14 research outputs found


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    Mahseer (Tor tambroides, Bleeker, 1854) is an important consumption fish species in the Batang Tarusan River, located in the West Sumatera, Indonesia. In this study the CO1 of mtDNA sequence data were used to investigate genetic variability within and between populations of mahseer. Twenty four tissue samples were collected for genetic analysis in the Batang Tarusan River. Genetic analysis revealed two different haplotypes were existed. The overall nucleotide and haplotype variability were low in all sampling sites. Hierarchical AMOVA analysis showed that mahseer populations form a single panmictic population with low FST= 0.02794; p = 0.418 and high gene flow among population sampling. Corroborated result by genetic analysis; there is a strong argument suggesting that the populations could be treated as a single stock unit


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    After M. marginatus has been introduced to Toba Lake, North Sumatra, the status of M.marginatus stocks and their biological properties is unknown. In this study, we examine the genetic patterns of the M. marginatus in Toba Lake, North Sumatra Province. Employing the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene of the mtDNA, we profile the genetic variation within M. marginatus in Toba Lake. We also analyzed reproductive characteristic and commercial catches of M. marginatus. The result shown M. marginatus is a synonim for M. marginatus, in total, 1 polymorphic sites (represent singleton dimensions) was identified and phylogenetic reconstruction reveal low levels of genetic diversity with no clear pattern of haplotype-partitioning. Nucleotide diversity analysis infer the present of two lineages. The Ne value of M. marginatus (1,936 to 3,878), the population has not experienced population growth/expansion as expected and the total production of M. marginatus in Toba Lakeof the year for 2013 has ranged between 3,347.05 – 6,694.1 ton. M. marginatus in the Toba Lake share similar life history traits include maximum body size, longevity, age at maturity, and fecundity(the number of eggs produced). M. marginatus is categorized as the opportunistic strategy consisted of fishes with short generation time, low batch fecundity, and low investment per offspring. This lifehistory traits approach of M. marginatus are important for guide fisheries management for its sustainability. More over the information can be use as pilot data and apply it to data-poor species


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    The reproductive characteristics of mahseer, Tor. tambroides, were studied in Manna River and Batang Tarusan River, which are located on each side of Western Sumatera River. The reproductive period of T. tambroides is largely consistent with that described for the species in other areas, however monthly variations in the extent and timing of peak spawning are recorded. The analysis of the sex ratio indicates an increase in the percentage of females with size, more marked in largest sizes. Seasonal patterns in the occurrences of spawning showed that the spawning season in Manna River lasted was similar with that in Batang Tarusan River, although a second prominent increase of GSI was observed in April and September in Manna River, meanwhile the GSI of Batang Tarusan River fish were below 2 without an apparent variation. L50s of Manna River and Batang Tarusan River mahseer were estimated as 24.5 cm and 20.66 cm, respectively, indicating a high variability in size at first maturity of the mahseer population. Our study provides some important information on the reproductive biology of T. tambroides that will be helpful in similar studies and contributed to fisheries management of this species

    Estimation fish stock and composition using mark recapture studies in floodplain lake, Jambi City

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    Fish stock assessment can be estimated by dependent and independent sampling; Mark-recapture studies is a part of independent sampling method that can be used for it. This study was conducted in 2018 using purposive sampling methods. The purpose of this study was to determine the current status of fish stocks and the composition of fish species in the floodplain/oxbow lake, Jambi city. Interviews were conducted to determine the types of fish in this area as a reference, and then, the composition of fish species, modification of fishing gear and combine with mark-recapture sampling. The total catch was 66.5 Kg, with the dominant compositions were Hemibagrus nemurus (42%), Pangasius sp (20%), Channa lucius (12%) and the others were 26% (Osteochilus haseselti, Osteochilus bornensis, Barbonymus schwanenfeldi, Labiobarbus festivus, Thynnichthys polylepis, Mystus sp, Cryptopterus spp, Bothia macrocanthus, Labeo chrysophekadion, Barbycthys loevis and Macrobrachium rosenbergii). The conversion result of fish catches with the total area, which has been assessed using Mark-recapture studies, was 558.6 kg/ha. Finally, the total area of the floodplain was estimated at 60–137 ha, and the fish stock was 66.4–151.7 tons. It’s showed that, allowable catch should be under this value, and Mark-recapture studies is one simple methods can be used to predict fish stock in floodplain areas. Keywords: Fish stock floodplain lake Mark recapture managemen


