526 research outputs found

    Hepatitis E virus in patients with acute hepatitis in Cape Town, South Africa, 2011

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    Background. Early hepatitis E virus (HEV) seroprevalence studies in South Africa (SA) showed seroprevalence rates of 2 - 10%, and suggested waterborne transmission. More recent studies in Cape Town, SA, reported HEV seroprevalence rates of 28% and 26% in outpatients without liver disease and blood donors, respectively. An association was found with eating pork or bacon/ham. Only 3 human cases of hepatitis E in SA have been reported in the literature.Objectives. To find evidence of HEV infection in hospitalised patients with acute hepatitis and no other identified cause.Methods. Leftover serum samples were retrieved for patients negative for hepatitis viruses A, B and C, where no other cause of hepatitis was identified. Samples were tested for HEV by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and IgM and IgG enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).Results. Anti-HEV IgG was detected in 39/132 specimens (29.5%; 95% confidence interval (CI) 22.4 - 37.8), and anti-HEV IgM in 2/125 specimens (1.6%; 95% CI 0.4 - 5.7). No specimen tested positive by PCR.Conclusions. IgG seroprevalence found in this study was similar to that previously reported in Cape Town. IgM positivity in 2 patients was not confirmed by PCR. Locally, hepatitis E may not be a common cause of clinically apparent hepatitis that requires hospitalisation

    Species occurrence of cetaceans in Guinea, including humpback whales with southern hemisphere seasonality

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    An initial inventory of the dolphins and whales occurring in Guinea's coastal waters is documented primarily from specimens and photographic evidence obtained from strandings and by-catches. Seven species are fully validated, four odontocetes, Tursiops truncatus, Sousa teuszii, Stenella frontalis, Kogia breviceps and three balaenopterid whales: Balaenoptera brydei, Balaenoptera acutorostrata and Megaptera novaeangliae. Another three reported species (Globicephala macrorhynchus, Steno bredanensis and Delphinus delphis) are insufficiently supported but thought to be valid. Small cetaceans landed as by-catch and a stranded whale were used for human consumption, but no evidence of substantial takes, directed or by-catch, was found. However, concern is raised about even minimal takes of the vulnerable Atlantic humpback dolphin. The seasonal presence of three confirmed humpback whales, two strandings (July and September) and a sighting (October), is synchronous with the species' southern hemisphere wintering/breeding season in low latitudes. We hypothesize that these whales may comprise the north-westernmost range of the population that breeds/overwinters in coastal waters of the Bight of Benin, northern Gulf of Guinea

    Combined uses of water-table fluctuation (WTF), chloride mass balance (CMB) and environmental isotopes methods to investigate groundwater recharge in the Thiaroye sandy aquifer (Dakar, Senegal)

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    The quaternary sandy sediments which cover most part of the Cap Vert peninsula bear considerable groundwater resources. The aquifer lying beneath a densely populated suburb zone is encountered with major issues such as induced recharge from anthropogenic surface derived pollution and rising water table to ground surface. The present study was aimed at investigating the recharge in the unconfined aquifer of Thiaroye zone using both water table fluctuation (WTF), chloride mass balance(CMB) methods and environmental isotopes. Seasonal fluctuations of groundwater in response to precipitation are monitored during time period (2010 to 2011) using “Thalimede Orpheus mini” recorders in two piezometers (P3-1 and PSQ1) as well as long term record. Chemical and isotopic characterization of groundwater, rainfall and the unsaturated zone were also carried out using a network of 48 points consisting of 8 rainfall stations, 10 unsaturated zone profiles and 30 dug wells, boreholes and piezometers. The concentrations of chloride in rainwater are between 3.2 and 53.4 mg/L. These unsaturated zone profiles range from 65 and 572 mg/L. The recharge obtained by WTF method ranged between 18 and 144 mm during the rainy season (June to October), whereas the recharge givenby CMB method ranged between 8.7 and 73 mm/year. The Thiaroye aquifer recharge obtained from these different methods also showed relatively similar range values. In this study, the WTF method applied computes both infiltration from rainwater and domestic waste water, while the CMB method estimates potential recharge from rainwater. Therefore, in the urban area, the CMB method cannot be applied due to the chloride input from waste water infiltration.Key words: Thiaroye basin, recharge, isotopes, chloride mass balance (CMB), quaternary sandy aquifer (Dakar)

    Using Multimedia Instructional Materials in MIS Classrooms: A Tutorial

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    Instructors typically communicate technical concepts to information systems (IS) students via lectures and textbooks. In some cases, instructors supplement this traditional approach with written case studies and projects. In this tutorial, we present a non-traditional approach that could be used to communicate technical, as well as non-technical, concepts to IS students - use of multimedia instructional materials. This article also provides practical advice on how to adapt and implement pedagogy that includes multimedia instructional materials in MIS classrooms. The instructional materials include multimedia case studies that communicate concepts such as choosing appropriate operating systems for specific purposes; understanding Internet and satellite technologies; and decision support and expert systems used to solve real-world problems. The purpose of this article is to present a step-by-step tutorial on using multimedia instructional materials in a typical IS class

    Endoscopic ultrasound guided radiofrequency ablation, for pancreatic cystic neoplasms and neuroendocrine tumors

