47 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal switching signals for cancer stem cell activation in pediatric origins of adulthood cancer: Towards a watch-and-wait lifetime strategy for cancer treatment.

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    Pediatric origin of cancer stem cell hypothesis holds great promise and potential in adult cancer treatment, however; the road to innovation is full of obstacles as there are plenty of questions left unanswered. First, the key question is to characterize the nature of such stem cells (concept). Second, the quantitative imaging of pediatric stem cells should be implemented (technology). Conceptually, pediatric stem cell origins of adult cancer are based on the notion that plasticity in early life developmental programming evolves local environments to cancer. Technologically, such imaging in children is lacking as all imaging is designed for adult patients. We postulate that the need for quantitative imaging to measure space-time changes of plasticity in early life developmental programming in children may trigger research and development of the imaging technology. Such quantitative imaging of pediatric origin of adulthood cancer will help develop a spatiotemporal monitoring system to determine cancer initiation and progression. Clinical validation of such speculative hypothesis-that cancer originates in a pediatric environment-will help implement a wait-and-watch strategy for cancer treatment

    Global Genetic Structure and Molecular Epidemiology of Encapsulated Haemophilus influenzae

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    A collection of 2,209 isolates of six polysaccharide capsule types of Haemophilus influenzoe, including 1,975 serotype b isolates recovered in 30 countries was characterized for electrophoretically demonstrable allele profiles at 17 metabolic enzyme loci. Two hundred eighty distinct multilocus genotypes were distinguished, and cluster analysis revealed two primary phylogenetic divisions. The population structure of encapsulated H. influenzae is clonal. Currently, most of the invasive disease worldwide is caused by serotype b strains of nine clones, Strains producing serotype c, e, and f capsules belong to single divisions and have no close genetic relationships to strains of other serotypes, Serotype a and b strains occur in both primary phylogenetic divisions, probably as a result of transfer and recombination of serotype-specific sequences of the cap region between clonal lineages. A close genetic relatedness between serotype d isolates and some strains of serotypes a and b was identified, There are strong patterns of geographic variation, on an intercontinental scale, in both the extent of genetic diversity and the clonal composition of populations of encapsulated strains, The analysis suggests that the present distribution of clones is, in part, related to patterns of racial or ethnic differentiation and historical demographic movements of the human host population

    Autologous Splenocyte Reinfusion Improves Antibody-Mediated Immune Response to the 23-Valent Pneumococcal Polysaccharide-Based Vaccine in Splenectomized Mice

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    Common clinical options, currently, for necessary splenectomy are vaccinations and antibiotic prophylaxis. However, despite these two adjuncts, there still occur numerous cases of overwhelming post-splenectomy infection. To examine whether reperfusion of critical splenic lymphocytes could boost immune response, we harvested splenic lymphocytes, reperfused the autologous lymphocytes, and then administered a pneumococcal vaccine (PNEUMOVAX®23, i.e., PPSV23) in splenectomized mice. We found that splenectomy impaired the immune response in the splenectomized group compared to the non-splenectomized group; the splenectomized group with lymphocyte reinfusion had a higher response to polysaccharide vaccination based on antibody titer than the splenectomized group without lymphocyte reinfusion. The sham group with the native spleen had the most elevated antibody titer against the PPSV23 polysaccharide antigen. This may be additive, resulting from contributions of the splenic structure, along with the phagocytic function of the spleen and its constituent cells affecting the antibody response. Reinfusion of splenic lymphocytes may enhance immunity without the complications associated with splenic fragment autotransplantation, which never gained acceptance. This technique is safe and simple since the splenic lymphocytes are autologous and, therefore, not self-reactive, and very similar to autologous blood transfusion. This concept may be beneficial in cases of unavoidable splenectomy, especially in pediatric cases

    Caveolae-Mediated Extracellular Vesicle (CMEV) Signaling of Polyvalent Polysaccharide Vaccination: A Host–Pathogen Interface Hypothesis

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    We published a study showing that improvement in response to splenectomy associated defective, in regards to the antibody response to Pneumovax® 23 (23-valent polysaccharides, PPSV23), can be achieved by splenocyte reinfusion. This study triggered a debate on whether and how primary and secondary immune responses occur based on humoral antibody responses to the initial vaccination and revaccination. The anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine sheds new light on the interpretation of our previous data. Here, we offer an opinion on the administration of the polyvalent polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23), which appears to be highly relevant to the primary vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 and its booster dose. Thus, we do not insist this is a secondary immune response but an antibody response, nonetheless, as measured through IgG titers after revaccination. However, we contend that we are not sure if these lower but present IgG levels against pneumococcal antigens are clinically protective or are equally common in all groups because of the phenomenon of “hyporesponsiveness” seen after repeated polysaccharide vaccine challenge. We review the literature and propose a new mechanism—caveolae memory extracellular vesicles (CMEVs)—by which polysaccharides mediate prolonged and sustained immune response post-vaccination. We further delineate and explain the data sets to suggest that the dual targets on both Cav-1 and SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins may block the viral entrance and neutralize viral load, which minimizes the immune reaction against viral attacks and inflammatory responses. Thus, while presenting our immunological opinion, we answer queries and responses made by readers to our original statements published in our previous work and propose a hypothesis for all vaccination strategies, i.e., caveolae-mediated extracellular vesicle-mediated vaccine memory

    Cancer genomic research at the crossroads: realizing the changing genetic landscape as intratumoral spatial and temporal heterogeneity becomes a confounding factor

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    The US National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) created the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Project in 2006. The TCGA’s goal was to sequence the genomes of 10,000 tumors to identify common genetic changes among different types of tumors for developing genetic-based treatments. TCGA offered great potential for cancer patients, but in reality has little impact on clinical applications. Recent reports place the past TCGA approach of testing a small tumor mass at a single time-point at a crossroads. This crossroads presents us with the conundrum of whether we should sequence more tumors or obtain multiple biopsies from each individual tumor at different time points. Sequencing more tumors with the past TCGA approach of single time-point sampling can neither capture the heterogeneity between different parts of the same tumor nor catch the heterogeneity that occurs as a function of time, error rates, and random drift. Obtaining multiple biopsies from each individual tumor presents multiple logistical and financial challenges. Here, we review current literature and rethink the utility and application of the TCGA approach. We discuss that the TCGA-led catalogue may provide insights into studying the functional significance of oncogenic genes in reference to non-cancer genetic background. Different methods to enhance identifying cancer targets, such as single cell technology, real time imaging of cancer cells with a biological global positioning system, and cross-referencing big data sets, are offered as ways to address sampling discrepancies in the face of tumor heterogeneity. We predict that TCGA landmarks may prove far more useful for cancer prevention than for cancer diagnosis and treatment when considering the effect of non-cancer genes and the normal genetic background on tumor microenvironment. Cancer prevention can be better realized once we understand how therapy affects the genetic makeup of cancer over time in a clinical setting. This may help create novel therapies for gene mutations that arise during a tumor’s evolution from the selection pressure of treatment