32 research outputs found

    Comparison of structural, morphological, linear and nonlinear optical properties of NiO thin films elaborated by Spin-Coating and Spray Pyrolysis

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    The paper reports on a comparative study of nickel oxide thin films prepared via two different elaboration methods spin-coating and spray pyrolysis. The structure and the surface topography of the NiO thin films have been studied by X-ray diffraction and the atomic force microscope. The optical properties of the deposited films were characterized with the analysis of the experimentally recorded optical transmittance data in the spectral wavelength range of 300–850 nm, via a JENWAY6715 UV–vis spectrophotometer. To complete the comparison, the third order nonlinear optical susceptibility was determined from the third harmonic generation experiment, which in turn were explored by the rotational Maker fringe technique using the beam of Nd:YAG laser at 1064 nm in picoseconds regime. The present work is aimed to exhibit the influence of the elaboration method on the physical properties through analyzing the obtained experimental results

    Fracture energy of wood and root burl wood of thuya (Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Masters)

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    International audienceThe fracture energy of wood and root burl wood of thuya, coming from the forest of Essaouira (Morocco), was measured using a single edge notched specimen bending (SENB) test method. The variations along the longitudinal and transverse directions were studied using specimens taken from one radial section of thuya wood and on radial section of thuya burl, originating from two different trees. Thuya burl was more resistant than thuya wood to crack propagation in RL system (in the tangential plane). This difference is explained by the presence of dark growths, composed of cells with thicker walls that make the burl wood usually denser than thuya wood. Thuya burl was more resistant to crack propagation in RL system (tangential plane) than in TL system (radial plane), which is consistent with the radial orientation of the dark growths. The observed decrease of fracture energy along the longitudinal direction was explained by the progressive reduction of dark growth concentration

    Caractérisation physique du bois de la loupe de Thuya

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    International audienceCe travail constitue une contribution originale à l'étude de la densité et du retrait au séchage de la loupe de thuya provenant de la forêt de Khémisset (Maroc). La densité est souvent utilisée dans les étapes de prédiction des propriétés mécaniques du bois. Quant aux retraits linéaires, l'existence ou non d'une anisotropie entre les retraits radial, tangentiel et longitudinal préfigurent du comportement mécanique du bois. Les mesures de ces propriétés physiques sont réalisées sur 77 échantillons de 2×2×2cm3 découpés selon les directions radiale, tangentielle et longitudinale. L'analyse des résultats des mesures de densité permet de classer le bois de la loupe de thuya comme un bois dense. La densité de la loupe est plus élevée que celle du bois de thuya. Cette différence s'explique par la présence d'excroissances foncées composées de cellules aux parois plus épaisses que celles du bois de thuya. L'analyse des mesures de retraits montre une faible anisotropie de retraits, expliquée à l'échelle microscopique dans un plan de référence, par une orientation très variable des cellules. Ce résultat présuppose un comportement mécanique proche d'un comportement isotrope du bois de la loupe de thuya