic-like programmed cell death (called apoptosis in animals) occurs in both unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes, and some apoptotic mechanisms are observed in bacteria. Endosymbiosis between mitochondria and eukaryotic cells took place early in the eukaryotic evolution, and some of the apoptotic-like mechanisms of mitochondria that were retained after this event now serve as parts of the eukaryotic apoptotic machinery. Apoptotic mechanisms have several functions in unicellular organisms: they include kin-selected altruistic suicide that controls population size, sharing common goods, and responding to viral infection. Apoptotic factors also have non-apoptotic functions. Apoptosis is involved in the cellular aging of eukaryotes, including humans. In addition, apoptosis is a key part of the innate tumor-suppression mechanism. Several anticancer drugs induce apoptosis, because apoptotic mechanisms are inactivated during oncogenesis. Because of the ancient history of apoptosis, I hypothesize that there is a deep relationship between mitochondrial metabolism, its role in aerobic versus anaerobic respiration, and the connection between apoptosis and cancer. Whereas normal cells rely primarily on oxidative mitochondrial respiration, most cancer cells use anaerobic metabolism. According to the Warburg hypothesis, the remodeling of the metabolism is one of the processes that leads to cancer. Recent studies indicate that anaerobic, non-mitochondrial respiration is particularly active in embryonic cells, stem cells, and aggressive stem-like cancer cells. Mitochondrial respiration is particularly active during the pathological aging of human cells in neurodegenerative diseases. According to the reversed Warburg hypothesis formulated by Demetrius, pathological aging is induced by mitochondrial respiration. Here, I advance the hypothesis that the stimulation of mitochondrial metabolism leads to pathological aging

    The High Throughput Sequence Annotation Service (HT-SAS) – the shortcut from sequence to true Medline words

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Advances in high-throughput technologies available to modern biology have created an increasing flood of experimentally determined facts. Ordering, managing and describing these raw results is the first step which allows facts to become knowledge. Currently there are limited ways to automatically annotate such data, especially utilizing information deposited in published literature.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To aid researchers in describing results from high-throughput experiments we developed HT-SAS, a web service for automatic annotation of proteins using general English words. For each protein a poll of Medline abstracts connected to homologous proteins is gathered using the UniProt-Medline link. Overrepresented words are detected using binomial statistics approximation. We tested our automatic approach with a protein test set from SGD to determine the accuracy and usefulness of our approach. We also applied the automatic annotation service to improve annotations of proteins from <it>Plasmodium bergei </it>expressed exclusively during the blood stage.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Using HT-SAS we created new, or enriched already established annotations for over 20% of proteins from <it>Plasmodium bergei </it>expressed in the blood stage, deposited in PlasmoDB. Our tests show this approach to information extraction provides highly specific keywords, often also when the number of abstracts is limited. Our service should be useful for manual curators, as a complement to manually curated information sources and for researchers working with protein datasets, especially from poorly characterized organisms.</p

    e-LiSe--an online tool for finding needles in the '(Medline) haystack'.

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    UNLABELLED Using literature databases one can find not only known and true relations between processes but also less studied, non-obvious associations. The main problem with discovering such type of relevant biological information is 'selection'. The ability to distinguish between a true correlation (e.g. between different types of biological processes) and random chance that this correlation is statistically significant is crucial for any bio-medical research, literature mining being no exception. This problem is especially visible when searching for information which has not been studied and described in many publications. Therefore, a novel bio-linguistic statistical method is required, capable of 'selecting' true correlations, even when they are low-frequency associations. In this article, we present such statistical approach based on Z-score and implemented in a web-based application 'e-LiSe'. AVAILABILITY The software is available at http://miron.ibb.waw.pl/elise

    Slow Adaptive Response of Budding Yeast Cells to Stable Conditions of Continuous Culture Can Occur without Genome Modifications

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    Continuous cultures assure the invariability of environmental conditions and the metabolic state of cultured microorganisms, whereas batch-cultured cells undergo constant changes in nutrients availability. For that reason, continuous culture is sometimes employed in the whole transcriptome, whole proteome, or whole metabolome studies. However, the typical method for establishing uniform growth of a cell population, i.e., by limited chemostat, results in the enrichment of the cell population gene pool with mutations adaptive for starvation conditions. These adaptive changes can skew the results of large-scale studies. It is commonly assumed that these adaptations reflect changes in the genome, and this assumption has been confirmed experimentally in rare cases. Here we show that in a population of budding yeast cells grown for over 200 generations in continuous culture in non-limiting minimal medium and therefore not subject to selection pressure, remodeling of transcriptome occurs, but not as a result of the accumulation of adaptive mutations. The observed changes indicate a shift in the metabolic balance towards catabolism, a decrease in ribosome biogenesis, a decrease in general stress alertness, reorganization of the cell wall, and transactions occurring at the cell periphery. These adaptive changes signify the acquisition of a new lifestyle in a stable nonstressful environment. The absence of underlying adaptive mutations suggests these changes may be regulated by another mechanism

