13 research outputs found

    Logistics centres development in Latvia

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    In the situation where a large increase in trade and freight transport volumes in the Baltic Sea region (BSR) is expected and in which the BSR is facing a major economic restructuring, eff orts to achieve more integrated and sustainable transport and communication links within the BSR are needed. One of these eff orts is the development of logistics centres (LCs) and their networking, which will continue to have an impact on improving communication links, spatial planning practices and approaches, logistics chain development and the promotion of sustainable transport modes. These factors will refl ect on logistics processes both in major gateway cities and in remote BSR areas. The importance of logistics systems as a whole is not seen clearly enough. Logistics actors see that logistics operations are not appreciated as much as other fi elds of activity. In addition, logistics centres and the importance of logistics activities to the business life of areas and the employment rate should be brought up better. In the paper main goal and tasks of national approach to LCs development are discussed. Strategic focus of new activities in this area is on the integration of various networks within and between logistics centres in order to improve and develop the quality of logistics networks as well as to spatially widen the networking activities. The key objectives are to integrate the links between logistics centres, ports and other logistics operators in a functional and sustainable way, to promote spatial integration by creating sustainable and integrated approaches to spatial planning of logistics centres and transport infrastructure, to improve ICT-based networking and communication practices of the fi elds of transport and logistics and to increase the competence of logistics centres and associated actors by organising educational and training events. The current activities include, for example, the creation of measures for transport networking and port modernisation, multimodal transport network strategies, integrated networks between ports, logistics centres and other operators, the better involvement of LCs in spatial planning and knowledge of the land use needs of the LCs, territorial impact assessments on selected transport corridors where logistics centres are located, the establishment of a common vision of the future spatial and environmental development along the transport corridors and LC-areas, the elimination of bottlenecks in port-hinterland-LC connections, the integration of telematics supported logistics networks based on identifi cation and analysis of networks

    Building on European scientific excellence to develop an educational program on intermodal connections for Latvia and the region

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    Economic and social factors, including existing trends in urban population and employment growth combined with urbanization, have led to enhanced consumption and thus, increasing freight flows in the cities. Mitigation of transport impacts has led to plans towards a more sustainable urban environment. However, managerial and regulatory barriers restrict the incorporation of technological instruments and solutions to the sustainable dimension of decision-making and planning. This paper has sought to bridge this gap by organizing an educational and training program, which involves the participation of todays and tomorrow’s researchers, decision-makers and practitioners. Towards this direction, a methodology is developed that identifies existing gaps between the transport industry and the existing research, education and training programs and converts identified requirements and gaps into training courses. The paper addresses the context of intermodal interconnections for the case of Latvia and the region for stimulating and strengthening its scientific and technological capacity by providing knowledge in the field of smart interconnecting sustainable transport networks. The 2-level gap analysis that was developed and implemented with respect to the thematic areas of (1) ‘Governance and policy development’, (2) ‘Smart solutions’, and (3) ‘Decision-making’, and the validation process that followed, has revealed several requirements that exist currently for passenger and freight interchanges and educational programs for Latvia and the region. Based on the identified educational requirements for Latvia and the region, 20 educational areas were created that resulted in 12 courses for passenger and freight transport interchanges that are going to be used for training and education in Latvia. © 2017 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) Press

    Knowledge Sharing Strategy as a Key Element of the H2020 Programme: Enhancing Excellence and Innovation Capacity in Sustainable Transport Interchanges (Alliance) Project

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    The knowledge sharing among researchers, decision makers and practitioners becomes necessary for understanding new transportation trends and incorporating innovative transportation strategies in urban planning according to the economic competitiveness and business needs. The paper presents the tools and activities used in the frame of the "Enhancing excellence and innovation capacity in sustainable transport interchanges" (ALLIANCE) project in order to make knowledge sharing among project partners and stakeholders effective and sustainable. The paper goal is to define the framework to measure the effectiveness of the knowledge sharing activities with linkage to the general H2020 TWINNING programme goals, Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Latvia) Research programme for 2016-2020 and specific goals of the ALLIANCE project. © 2017 The Authors

    Lithuanian road safety solutions based on intelligent transport systems

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    The rapid growth of traffic intensity was predetermined by the dynamic change in the number of cars and the need for carriage. Vehicle congestion and high risk of accidents result in disappointment of many drivers and public transport users, causing psychological tension and increasing the accident rate. The accident rate is one of key indicators that help measuring processes of the transport system and its development. With the help of various road safety solutions, the modern world aims to ensure safe transportation and achieve reduction in the number of traffic accidents. Just as any other country, Lithuania is focusing on these issues as well. Reduction in the number of traffic accidents requires implementation of the national road traffic safety policy, which is one of the most important instruments that specify directions to be taken while implementing road safety solutions for roads with the highest traffic accident rate. The paper presents a methodology for calculating traffic intensity, which can be used while addressing road safety problems. The article describes the importance of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs) for road safety issues and analysis of key traffic safety determinants. The core functions of ITSs are work with information and control of technologies. ITS services can make transport safer. The article examines the use of ITSs for estimation of road safety problems in Lithuania