275 research outputs found

    The experience of forming the personal competence

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    В статье описаны принципы образовательной программы, направленной на формирование личностной компетентности.This article describes the principles of the educational program, aimed at the formation of personal competence


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    At present, considerable disproportions take place in Russia between organizational, regulatory, social and economic relations actually existing in restaurant and hotel business enterprises on one part and provisions of their legal law basic norms and regulations on the other part. Labor organization and normative practice improvement directions are proposed for enterprises of the branch. Economic essence of the “tipping” phenomenon is revealed. Measures aimed at elimination of overcoming wage rise rates in comparison with those of the labor productivity presently existing in the branch

    Теоретичні засади проблеми формування комунікативної компетентності особистості

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    У статті автори аналізують наукові підходи до визначення поняття «мовно-комунікативна компетентність» особистості, визначають сутність поняття «комунікативна компетентність» та її структуру. (In this article the authors analyze the scientific approaches to the definition of the «linguistic-communicative competence» of a personality; the essence of the concept «communicative competence of a person» and its structural components are defined.

    Solar energy for self-contained power supply

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    Solar energy relevance in self-contained utility system as well as economic feasibility for each class of consumers considered. The article will outline utilising features of self-contained photovoltaic stations in Middle East and Northern Africa

    Energy Resources Consumption Minimization in Housing Construction

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    The article deals with the energy savings analysis during operation of buildings, provides the heat balance of residential premises, considers options for energy-efficient solutions for hot water supply systems in buildings. As technical facilities that allow the use of secondary heat sources and solar energy, there are also considered the systems with heat recovery of "gray" wastewater, heat pumps, solar collectors and photoelectric converters

    Sociocultural Component in the Content of Teaching Foreign Languages to Pre-school Children

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    The paper is aimed at studying efficiency of learning languages by pre-school children. Different types of memory that are at high level of its development at this age promote children's abilities to acquire languages. Also psychologically, pre-school children are fit to develop speech and communication skills by using adequate materials and tasks. A set of criteria are evaluated to introduce socio-cultural content for promoting effective language learning


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    The article examines the vital issues of improvement methodology financial risk-management. The author reveals the economic essence of the concept of «financial risk-management». Methodological approaches for the efficient management of risks in the system of risk-management in Russia.В статье исследуются вопросы совершенствования методологии финансового риск-менеджмента. Автором раскрывается экономическая сущность понятия «финансовый риск-менеджмент». Предложены методологические подходы, направленные на эффективное управление рисками в системе риск-менеджмента в России

    The motivation and satisfaction of students training in high school

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    The article gives analysis of motivation of first-year students and their learning satisfaction in University based on the results of the study. Satisfaction is seen as an indicator of adaptation.В статье даётся анализ мотивации студентов первого курса и их удовлетворённости обучению в вузе на основе результатов исследования. Удовлетворённость рассматривается как показатель адаптации