    Systematic Association of Genes to Phenotypes by Genome and Literature Mining

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    One of the major challenges of functional genomics is to unravel the connection between genotype and phenotype. So far no global analysis has attempted to explore those connections in the light of the large phenotypic variability seen in nature. Here, we use an unsupervised, systematic approach for associating genes and phenotypic characteristics that combines literature mining with comparative genome analysis. We first mine the MEDLINE literature database for terms that reflect phenotypic similarities of species. Subsequently we predict the likely genomic determinants: genes specifically present in the respective genomes. In a global analysis involving 92 prokaryotic genomes we retrieve 323 clusters containing a total of 2,700 significant gene–phenotype associations. Some clusters contain mostly known relationships, such as genes involved in motility or plant degradation, often with additional hypothetical proteins associated with those phenotypes. Other clusters comprise unexpected associations; for example, a group of terms related to food and spoilage is linked to genes predicted to be involved in bacterial food poisoning. Among the clusters, we observe an enrichment of pathogenicity-related associations, suggesting that the approach reveals many novel genes likely to play a role in infectious diseases

    Evolution of apoptosis-like programmed cell death in unicellular protozoan parasites

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    Apoptosis-like programmed cell death (PCD) has recently been described in multiple taxa of unicellular protists, including the protozoan parasites Plasmodium, Trypanosoma and Leishmania. Apoptosis-like PCD in protozoan parasites shares a number of morphological features with programmed cell death in multicellular organisms. However, both the evolutionary explanations and mechanisms involved in parasite PCD are poorly understood. Explaining why unicellular organisms appear to undergo 'suicide' is a challenge for evolutionary biology and uncovering death executors and pathways is a challenge for molecular and cell biology. Bioinformatics has the potential to integrate these approaches by revealing homologies in the PCD machinery of diverse taxa and evaluating their evolutionary trajectories. As the molecular mechanisms of apoptosis in model organisms are well characterised, and recent data suggest similar mechanisms operate in protozoan parasites, key questions can now be addressed. These questions include: which elements of apoptosis machinery appear to be shared between protozoan parasites and multicellular taxa and, have these mechanisms arisen through convergent or divergent evolution? We use bioinformatics to address these questions and our analyses suggest that apoptosis mechanisms in protozoan parasites and other taxa have diverged during their evolution, that some apoptosis factors are shared across taxa whilst others have been replaced by proteins with similar biochemical activities

    Why similar protein sequences encode similar three-dimensional structures?

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    Evolutionarily related proteins have similar sequences. Such similarity is called homology and can be described using substitution matrices such as Blosum 60. Naturally occurring homologous proteins usually have similar stable tertiary structures and this fact is used in so-called homology modeling. In contrast, the artificial protein designed by the Regan group has 50% identical sequence to the B1 domain of Streptococcal IgG-binding protein and a structure similar to the protein Rop. In this study, we asked the question whether artificial similar protein sequences (pseudohomologs) tend to encode similar protein structures, such as proteins existing in nature. To answer this question, we designed sets of protein sequences (pseudohomologs) homologous to sequences having known three-dimensional structures (template structures), same number of identities, same composition and equal level of homology, according to Blosum 60 substitution matrix as the known natural homolog. We compared the structural features of homologs and pseudohomologs by fitting them to the template structure. The quality of such structures was evaluated by threading potentials. The packing quality was measured using three-dimensional homology models. The packing quality of the models was worse for the “pseudohomologs” than for real homologs. The native homologs have better threading potentials (indicating better sequence-structure fit) in the native structure than the designed sequences. Therefore, we have shown that threading potentials and proper packing are evolutionarily more strongly conserved than sequence homology measured using the Blosum 60 matrix. Our results indicate that three-dimensional protein structure is evolutionarily more conserved than expected due to sequence conservation

    Detection of positive selection acting on protein surfaces at the whole-genome scale in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum.

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    The host–parasite evolutionary arms race is a fundamental process with medical implications. During this pro- cess, the host develops parasite resistance, and the parasite develops host immune evasion strategies. Thus, this process accelerates relevant protein evolution. This study test hypothesizes that proteins subject to sequence evolution structural constraints play a crucial role and that these constraints hinder the modification of such proteins in this process. These hypotheses were tested using Plasmodium falciparum model and evaluated protein structures predicted for the entire proteome by the AlphaFold method. Based on dN/dS test results and P. falciparum and P. reichenowi comparisons, the presented approach identified proteins subject to purifying selection acting on the whole sequence and buried residues (dN < dS) and positive selection on nonburied residues. Of the 26 proteins, some known antigens (ring-exported protein 3, RAP protein, erythrocyte binding antigen-140, and protein P47) targeted by the host immune system are promising vaccine candidates. The set also contained 11 enzymes, including FIKK kinase, which modifies host proteins. This set was compared with genes for which the dN/dS test suggested that positive selection acts on the whole gene (i.e., dN > dS). The present study found that such genes encode enzymes and antigenic vaccine candidates less frequently than genes for which evolution is not subject to selection constraints and positive selection acts on only exposed residues. The analysis was repeated comparing P. falciparum with P. alderi, which is more distantly related. The study discusses the potential implications of the presented methodology for rational vaccine design and the parasi- tology and evolutionary biology fields