20 research outputs found

    Building trust in virtual project teams during the Covid-19 pandemic : the viewpoint of project managers from Poland, France and Germany

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    PURPOSE: The aim of the research was to determine the factors conducive to building trust in virtual project teams during the COVID-19 pandemic.PROJECT/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The theoretical-cognitive goal was a substantive review of the subject literature and scientific studies in the field of broadly understood trust-building in virtual project teams. The analysis of the presented problem made it possible to notice the key problems that occur when building trust between the team members and the project manager. The key problem was building trust in a team that carried out its activities virtually.CONCLUSIONS: The conclusions drawn will enable an in-depth analysis of key problems in managing a virtual project team during a crisis and will permit the adaptation of appropriate methods and techniques of project management to the project stakeholders' expectations.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Creating a code of good practice for managing a virtual project team during the time of a crisis, including the COVID-19 pandemic.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The authors present trust-building in the team as one of the most significant elements affecting the team's results, which is why it is becoming necessary to implement good practices in the practice of managing a virtual team, especially during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.peer-reviewe

    Corporate social responsibility in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic on the example of companies from Poland, Belgium, and Ukraine

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    PURPOSE: This article aimed to identify CSR activities undertaken by companies from various countries during the pandemic. The authors have based their systematics of activities on empirical research conducted among the managerial staff of enterprises in Poland, Belgium, and Ukraine.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: To check how and whether the CSR strategy was implemented among socially responsible enterprises during the COVID 19 pandemic, pilot studies were carried out among middle and senior management in July - August 2020. These studies were carried out in Poland, Ukraine, and Belgium. Authors used a diagnostic survey, interview technique, and a research tool in the form of an interview questionnaire.FINDINGS: Socially responsible enterprises should be mainly involved in the fight against Covid-19 in a pandemic. All respondents confirmed that their employer had taken extraordinary measures to protect the employees against the coronavirus.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The article identifies the actions of corporate social responsibility undertaken and indicates the gap that has not been taken. According to the authors, this is especially important at the threshold of the fourth wave of the pandemic.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: During the crisis, social expectations towards the most prominent brands are growing, conducive to gaining new customers and building ties. Customers and local communities appreciate all support activities used by companies around the world. Companies from Poland, Belgium, and Ukraine focus on initiatives that mitigate the effects of the crisis and support society. Undoubtedly, support in purchasing masks, respirators for hospitals, MS Teams training for teachers, or employee volunteering in nursing homes were significant.peer-reviewe

    Efficiency of human capital during and after the pandemic in the context of online work and education

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this article is to demonstrate the significance of remote work and learning as tools that reflect the effectiveness of human capital.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research aimed to assess the effectiveness of remote work and learning compared to traditional methods. A survey was conducted in 2022 among a group of 499 students from the Warsaw School of Management. The survey included students from all fields of study. The empirical research was pilot in nature and provides a basis for continuing research in this area, drawing conclusions and formulating recommendations for both employers and the academic community.FINDINGS: The generated conclusions will enable a thorough analysis of key problems in the context of improving solutions and practices implemented in remote work and learning processes as key determinants of the growth of human capital effectiveness in contemporary enterprises.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The article identifies the actions, threats, and challenges facing employers in the area of utilizing and increasing the effectiveness of human capital, which is a strategic factor of contemporary enterprises, particularly evident in crisis situations that increasingly affect organizations worldwide for various reasons (pandemics, wars, etc.).ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The authors present remote work and learning as modern and effective tools for increasing the effectiveness of human capital in contemporary enterprises, requiring many actions and far-reaching changes that bring undeniable benefits in the work environment. Until the pandemic and in the face of the war in Ukraine, remote work and learning were not used on such a large scale. According to the authors, they have become commonly used tools, which requires further research.peer-reviewe