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    AIM: To outline the feasibility, safety, adverse events and early results of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in pancreatic neoplasms using a novel probe. METHODS: This is a multi-center, pilot safety feasibility study. The intervention described was radiofrequency ablation (RF) which was applied with an innovative monopolar RF probe (1.2 mm Habib EUS-RFA catheter) placed through a 19 or 22 gauge fine needle aspiration (FNA) needle once FNA was performed in patients with a tumor in the head of the pancreas. The Habibℱ EUS-RFA is a 1 Fr wire (0.33 mm, 0.013") with a working length of 190 cm, which can be inserted through the biopsy channel of an echoendoscope. RF power is applied to the electrode at the end of the wire to coagulate tissue in the liver and pancreas. RESULTS: Eight patients [median age of 65 (range 27-82) years; 7 female and 1 male] were recruited in a prospective multicenter trial. Six had a pancreatic cystic neoplasm (four a mucinous cyst, one had intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm and one a microcystic adenoma) and two had a neuroendocrine tumors (NET) in the head of pancreas. The mean size of the cystic neoplasm and NET were 36.5 mm (SD ± 17.9 mm) and 27.5 mm (SD ± 17.7 mm) respectively. The EUS-RFA was successfully completed in all cases. Among the 6 patients with a cystic neoplasm, post procedure imaging in 3-6 mo showed complete resolution of the cysts in 2 cases, whilst in three more there was a 48.4% reduction [mean pre RF 38.8 mm (SD ± 21.7 mm) vs mean post RF 20 mm (SD ± 17.1 mm)] in size. In regards to the NET patients, there was a change in vascularity and central necrosis after EUS-RFA. No major complications were observed within 48 h of the procedure. Two patients had mild abdominal pain that resolved within 3 d. CONCLUSION: EUS-RFA of pancreatic neoplasms with a novel monopolar RF probe was well tolerated in all cases. Our preliminary data suggest that the procedure is straightforward and safe. The response ranged from complete resolution to a 50% reduction in size

    Télédétection de la dynamique de l'occupation du sol dans la région de Dakar (Sénégal) : impact sur les catastrophes d'inondation urbaine

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    Présentation PowerPointRéunion: Workshop International "L'Outil Spatial pour la Gestion des Catastrophes et des Situations d'Urgence en Afrique" Aspects Techniques, Organisationnels et Juridique

    The cetaceans of Guinea, a first check-list of documented species. Scientific Committee document SC/58/O15, International Whaling Commission, May-June 2006, St. Kitts

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    A CMS workshop on West African Cetacea (Conakry, May 2000), called for i.a. ‘carrying out .. inventory of cetacean species; collection, treatment and compilation of data for each state.’ The present paper is a preliminary faunal checklist of cetaceans occurring in Guinea’s EEZ. Information was gleaned from strandings, bycatches, scientific and opportunistic sightings and a literature review. Ten species are included for which supporting voucher material and data were available for examination. These are, three baleen whales: Balaenoptera brydei, Balaenoptera acutorostrata and Megaptera novaeangliae; and seven species of odontocetes: Kogia breviceps, Tursiops truncatus, Sousa teuszii, Stenella frontalis, Delphinus delphis, Steno bredanensis and Globicephala macrorhynchus. Another two species, Physeter macrocephalus and Stenella attenuate were sighted off Guinea but no photographic evidence was obtained. The current account is thought to reflect an incomplete picture of Guinea’s cetacean biodiversity. Future surveys are expected to update and investigate spatial and temporal distribution patterns for each species along Guinea’s coast. A few bycatches landed by artisanal fishers were utilised locally, but there are no signs of any substantial captures. Nonetheless, monitoring should be continued. The set-up of a national reference collection and database is recommended. The population identities of the encountered Atlantic humpback dolphin, minke whale and humpback whale are of particular interest

    Contribution Ă  la dĂ©pollution des eaux usĂ©es de textile par Ă©lectrocoagulation et par adsorption sur des composĂ©s Ă  base de fer et d’aluminium

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    Les ressources hydriques au monde sont rares et la demande en eau connaît une croissance continue en liaison avec l’évolution démographique et les activités consommatrices en eau, notamment les industries de textiles se voient dans l’obligation de recycler les eaux résiduaires et en particulier celles colorées. Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’étude de l’élimination des matières organiques et colorantes de deux rejets provenant des industries de textile, un de teinture du tissu de polyester à pH acide et l’autre de teinture du tissu de coton à pH basique. Ces rejets ont été traités de deux manières. La première est par électrocoagulation en utilisant des plaques de fer et/ou d’aluminium. La deuxième est par adsorption sur des composés synthétiques à base de fer et d’aluminium préparés par électrocoagulation. Dans le cas du traitement par le procédé d’électrocoagulation, nous avons constaté que le rendement d’élimination en demande chimique en oxygène (DCO) du rejet de polyester atteint un rendement de DCO de 60% pour un temps de 7 min de réaction. Pour le rejet de coton, le rendement d’élimination, par les plaques de fer/aluminium et l’élimination des matières colorantes, atteint une valeur de 45% en terme de DCO, et ceci en utilisant des plaques d’aluminium seul et de fer/aluminium pour un temps de 12 et 15 min respectivement. Dans le cas du traitement par ajout des coagulants synthétiques préparés au laboratoire, nous pouvons observer que le meilleur rendement d’élimination en DCO du rejet de polyester est obtenu pour une valeur de 48%, pour la faible granulométrie avec une concentration de 5 g/l du composé à base de fer /aluminium. Le rendement d’élimination en DCO du rejet de coton augmente jusqu'à une valeur de 60% avec une concentration de 5 g/l de coagulants appliqués à base d’aluminium seul. Les résultats de la dépollution de ces rejets, ont montré que le rendement d'élimination des matières organiques et colorantes par le procédé d'électrocoagulation est important, et la durée de traitement est courte, mais l'inconvénient de ce procédé c'est la saleté des plaques après chaque utilisation et la fabrication d'une grande quantité des boues par rapport à l’adsorption sur des composés à base de fer /aluminium où on utilise des poudres peu solubles et stables avec un bon rendement d’élimination et faibles quantités de fer et d'aluminium dans le surnageant traité.Keywords: Colorant textile, électrocoagulation, adsorption, dépollution, fer, aluminiu