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    Penelitian ini mengenai Pertumbuhan dan Sintasan Benih Ikan Nila dengan Dosis Vitamin Mix Yang Berbeda. Penelitian dilaksanakan bertempat di Kelompok Tani Tambak Mulia, Kota Palembang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan D (penambahan Vitamin mix sebesar 3 % dari jumlah pakan)  dipilih sebagai perlakuan terbaik dibandingkan perlakuan lainya. Pada perlakuan D memberikan pertambahan pertumbuhan dan sintasan terbaik yaitu panjang mutlak sebesar 5,77 cm dengan berat sebesar 19,48 gr dan nilai SR sebesar 86,67 %. Untuk perlakuan C pertambahan pertumbuhan panjang mutlak sebesar 5,49 cm dengan berat 17,64 gr dan nilai SR sebesar 80 %. Perlakuan B pertambahan pertumbuhan panjang mutlak sebesar 5,20cm dengan berat 15,35 gr dan nilai SR sebesar 76,67 %. Sedangkan perlakuan  A memberikan pertambahan pertumbuhan terendah yaitu panjang mutlak sebesar 5,01 cm dengan berat sebesar 15,03 gr dan nilai SR sebesar 76,67 %. Parameter kualitas air yang diukur selama penelitian masih dalam batas toleransi untuk tumbuh dan berkembang benih Ikan Nila. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan untuk penambahan vitamin mix pada pakan sebaiknya menggunakan dosis 3 %, karena memberikan pertumbuhan dan sintasan yang terbaik. Kata Kunci: Ikan nila, Kandungan Gizi, Vitamin Mi


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kualitas air Sungai Musi tahun 2007 sampai dengan 2008 di bagian tengah dan hilir berdasarkan pada sumber polutan. Empat belas stasiun pengambilan contoh ditetapkan sebagai sumber polutan seperti industri maupun pemukiman penduduk, dan referensi yang jauh dari industri maupun pemukiman yang digunakan sebagai pembanding. Pada setiap stasiun, pengambilan contoh dilakukan 3 kali waktu pengambilan, yaitu bulan April, Juni, dan Januari yang dapat mewakili 3 musim yang berbeda pada tahun tersebut. Beberapa parameter diukur in situ sementara beberapa lain dianalisis di laboratorium dengan standar methods (AWWAWEF, 2005). Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa industri yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan kelapa sawit dan karet cenderung menurunkan kualitas perairan di Sungai Musi. Kandungan logam berat dalam sedimen di Sungai Musi relatif rendah dengan kandungan Cr+6 dan Pb yang tertinggi masing-masing 13,481 dan 1,747 μg per g. Curah hujan cenderung menurunkan beberapa parameter fisika dan kimia kualitas perairan. Potensi pencemaran cenderung ditemukan di bagian hilir Sungai Musi, karena sebaran industri dan intensitas pemanfaatan perairan cukup tinggi di bagian sungai tersebut. Study in order to know distribution of pollution source and its effect on water quality of the middle and down stream of Musi River was conducted in April and June 2007 and January 2008. Fourteen sampling sites were selected based on the pollution source and the minimal degradation site (reference sites). Parameters observed were pollution source distribution and water and sediment parameters such as physical and chemical parameters. Water sample was collected at 0.5 m from water surface by using Kemmerer water sampler while sediment samples were taken by using Ekman grab. Some of the parameters were analyzed in situ while the rest were analyzed in laboratory. Results indicated that oil palm and rubber industries were mostly the pollution source in Musi River. Potential pollution source was mostly found in the middle and down stream of Musi River since most of pollution source and high water utilization found in this area. Water quality parameters except total suspended solid and biochemical oxygen demand, were still in the range that can be tolerated by the aquatic organisms. Rain fall tends to decrease water quality of the river. Concentration of heavy metal such as Chrom (Cr+6) and plumbum in the sediment were in still in low concentration with the highest concentration reaching 13.481 and 1.747 μg per g respectively

    Manajemen Kualitas Air Di Balai Riset Perikanan Perairan Umum Dan Penyuluhan Perikanan (Brppupp) Palembang