    Human capital in the labour market

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    W artykule dokonano próby charakterystyki kapitału ludzkiego oraz uwarunkowań jego rozwoju w Polsce. Zwrócono także uwagę na aspekty rynku pracy widzianego oczami pracodawcy. Jak wynika z badań, nadal za kluczowe uważa się posiadanie doświadczenia, wykształcenia oraz kompetencji, nie tylko zawodowych, lecz także na poziomie wyższym niż wymaga tego stanowisko pracy. Materiałem badawczym wykorzystanym w artykule są dane empiryczne z badań V edycji projektu Bilans kapitału ludzkiego, GUS oraz Eurostatu. Projekt BKL realizowany był przez Polską Agencję Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości. Liczby uzyskane na podstawie danych BKL mogą być nieco wyższe niż podawane przez PUP, gdyż deklaracje respondentów mogą nie być tak precyzyjne jak oficjalne rejestry. Nie mniej jednak nie wpływają one w sposób znaczący na deformowanie obrazu rzeczywistej sytuacji na rynku pracy oraz sygnalizują kluczowe problemy i tendencje.The article is an attempt to characterize human capital and conditions of his development in Poland. It also draws attention to the aspects of labour market seen through the eyes of an employer. Studies show that experience, education and soft skills are still key factors and they are required on higher level than it is needed for the position. Research material used for the article contains empiric data from studies of Fifth edition of project Study of Human Capital in Poland, data from Central Statistical Office of Poland and Eurostat. Project SoHCiP was implemented by Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. Numbers obtained based on study by Human Capital in Poland could be a little higher than the ones given by District Labour Office, because responders declarations might be not as precise as their official registers. Nevertheless they do not have such an important impact on deforming the picture of labour`s market situation and they highlight key problems and tendencies

    Organic food market and growing needs and awareness of the contemporary consumer

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    The aim of the study is to determine the factors that influence the organic food consumers’ shopping decisions. In 2019, research in this area was conducted among 113 organic food consumers, using the diagnostic survey method with the application of the poll technique and a questionnaire form as a research tool. The research has revealed that organic products have become a target for more and more consumers, who, in their choices, are guided by both rational and emotional arguments. The development of pro-ecological attitudes clearly indicates certain changes in the way of life, thinking and nutrition of contemporary consumers. Universal access to information, the level of awareness and education of people means that people want to know what they eat and know the sources of their food. Therefore, the organic food sector is currently one of the most dynamically developing areas of the Polish economy

    Use of the slow tourism concept in promotion and creation of tourism regions’ image

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    Artykuł przedstawia próbę oceny popularności idei slow w Polsce oraz wpływu nowego globalnego trendu na rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy oraz kształtowanie wizerunku regionów i poprawę ich atrakcyjności turystycznej w Polsce. W pracy wykorzystano literaturę przedmiotu dotyczącą omawianej problematyki, a w części empirycznej przeanalizowano dokumenty programowe i sprawozdania z działalności organizacji zaangażowanych w ideę slow oraz strony Google umożliwiające wskazanie inicjatyw w skali lokalnej i regionalnej w sferze propagowania idei slow tourism.The paper presents an attempt to assess the popularity of the slow concept in Poland. It also aims to assess the impact of the new global trend on socio-economic development, creation of Polish regions’ image and improvement of their tourist attractiveness. The study has been based on the relevant literature. The empirical part presents analysis of programming documents and reports regarding activeness of organizations involved in the slow concept as well as Google websites enabling identification of local and regional initiatives in the area of the slow tourism promotion

    Smart village - using new opportunities in the development of rural areas

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    Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is to identify new opportunities for the development of rural areas. A contribution to this should be the combination of modern tools and technologies that affect the improvement of the quality of life and the possibility of creating new jobs in rural areas. Design/methodology/approach: The paper employs the desk research method in the form of an analysis. The analysis of the available literature on the subject on smart villages and the examples of smart villages described in the paper rendered it possible to establish the facts, verify the data and present the results. Findings: The considerations presented in the article indicate that a key element in smart villages is smart human resources that respond to challenges and changes occurring in rural areas. In order to make a real change in a given area, collective action is required rather than individual, and, depending on incentives and local circumstances, these initiatives may prioritise economic, social or environmental issues - or a combination thereof. Practical implications: A common space for development and shared commitment of the rural population enables building social ties as an integral functioning of Smart Villages. Social implications: The needs of the rural community should always come first and the implemented solutions should be adjusted according to these needs, bearing in mind what resources that a given community has. Originality/value: The article is an original approach to the search for intelligent solutions that are meant to improve the development of rural areas and make life easier for rural residents


