6 research outputs found

    Comparative Study of Monoclonal and Recombinant Antibody-Based Immunoassays for Fungicide Analysis in Fruit juices

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    [EN] A comparative study of the analytical performance of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), based on monoclonal and recombinant antibodies, for the determination of fungicide residues in fruit juices has been carried out. To this aim, three murine hybridoma cell lines secreting specific monoclonal antibodies against (RS)-2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-3-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)propyl-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethyl ether (tetraconazole), 2-(4-triazolyl)benzimidazole (thiabendazole), and (RS)-1-(beta-allyloxy-2,4-dichlorophenylethyl)imidazole (imazalil) were used as a source of immunoglobulin gene fragments for the production of single-chain variable fragment (scFv) and fusion scFv-pIII recombinant antibodies in Escherichia coli. Selected recombinant antibodies displayed cross-reactivity profiles very similar to those of the parent monoclonal antibodies. Imazalil and tetraconazole recombinant antibodies showed one order of magnitude lower affinity than their respective monoclonal antibodies, whereas the thiabendazole recombinant antibodies showed an affinity similar to that of their parent monoclonal antibody. On the other hand, scFv-pIII fusion fragments showed similar analytical properties as, and occasionally better than, scFv recombinant antibodies. Finally, ELISAs developed from each antibody type showed similar analytical performance when applied to the analysis of the target fungicides in fruit juices.This work was funded by Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (MEC, Spain, Project AGL2002-03266). E. P. was the recipient of a doctoral fellowship from Conselleria d'Educacio (Generalitat Valenciana, Spain).Moreno Tamarit, MJ.; Plana Andani, E.; Manclus Ciscar, JJ.; Montoya Baides, Á. (2014). Comparative Study of Monoclonal and Recombinant Antibody-Based Immunoassays for Fungicide Analysis in Fruit juices. Food Analytical Methods. 7(2):481-489. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12161-013-9655-zS48148972Abad A, Manclús JJ, Moreno M, Montoya A (2001) J AOAC Int 84:1–6Alcocer MJC, Doyen C, Lee HA, Morgan MRA (2000) J Agric Food Chem 48:4053–4059Brichta J, Vesela H, Franek M (2003) Vet Med 48:237–247Brichta J, Hnilova M, Viskovic T (2005) Vet Med 50:231–252Charlton K, Harris WJ, Potter AJ (2001) Biosens Bioelec 16:639–646EU Pesticide Database (2013) Pesticide EU-MRLs. http://ec.europa.eu/sanco_pesticides/public/index.cfm . Accessed Jan 2013Ferrer C, Martínez-Bueno MJ, Lozano A, Fernández-Alba AR (2011) Talanta 83:1552–1561Garret SD, Appleford DJA, Wyatt GM, Lee HA, Morgan MRA (1997) J Agric Food Chem 45:4183–4189Graham BM, Porter AJ, Harris WJ (1995) J Chem Technol Biotech 63:279–289Hiemstra M, de Kok A (2007) J Chromatog A 1154:3–25Kipriyanov SM, Moldenhauer G, Little M (1997) J Immunol Meth 200:69–77Kramer K, Hock B (2007) Recombinant antibodies for agrochemicals: Evolutionary optimization. In: Kennedy IR, Solomon KR, Gee SJ, Crossan AN, Wang S, Sánchez-Bayo F (eds) Rational environmental management of agrochemicals: Risk assessment, monitoring, and remedial action. ACS Symposium Series, vol. 966, pp 155−170Krebber A, Bornhauser S, Burmester J, Honegger A, Willuda J, Bosshard HR, Plückthun A (1997) J Immunol Meth 201:35–55Leong SSJ, Chen WN (2008) Chem Engin Sci 63:1401–1414Li T, Zhang Q, Liu Y, Chen D, Hu B, Blake DA, Liu F (2006) J Agric Food Chem 54:9085–9091Manclús JJ, Moreno M, Plana E, Montoya A (2008) J Agric Food Chem 56:8790–8800Markus V, Janne L, Urpo L (2011) Trends Anal Chem 30:219–226Mersmann M, Schmidt A, Tesar M, Schöneberg A, Welschof M, Kipriyanov S, Terness P, Little M, Pfizenmaier K, Moosmayer D (1998) J Immunol Meth 220:51–58Moreno M, Plana E, Montoya A, Caputo P, Manclús JJ (2007) Food Addit Contam 24:704–712Morozova VS, Levashova AI, Eremin SA (2005) J Anal Chem 60:202–217Nishi K, Imajuku Y, Nakata M, Ohde K, Miyake S, Morimune K, Kawata M, Ohkawa H (2003) J Pest Sci 28:301–309Nishi K, Ishiuchi M, Morimune K, Ohkawa H (2005) J Agric Food Chem 53:5096–5104Scholthof KB, Whang G, Karu AE (1997) J Agric Food Chem 45:1509–1517Sheedy C, MacKenzie CR, Hall JC (2007) Biotech Adv 25:25333–25352Tout NL, Yau KYF, Trevors JT, Lee H, Hall JC (2001) J Agric Food Chem 49:3628–3637Webb SR, Lee H, Hall JC (1997) J Agric Food Chem 45:535–541Yau KYF, Tout NL, Trevors JT, Lee H, Hall JC (1998) J Agric Food Chem 46:4457–4463Yoshioka N, Akiyama Y, Matsuoka T, Mitsuhashi T (2010) Food Control 21:212–21

    Rise and Fall of an Anti-MUC1 Specific Antibody

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    So far, human antibodies with good affinity and specificity for MUC1, a transmembrane protein overexpressed on breast cancers and ovarian carcinomas, and thus a promising target for therapy, were very difficult to generate.A human scFv antibody was isolated from an immune library derived from breast cancer patients immunised with MUC1. The anti-MUC1 scFv reacted with tumour cells in more than 80% of 228 tissue sections of mamma carcinoma samples, while showing very low reactivity with a large panel of non-tumour tissues. By mutagenesis and phage display, affinity of scFvs was increased up to 500fold to 5,7×10(-10) M. Half-life in serum was improved from below 1 day to more than 4 weeks and was correlated with the dimerisation tendency of the individual scFvs. The scFv bound to T47D and MCF-7 mammalian cancer cell lines were recloned into the scFv-Fc and IgG format resulting in decrease of affinity of one binder. The IgG variants with the highest affinity were tested in mouse xenograft models using MCF-7 and OVCAR tumour cells. However, the experiments showed no significant decrease in tumour growth or increase in the survival rates. To study the reasons for the failure of the xenograft experiments, ADCC was analysed in vitro using MCF-7 and OVCAR3 target cells, revealing a low ADCC, possibly due to internalisation, as detected for MCF-7 cells.Antibody phage display starting with immune libraries and followed by affinity maturation is a powerful strategy to generate high affinity human antibodies to difficult targets, in this case shown by the creation of a highly specific antibody with subnanomolar affinity to a very small epitope consisting of four amino acids. Despite these "best in class" binding parameters, the therapeutic success of this antibody was prevented by the target biology

    Progress in the development of immunoanalytical methods incorporating recombinant antibodies to small molecular weight biotoxins

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    Progress in the development of immunoanalytical methods incorporating recombinant antibodies to small molecular weight biotoxins

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