1,651 research outputs found

    Upper and lower bounds for sums of random variables.

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    In this contribution, the upper bounds for sums of dependent random variables X1 + X2 + … + X n derived by using comonotonicity are sharpened for the case when there exists a random variable Z such that the distribution functions of the Xi, given Z = z, are known. By a similar technique, lower bounds are derived. A numerical application for the case of lognormal random variables is given.Random variable; Variables; Distribution; Functions;

    Economic capital allocation derived from risk measures.

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    We examine properties of risk measures that can be considered to be in line with some 'best practice' rules in insurance, based on solvency margins. We give ample motivation that all economic aspects related to an insurance portfolio should be considered in the definition of a risk measure. As a consequence, conditions arise for comparison as well as for addition of risk measures. We demonstrate that imposing properties that are generally valid for risk measures, in all possible dependency structures, based on the difference of the risk and the solvency margin, though providing opportunities to derive nice mathematical results, violate best practice rules. We show that so-called coherent risk measures lead to problems. In particular we consider an exponential risk measure related to a discrete ruin model, depending on the initial surplus, the desired ruin probability and the risk distribution.Risk; Insurance; Solvency; Margin; Dependency; Structure;

    Interpolation search for order statistics of a uniform distribution : (preprint)

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    The complexity of drawing an ordered random sample : (preprint)

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    The hurdle-race problem.

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    We consider the problem of how to determine the required level of the current provision in order to be able to meet a series of future deterministic payment obligations, in case the provision is invested according to a given random return process. Approximate solutions are derived, taking into account imposed minimum levels of the future random values of the reserve. The paper ends with numerical examples illustrating the presented approximations.Processes; Value;

    A unified approach to generate risk measures.

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    Markov inequality; Premium; Premium principle; Principles; Probability; Recall; Risk; Risk measure;

    Risk measurement with the equivalent utility principles.

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    Risk measures have been studied for several decades in the actuarial literature, where they appeared under the guise of premium calculation principles. Risk measures and properties that risk measures should satisfy have recently received considerable at- tention in the financial mathematics literature. Mathematically, a risk measure is a mapping from a class of random variables defined on some measurable space to the (extended) real line. Economically, a risk measure should capture the preferences of the decision-maker. In incomplete financial markets, prices are no more unique but depend on the agents' attitudes towards risk. This paper complements the study initiated in Denuit, Dhaene & Van Wouwe (1999) and considers several theories for decision under uncertainty: the classical expected utility paradigm, Yaari's dual approach, maximin expected utility theory, Choquet expected utility theory and Quiggin rank-dependent utility theory. Building on the actuarial equivalent utility pricing principle, broad classes of risk measures are generated, of which most classical risk measures appear to be particular cases. This approach shows that most risk measures studied recently in the financial literature disregard the utility concept (i.e. correspond to linear utilities), causing some deficiencies. Some alternatives proposed in the literature are discussed, based on exponential utilities.Actuarial; Coherence; Decision; Expected; Market; Markets; Measurement; Preference; Premium; Prices; Pricing; Principles; Random variables; Research; Risk; Risk measure; Risk measurement; Space; Studies; Theory; Uncertainty; Utilities; Variables;

    A note on the median of the binomial distribution : (preprint)

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