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    Kondisi ekosistem perairan sangat berperan penting untuk menjaga keseimbangan siklus kehidupan organisme. Air merupakan komponen penting yang dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber energi oleh mahkluk hidup. Ekosistem perairan dipergunakan untuk kebutuhan guna menunjang kehidupan baik secara fisiologis maupun non fisiologis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui kualitas perairan berdasarkan parameter-parameter Fisika dan kimia yang akan diuji sebagai basis data mengenai perikanan dan biota yang berada di BRPPUPP Palembang. Untuk mengetahui hubungan kualitas perairan yang telah didapatkan dengan standar baku mutu perairan dalam budidaya perikanan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16 Agustus 2021 s/d 16 September 2021 di Laboratorium Kimia Balai Riset Perikanan Perairan Umum dan Penyuluhan Perikanan (BRPPUPP). Dalam pengukuran kualitas air yang ada di BRPPUPP Palembang di perlukan metode yang dilaksanakan yaitu metode pengukuran secara In-Situ dan Ex-Situ. Metode In-Situ adalah analisis pengukuran yang didapatkan secara langsung di stasiun titik yang diukur. Hasil yang didapatkan dari Penelitian ini diperoleh dari lima stasiun yang berbeda yaitu:  Wisma Atlet Jakabaring (I), Klenteng Pasar Induk (II), Perumahan Amin Mulya (III), Danau OPI (IV) dan titik lokasi terakhir berada di Jalan Bangka (V). Parameter yang diukur dari setiap stasiun memiliki nilai yang berbeda. Berdasarkan parameter yang telah diuji, tingkat kesuburan dari semua stasiun dilihat dari parameter kecerahan memiliki tingkat kesuburan tinggi (eutrofik). Sedangkan nilai TDS, suhu, salinitas masih dari semua stasiun masih berada di standard baku mutu menurut PP RI No 82 Tahun 2001. Perairan di lima stasiun memiliki tingkat kesuburan tinggi (eutrofik) yang akan mengakibatkan pertumbuhan ganggang pada sistem. Perairan di semua stasiun layak untuk kehidupan ikan-ikan air tawar seperti ikan nila, patin dan lele dengan mengklasifikasi menurut status baku mutu yang layak untuk budidaya yang optimal


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    Perairan estuaria Sungai Musi merupakan daerah penangkapan ikan yang potensial di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, sehingga di wilayah ini terjadi aktifitas penangkapan yang cukup padat. Akibatnya terjadi tekanan yang cukup besar terhadap sumberdaya ikan di kawasan ini. Fungsi ekologi estuaria sebagai spawning ground dan nursery ground mulai mengalami gangguan akibat intensitas penangkapan yang besar. Beberapa alat tangkap ikan yang tidak selektif beroperasi dalam jumlah banyak sehingga menyebabkan penurunan terhadap stok ikan. Akibatnya konflik pemanfaatan ruang sering terjadi antar sesama nelayan atau pengguna lainnya. Seperti konflik jaring trawl dengan gillnet dan pancing rawai dan konflik nelayan tuguk dengan pengemudi kapal. Untuk menyelesaikan konflik di atas dan menjaga kelestarian sumberdaya ikan di estuaria Sungai Musi, beberapa langkah pengendalian yang direkomendasikan adalah melakukan pengaturan penangkapan ikan, melakukan sosialisasi peraturan perikanan kepada masyarakat, meningkatkan kapasitas kelembagaan pengelolaan perikanan, pelarangan penggunaan alat tangkap tertentu, dan memberikan bantuan modal usaha kepada nelayan.Estuary of Musi River is a potential fishing areas in South Sumatra Province, so that in this region occur fairly heavy fishing activity. The consequence is a large pressure on fish resources of this region. The ecological functions of estuaries as nursery ground and spawning ground, begin to experience problems due to the large fishing intensity. Some fishing gear that does not selectively operate in large quantities resulted in a decline of fish stocks. As the result spatial use conflicts often occur between fishermen or other user, as examples is the conflict between trawl fishing with gill nets and longline operator and the operator of driver tuguk ship. To resolve the above conflict and preserve the fish resources in the estuary of the River Musi, a few recomendation that must be addressed several step must doing fisheries regulations to disseminate to the public, enhance institutional capacity for fisheries management, ban the use of certain fishing gear and provide venture capital assistance to fishermen


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    Siak River is one of four big rivers in Riau Province suffered from anthropogenic substances deriving from various human aciivities. The substances not only degrade the water quality but also influence aquatic organisms such as fish