295 research outputs found

    Percepcija epilepsije u Turskoj u svjetlu dvaju gradova

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the perception of epilepsy in Turkey, from west to east, in Kutahya and Yuksekova, two cities of different sociocultural and ethnic status. This was a retrospective comparison study which evaluated the results of two prior studies investigating stigmatization of patients diagnosed with epilepsy and their first-degree relatives in two different cities of Turkey, Kutahya and Yuksekova. The Survey of Epileptic Patient Relatives on the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior Regarding the Disorder was used and included questions on descriptive characteristics, familiarity with epilepsy, attitudes toward epilepsy, and understanding of epilepsy. Data collected by use of the SPSS 15.0 software were analyzed with χ2-test. In Yuksekova group, 88.5% of first-degree relatives of people with epilepsy felt primarily fear when they heard the diagnosis of epilepsy in their relatives; in Kutahya group, the respective rate was 19.1% (p<0.05). The number of participants who objected their child marrying someone with epilepsy was significantly higher in Yuksekova group (p<0.05); however, if married, the Yuksekova group significantly stated that they should have a baby, revealing the importance of children as an indicator of power and dignity in the eastern region of Turkey (p<0.05). Although understanding of epilepsy was favorable, educating the community about epilepsy and personal contacts are the major strategies against epileptic stigmatization.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati percepciju epilepsije u Turskoj, od zapada do istoka, u gradovima Kutahya i Yuksekova različitog sociokulturalnog i etničkog statusa. Istraživanje je provedeno kao retrospektivna, usporedbena studija u kojoj su se procjenjivali rezultati dviju prethodnih studija koje su ispitivale stigmatizaciju bolesnika s dijagnosticiranom epilepsijom i njihovih srodnika prvog stupnja u dva različita turska grada, Kutahya i Yuksekova. Primijenjeno je anketiranje rodbine epileptičnih bolesnika o znanju, stavovima i ponašanju u odnosu na bolest, a obuhvaćena su pitanja o deskriptivnim značajkama, poznavanju epilepsije, stavovima prema epilepsiji i razumijevanju epilepsije. Podaci prikupljeni uz pomoć statističkog programa SPSS 15.0 analizirani su primjenom χ2-testa. U skupini Yuksekova 88,5% srodnika prvog stupnja osoba s epilepsijom osjetilo je prvenstveno strah kad su čuli za dijagnozu epilepsije postavljenu kod njihovih rođaka, dok je u skupini Kutahya taj postotak bio 19,1% (p<0,05). Broj sudionika koji su svom djetetu zamjerali sklapanje braka s nekim tko boluje od epilepsije bio je značajno viši u skupini Yuksekova (p<0,05). No kad je takav brak već sklopljen, značajan broj sudionika skupine Yuksekova ustvrdio je kako bi oni trebali imati djecu, što ukazuje na važnost djece u istočnom dijelu Turske kao pokazatelja snage i dostojanstva (p<0,05). Iako se razumijevanje epilepsije pokazalo povoljnim, izobrazba lokalne zajednice o epilepsiji i osobni kontakti glavne su strategije protiv stigmatiziranja osoba s epilepsijom

    Evaluation of clinical features and the factors related to nutrition in home care patients with pressure ulcer

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    Introduction: In this study, we aimed to determine the demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with pressure ulcers who received home health care in Kutahya city and to investigate the relationship between the factors related to nutrition and pressure ulcer grades. Methods: This study is designed as a retrospective and cross-sectional. The files of 500 patients who were registered at home health services unit of Kutahya Health Sciences University Training and Research Hospital between December 2016 and May 2017 were reviewed retrospectively. Of these, sixty-three patients with pressure ulcers were included in the study. Results: In this study, 26 (41.3%) were male and 37 (58.7%) were female. The mean age of the patients with pressure ulcers was 74.41 ± 12.30 (years). 36 patients (57.1%) had cerebrovascular disease, 5 patients (7.9%) had dementia, 9 patients (14.3%) had malignancy, 8 patients (12.7%) had osteoarthritis, 4 patients 6.3%) had peripheral vascular disease, and 1 patient (1.6%) had previous traffic accident. The majority (62.1%) were neurological disease-sequenced and nursing-care group. When all the patients were examined, the region with the most pressure was the sacrum (35.3%). Hemoglobin level was found to be related to pressure ulcer grade (One-way ANOVA, p = 0.019). There was no significant relationship between other nutrition-related parameters and pressure ulcer stage. Conclusion: Patients with cerebrovascular disease constitute a significant proportion of patients receiving home care services. Low hemoglobin increases the severity of the pressure ulcer. Therefore, determining risk factors that contribute to pressure ulcer formation and efforts to prevent them should be the primary target of the home health care unit

    The Turkish experience of COVID-19 infection in people with NMOSD and MOGAD: A milder course

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    Background: COVID-19 is a multisystemic infection with variables consequences depending on individual andcomorbid conditions. The course and outcomes of COVID-19 during neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders(NMOSD) and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disorders (MOGAD) are not clearlyknown.Objective/methods: The aim of this study was to examine the features and outcomes of COVID-19 infection inNMOSD and MOGAD patients. The patients’ demographic and clinical factors, disease modifying treatment&nbsp;2(DMT) used and disease information of COVID-19 infection were recorded. Conditions leading to hospitalizationand severe exposure to COVID-19 infection were also analyzed.Results: The study included 63 patients from 25 centers. Thirty-two patients (50.8%) belong to AQP-4 seropos-itive group, 13 (20.6%) and 18 (28.6%) were in MOG-positive and double-seronegative groups, respectively. Riskfactors for severe COVID-19 infection and hospitalization were advanced age, high disability level and thepresence of comorbid disease. Disease severity was found to be high in double-seronegative NMOSD and low inMOGAD patients. No statistically significant effect of DMTs on disease severity and hospitalization was found.Conclusion: In NMOSD and MOGAD patients, advanced age, high disability and presence of comorbid diseasepose risks for severe COVID-19 infection. There was no direct significant effect of DMTs for COVID-19 infection.</p