99 research outputs found

    Scope for rotavirus vaccination in India: revisiting the scientific evidence.

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    Rotavirus vaccines have been developed to prevent deaths resulting from severe diarrhea of rotavirus origin. The use of vaccines as an intervention at scale to prevent and control the burden of rotavirus diarrhea is supported by the argument that prevailing public health measures such as hygiene and sanitation, breast feeding and use of ORS have failed to prevent severe dehydration resulting from diarrhea. The article reviews the existing evidence on the rationale of using rotavirus vaccine as against the feasibility of scaling it up in developing countries like India. The vaccines currently available may not cover the strains circulating in Indian population. The diversity of Rotavirus infection in the country is tremendous and since the safety, immunogenicity and efficacy data has not been collected for India, there is first a need to conduct studies to measure the extent of protection and cross-protection provided by the available vaccines for local strains, before venturing into Rotavirus vaccination program. The potential benefits of immunization have to be first vetted against the risks involved by the policymakers and other stakeholders

    LEI2JSON: Schema-based Validation and Conversion of Livestock Event Information

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    Livestock producers often need help in standardising (i.e., converting and validating) their livestock event data. This article introduces a novel solution, LEI2JSON (Livestock Event Information To JSON). The tool is an add-on for Google Sheets, adhering to the livestock event information (LEI) schema. The core objective of LEI2JSON is to provide livestock producers with an efficient mechanism to standardise their data, leading to substantial savings in time and resources. This is achieved by building the spreadsheet template with the appropriate column headers, notes, and validation rules, converting the spreadsheet data into JSON format, and validating the output against the schema. LEI2JSON facilitates the seamless storage of livestock event information locally or on Google Drive in JSON. Additionally, we have conducted an extensive experimental evaluation to assess the effectiveness of the tool.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Digital Bangladesh for Coping with Globalization

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    Globalization is a process by which entire world is gradually becoming a digital planet. There is clearly a bright future for applying   ICT   in Bangladesh, to improve the delivery of Government services to the people, improve the efficiency in functioning of Government agencies, and reduce cost of doing business, in order to further accelerate economic growth and poverty reduction. After the agricultural and industrial revolutions, the new millennium has been celebrating another revolution which entirely different kind is taking place across the globe; it is nothing but information technology (ICT). The wave of the revolution has also touched the developing countries like Bangladesh with massive changes by using the different implementation   of Digital Bangladesh.  

    Digital Bangladesh for Coping with Globalization

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    Globalization is a process by which entire world is gradually becoming a digital planet. There is clearly a bright future for applying   ICT   in Bangladesh, to improve the delivery of Government services to the people, improve the efficiency in functioning of Government agencies, and reduce cost of doing business, in order to further accelerate economic growth and poverty reduction. After the agricultural and industrial revolutions, the new millennium has been celebrating another revolution which entirely different kind is taking place across the globe; it is nothing but information technology (ICT). The wave of the revolution has also touched the developing countries like Bangladesh with massive changes by using the different implementation   of Digital Bangladesh.   

    LEI: Livestock Event Information Schema for Enabling Data Sharing

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    Data-driven advances have resulted in significant improvements in dairy production. However, the meat industry has lagged behind in adopting data-driven approaches, underscoring the crucial need for data standardisation to facilitate seamless data transmission to maximise productivity, save costs, and increase market access. To address this gap, we propose a novel data schema, Livestock Event Information (LEI) schema, designed to accurately and uniformly record livestock events. LEI complies with the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) and Integrity System Company (ISC) schemas to deliver this data standardisation and enable data sharing between producers and consumers. To validate the superiority of LEI, we conducted a structural metrics analysis and a comprehensive case study. The analysis demonstrated that LEI outperforms the ICAR and ISC schemas in terms of design, while the case study confirmed its superior ability to capture livestock event information. Our findings lay the foundation for the implementation of the LEI schema, unlocking the potential for data-driven advances in livestock management. Moreover, LEI's versatility opens avenues for future expansion into other agricultural domains, encompassing poultry, fisheries, and crops. The adoption of LEI promises substantial benefits, including improved data accuracy, reduced costs, and increased productivity, heralding a new era of sustainability in the meat industry.Comment: 63 pages, 7 figure

    An evaluation of relationship between public debt and economic growth: A study of Afghanistan

