184 research outputs found

    Employee Share Ownership Plans: A Review

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    This paper reviews the main strands of research on employee share ownership over the last forty years. It considers research findings in the literature on types of share ownership, the incidence of share ownership plans, the ‘determinants’ of the use of share plans by companies, influences upon employee participation in share plans, the effect of share ownership on employee attitudes and behaviour, the effect on company performance, and the relationship between share ownership plans and other forms of employee participation. The paper does not provide a comprehensive review of the literature on these topics: instead it highlights the main findings that have emerged in the literature to date, and suggests some avenues for future research. It is suggested that majority worker ownership is different in character and effects from ‘mainstream’ minority employee share plans in large companies but the literature has tended to conflate the two. It is argued that future research needs to distinguish the various forms of employee share ownership if the impact of share ownership is to be more precisely calibrated

    Symmetric Response: Explaining Corporate Social Disclosure by Multi-National Firms in Environmentally Sensitive Industries

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    This paper reviews the main strands of research on employee share ownership over the last forty years. It considers research findings in the literature on types of share ownership, the incidence of share ownership plans, the ‘determinants’ of the use of share plans by companies, influences upon employee participation in share plans, the effect of share ownership on employee attitudes and behaviour, the effect on company performance, and the relationship between share ownership plans and other forms of employee participation. The paper does not provide a comprehensive review of the literature on these topics: instead it highlights the main findings that have emerged in the literature to date, and suggests some avenues for future research. It is suggested that majority worker ownership is different in character and effects from ‘mainstream’ minority employee share plans in large companies but the literature has tended to conflate the two. It is argued that future research needs to distinguish the various forms of employee share ownership if the impact of share ownership is to be more precisely calibrated.

    De pH-buffer bepaling van teeltmedia : opkweek in steenwol- en perlietpotten

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    Materialen als steenwol en perliet hebben in waterige oplossingen een licht pH verhogend effect. Omdat jonge planten in substraatpotten bij plantenkwekers weinig water opnemen, en de potten tussen de watergeefbeurten in nat blijven, kan de pH in de opkweekfase niet goed gestuurd worden. Het is voor plantenkwekers en substraatleveranciers moeilijk afspraken te maken over welke pH stijging door het substraat nog aanvaardbaar is. Daarom is besloten gezamenlijk een meetmethode te laten ontwikkelen en tegelijk in de praktijk vast te stellen bij welke pH waarden problemen met het telen van planten te verwachten zijn

    The use of attenuated isolates of Pepino mosaic virus for cross-protection

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    Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) has recently emerged as a highly infectious viral pathogen in tomato crops. Greenhouse trials were conducted under conditions similar to commercial tomato production. These trials examined whether tomato plants can be protected against PepMV by a preceding infection with an attenuated isolate of this virus. Two potential attenuated isolates that displayed mild leaf symptoms were selected from field isolates. Two PepMV isolates that displayed severe leaf symptoms were also selected from field isolates to challenge the attenuated isolates. The isolates with aggressive symptoms were found to reduce bulk yields by 8 and 24% in single infections, respectively. Yield losses were reduced to a 0–3% loss in plants that were treated with either one of the attenuated isolates, while no effects were observed on the quality of the fruits. After the challenge infection, virus accumulation levels and symptom severity of the isolates with aggressive symptoms were also reduced by cross-protection. Infection with the attenuated isolates alone did neither affect bulk yield, nor quality of the harvested tomato fruits

    Implementatie oogstprognose

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    Haalbaarheid hygiënestrategie bij tomatenbedrijven om vrij te blijven van pepinomozaïekvirus

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    Bij een zevental tomatentelers die absoluut vrij wilden blijven van een besmetting met het pepinomozaïekvirus is de teelt gevolgd en begeleid. Deze telers namen tevens deel aan een praktijknetwerk waarin ervaringen werden uitgewisseld

    Literatuurstudie uniformiteit plantmateriaal : onderzoek uitgevoerd in opdracht van Productschap Tuinbouw

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    Dofheid en drukplekken bij aubergine

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    Dofheid bij aubergine is het gevolg van kleine putjes in de huid van de vrucht. Mede als gevolg van handling kan het weefsel uitdrogen en ontstaan er drukplekken. Doffe vruchten zijn iets groter dan normale vruchten, maar zijn niet volledig fysiologisch rijp. Teeltproeven met verschillen in temperatuur en relatieve luchtvochtigheid tonen aan dat lage temperatuur leidt tot gevoeligheid voor dofheid. In combinatie met een te lage luchtvochtigheid ontstaan er drukplekken. Een plotselinge vermindering van de beschikbare hoeveelheid assimilaten leidt tot dofheid. Er wordt een overzicht gegeven van verschillende teeltmaatregelen en naoogst maatregelen die het kwaliteitsverlies zoveel mogelijk beperken

    Relatie voeding en symptomen pepinomozaïekvirus: en oorzaak en bestrijding van verwelking bij tomaat met pepinomozaïekvirus

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    Het doel van de proef was om na te gaan in hoeverre de kalium/calcium verhouding en sulfaat van de voedingsoplossing van invloed is op de symptomen van PepMV op de vruchten. Als de invloed van de voeding op wankleurigheid bekend is kan de voedingsoplossing zo worden gekozen dat de kans op vruchtsymptomen minimaal is
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