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    Prowadzenie gospodarstwa agroturystycznego ma nietypowy, oryginalny charakter, co wynika ze specyfiki prowadzenia gospodarstwa rolnego. Oczekiwania kwaterobiorców przyjeżdżających na wieś są różne. Jedni preferują kulturę regionu, kontakt z przyrodą, inni poznanie tradycji czy pracy na roli. Celem artykułu była ocena stanu rozwoju agroturystyki w kontekście nowych trendów i rozwiązań w krajach UE. Autorki przyjęły założenie, że agroturystyka jest formą wypoczynku, która na rynku turystycznym ma charakter niszowy. Gospodarstwa agroturystyczne w Polsce funkcjonują w przestarzałym modelu rozwoju. Stąd bierze się pilna potrzeba wprowadzenia nowego modelu rozwoju agroturystyki do funkcjonowania gospodarstw agroturystycznych.Running agrotourism farm has an unusual, original character, which comes from specificity of running farmstead. Expectations of guests coming to countryside are different. Some prefer regional culture, others contact with nature, getting to know local traditions or working on a farm. The goal of the article was to evaluate the state of development of agrotourism in contest of new trends and solutions in EU countries. Authors have taken an assumption that agrotourism is a form of relaxation which has a niche character on touristic market. Agrotourism farms in Poland function in old model of development. This is why there is a great need to introduce new model of agrotourism development into functioning of agrotourism farms

    Directions of undertaking ecological innovations in agribusiness companies

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    Every agribusiness company affects the natural environment, to a smaller or larger extent. There can be no choice between the environment and economic development, therefore the agribusiness companies must adjust their development to the possibilities that the environment offers. The aim of this study is to present ecological innovations in agribusiness companies and their reference to the idea of sustainable development. Survey research was carried out among 156 agribusiness companies from Kujawsko-pomorskie Province of Poland. The only companies participating in the research were those in which some ecological investments were implemented. The research showed that the agribusiness companies consider the policy of introducing ecological investments to be very important. The companies are trying to bring into their management the strategy of eco-innovations so that they can operate with a benefit for its consumers and the natural environment. The basic types of ecological investments in the surveyed agribusiness companies include: careful waste segregation, ecological production and limiting harmful gas emission. The ecological innovations stem from the principles of sustainable development, they support the introduction of sustainable solutions in the companies, they also allow for a more efficient use of natural resources and contribute to the limitation of actions harmful to the environment while maintaining the high level of innovativeness

    Zjawisko bezrobocia w województwie pomorskim w kontekście struktury demograficznej

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    Bezrobocie należy do jednego z głównych problemów makroekonomicznych XXI wieku. Celem pracy jest ocena zjawiska bezrobocia w województwie pomorskim w latach 2016- 2020. W pracy wykorzystano metodę desk research (dane zastane) oraz kwerendę, które miały na celu poszukiwanie informacji o problemie bezrobocia w analizowanym województwie. Dobór metod determinowała dostępność materiałów źródłowych (m.in. literatury z zakresu bezrobocia i rynku pracy, opracowania regionalne, statystyki, raporty WUP w Gdańsku, dane GUS), które pozwoliły na ustalenie faktów, weryfikację danych i prezentację uzyskanych wyników. Przeprowadzona ocena wykazała, że województwo pomorskie cechuje wysokie zróżnicowanie przestrzenne w poziomie życia jego mieszkańców i warunków rozwoju gospodarczego. Usługi, przemysł i budownictwo są siłą napędową pomorskiej gospodarki, a dwa dynamicznie rozwijające się Porty w Gdyni i Gdańsku wspierają rozwój handlu. Główne gałęzie przemysłu województwa pomorskiego to przemysł stoczniowy, drzewno-papierniczy, petrochemiczny, elektrotechniczny. Przemysł spożywczy tradycyjnie należy do przodujących sektorów regionu, choć rolnictwo ma dużo mniejsze znaczenie niż pozostałe sektory. Największy potencjał rozwojowy mają branże ICT (Information and Communication Technology), BSS (Business Service Sector), logistyka, biotechnologia, elektronika i motoryzacja. W obliczu problemów ekonomicznych, jakim jest też bezrobocie dużego znaczenia nabiera wydajność pracy i jej efektywność. Pracodawcy kładą nacisk na programy wspierające zdrowie, elastyczne modele pracy (w tym praca hybrydowa) oraz budowanie różnorodnych zespołów zwiększających kompetencje pracowników. W czasie pandemii władze samorządowe wspierały działania mające wesprzeć lokalnych przedsiębiorców odczuwających skutki koronawirusa. Wśród nich znalazły się umorzenia, zawieszenia, odroczenia czynszu w lokalach gminnych, a także możliwość ich spłaty w ratach. Imigrantom oferowane są miejsca pracy, na które popyt jest niewystarczający wśród mieszkańców regionu