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    Public debt is one of the main macroeconomic indicators, which forms countries’ image in international markets. It is one of the inward foreign direct investment flow determinants. A prudent public debt management helps economic growth and stability through mobilizing resources with low borrowing cost and limiting financial risk exposure. The objective of this study was to establish the relationship between public debt and economic growth in Afghanistan. The study used secondary data collected from various sources collected from Ministry of Finance, treasury directorship, debt department, World Bank web page and Da Afghanistan Bank. The study period included 2008-2012 financial periods. The data was collected using data collection sheet which was edited, coded and cleaned. To establish the relationship between public debt and economic development, the study conducted a regression analysis. Domestic debt is characterized by higher interest rates compared with those on external debt, which is contracted mainly on concessional terms, and it is therefore expensive to maintain. Domestic debt reduction could be achieved using proceeds from the privatization program of public corporations, or the use of externally borrowed resources which are mainly on concessional terms to retire more expensive domestic debt. The government should therefore develop a framework for recording and monitoring all contingent liabilities and also formulate and implement a policy for management of the contingent liabilities. The government should therefore continue to implement wider reforms that promote investment in Treasury bonds, and encourage institutional investors such as pension funds and insurance companies to invest in Treasury bonds

    An evaluation of relationship between public debt and economic growth: A study of Afghanistan

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    Public debt is one of the main macroeconomic indicators, which forms countries’ image in international markets. It is one of the inward foreign direct investment flow determinants. A prudent public debt management helps economic growth and stability through mobilizing resources with low borrowing cost and limiting financial risk exposure. The objective of this study was to establish the relationship between public debt and economic growth in Afghanistan. The study used secondary data collected from various sources collected from Ministry of Finance, treasury directorship, debt department, World Bank web page and Da Afghanistan Bank. The study period included 2008-2012 financial periods. The data was collected using data collection sheet which was edited, coded and cleaned. To establish the relationship between public debt and economic development, the study conducted a regression analysis. Domestic debt is characterized by higher interest rates compared with those on external debt, which is contracted mainly on concessional terms, and it is therefore expensive to maintain. Domestic debt reduction could be achieved using proceeds from the privatization program of public corporations, or the use of externally borrowed resources which are mainly on concessional terms to retire more expensive domestic debt. The government should therefore develop a framework for recording and monitoring all contingent liabilities and also formulate and implement a policy for management of the contingent liabilities. The government should therefore continue to implement wider reforms that promote investment in Treasury bonds, and encourage institutional investors such as pension funds and insurance companies to invest in Treasury bonds

    Sustainable Development of Apparel Industry in Bangladesh: A Critical Review

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    Bangladesh’s apparel industry has become the country’s economic foundation. The textile and apparel employees especially over four million people. In this major industrial sector, it is critical to encourage sustainability. When the apparel market and corporations focus on environmentally friendly products, Bangladesh’s textile and apparel sectors remain far behind, putting the country at risk of losing market share. It is right of passage to implement techniques and a long-term strategy to sustainability. Bangladeshi apparel industries are currently facing significant issues in terms of labor conditions. In garment manufacturers, fires are a common occurrence. Thousands of workers have perished because of these dangers. Due to Bangladesh’s fire and safety difficulties, several foreign purchasers have already opted not to do business with the country again. Furthermore, workers receive the world’s lowest pay, which leaves them dissatisfied and frequently results in conflicts and violence during protests poor wages. This study is conveyed based on theoretical, analytical, and statistical aspects. The goal of this study is to represent the overall picture of sustainability in the apparel industry in Bangladesh. This study illustrates on using a life cycle approach to assessing manufactured products for environmental indicators to attain sustainability, fast fashion, government policy of sustainability, new method and material of garments and compare with the lifestyle of Europe against Bangladesh. This paper investigated Bangladesh’s garment industry’s working environment, fire, and safety hazards, and made suggestions for important environmental and sustainability activities. This study is helpful to all the people because sustainability is the main concern in a day


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    Olive barb (Systomus sarana) was collected from three different locations viz. Kuliarchar, Bhairab and Bikrampur in Bangladesh to elucidate genetic diversity by random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR). Six arbitrary oligonucleotide RAPD primers were used to amplify the DNA from each population. A total of 52 bands were produced in 3 olive barb populations where 28 bands were polymorphic indicating 53.84% polymorphisms in those three populations with an average of 9 bands per primer. The molecular size of the amplified DNA fragments ranged between 300 and 2300 bp. 12 unique RAPD bands were observed in the three populations. The bands are specific and stable and thus could be used to characterize each germplasm. The values of pair-wise genetic distances ranged between 0.5232 and 0.8109 with some degrees of genetic variation among the populations. The highest genetic distance (0.8109) was observed between olive barb collected from Kuliarchar and Bikrampur, while the lowest (0.5232) was found between olive barb collected from Kuliarchar and Bhairab. The UPGMA dendrogram segregated three samples of olive barb into two major clusters C1 and C2. The Kuliarchar-Bhairab population pair of olive barb was genetically closer than that of Kuliarchar- Bikrampur. Therefore, RAPD analysis can be used to identify the genetic diversity in olive barb. This information may be used for improved breeding programme and conservation of native olive barb.Analizirani su uzorci Azijskog maslinastog ciprinida (Systomus sarana) s tri različite lokacije Kuliarchar, Bhairab i Bikrampur u Bangladešu radi utvrđivanja genetske raznolikosti putem slučajno amplificirane DNA pomoću lančane reakcije polimeraze (PCR-RAPD). Šest proizvoljnih oligonukleotida RAPD početnica korišteno je za amplifikaciju DNA iz svake populacije. Ukupno 52 benda su producirana na 3 populacije S. sarana, od čega je 28 bendova bilo polimorfno, što ukazuje na 53,84% polimorfizma u te tri populacije, s prosjekom od 9 bendova po početnici. Veličina amplificiranih fragmenta DNA kretala se u rasponu između 300 i 2300 bp. Uočeno je 12 jedinstvenih RAPD bendova u tri populacije. Bendovi su specifični i stabilni te stoga mogu biti korišteni za karakterizaciju svake germplazme. Vrijednosti genetskih udaljenosti bila je u rasponu između 0,5232 i 0,8109 s određenim stupnjem genetske varijacije između populacija. Najveća genetska udaljenost (0,8109) zabilježena je između S. sarana prikupljenih iz provincija Kuliarchar i Bikrampur, dok je najniža genetska udaljenost (0,5232) pronađena između jedinki prikupljenih iz provincija Kuliarchar i Bhairab. UPGMA dendrogram razdvaja tri uzoraka S. sarana u dva glavna klastera C1 i C2. Populacije Kuliarchar-Bhairab su genetski bliže nego Kuliarchar-Bikrampur. Stoga se RAPD analiza može koristiti za identifikaciju genetske raznolikosti vrste S. sarana. Ovi podaci se također mogu koristiti za poboljšanje uzgojnog programa i očuvanje populacija u otvorenim vodama

    VeSV- Value at the end of the Sanitation Value Chain: Final Report

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    Bangladesh is no stranger to composting projects using both green waste and faecal sludge (FS). There have been many initiatives over the years with varying degrees of success. Similarly there have been hundreds, if not thousands of projects to improve access to latrines, latrine use and latrine management. Again there has been a great deal of success, especially in increasing the number of latrines being built. However, a key gap regarding the safe collection and processing of the waste from the pit still remains. In cases where projects have attempted addressing this, the solution has rarely been viable on a large scale. That is where this project—VeSV—is different. The aim of this project is to provide scientific evidence to support the commercial viability of collecting and composting faecal sludge for use in agriculture and horticulture. The gap between a good idea and commercial success is bridged on this project by producing primary scientific data based on qualitative and quantitative research methods and by engaging a number of stakeholders across sectors. A rigorous research was conducted to characterize raw faecal sludge material from single pit latrines in rural Bangladesh, as the starting point to develop value across the sanitation chain from processing FS material, through adding value by recovering nutrient and finally by assessing the potential commercialization of the final product in the fertilizer market. Crucially academics, NGOs, business groups and existing fertilizer, composting and latrine management companies were involved as part of our Reference Group, which helped to develop practical engineering solutions in harmony with the right and relevant context in rural Bangladesh. Our research outcomes include the development of safe methodologies for pit emptying; the assessment of people's intentions to change current operation and maintenance practices of pit latrines at household level and their willingness to participate in commercially viable and sustainable methods for FS management; the assessment of optimised engineering process for FS stabilisation and the production of a safe, high quality fertilizer that is desirable to farmers; and the identification of potential hurdles that may obstruct the widespread adoption of business models for FS fertiliser