62 research outputs found

    Investigation of human iPSC-derived cardiac myocyte functional maturation by single cell traction force microscopy

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    Recent advances have made it possible to readily derive cardiac myocytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC-CMs). HiPSC-CMs represent a valuable new experimental model for studying human cardiac muscle physiology and disease. Many laboratories have devoted substantial effort to examining the functional properties of isolated hiPSC-CMs, but to date, force production has not been adequately characterized. Here, we utilized traction force microscopy (TFM) with micro-patterning cell printing to investigate the maximum force production of isolated single hiPSC-CMs under varied culture and assay conditions. We examined the role of length of differentiation in culture and the effects of varied extracellular calcium concentration in the culture media on the maturation of hiPSC-CMs. Results show that hiPSC-CMs developing in culture for two weeks produced significantly less force than cells cultured from one to three months, with hiPSC-CMs cultured for three months resembling the cell morphology and function of neonatal rat ventricular myocytes in terms of size, dimensions, and force production. Furthermore, hiPSC-CMs cultured long term in conditions of physiologic calcium concentrations were larger and produced more force than hiPSC-CMs cultured in standard media with sub-physiological calcium. We also examined relationships between cell morphology, substrate stiffness and force production. Results showed a significant relationship between cell area and force. Implementing directed modifications of substrate stiffness, by varying stiffness from embryonic-like to adult myocardium-like, hiPSC-CMs produced maximal forces on substrates with a lower modulus and significantly less force when assayed on increasingly stiff adult myocardium-like substrates. Calculated strain energy measurements paralleled these findings. Collectively, these findings further establish single cell TFM as a valuable approach to illuminate the quantitative physiological maturation of force in hiPSC-CMs

    Number of Nanoparticles per Cell through a Spectrophotometric Method - A key parameter to Assess Nanoparticle-based Cellular Assays

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    Engineered nanoparticles (eNPs) for biological and biomedical applications are produced from functionalised nanoparticles (NPs) after undergoing multiple handling steps, giving rise to an inevitable loss of NPs. Herein we present a practical method to quantify nanoparticles (NPs) number per volume in an aqueous suspension using standard spectrophotometers and minute amounts of the suspensions (up to 1 μL). This method allows, for the first time, to analyse cellular uptake by reporting NPs number added per cell, as opposed to current methods which are related to solid content (w/V) of NPs. In analogy to the parameter used in viral infective assays (multiplicity of infection), we propose to name this novel parameter as multiplicity of nanofection.JJDM thanks Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad for a Ramon y Cajal Fellowship and for supporting this work partially by Grant CTQ2012-34778. This research was partially supported by Marie Curie Career Integration Grants within the 7th European Community Framework Programme (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-CIG-Project Number 294142 and FP7-PEOPLE-2012-CIG-Project Number 322276) to RMSM and JJDM, respectively. This research was partially supported by the Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia de la Junta de Andalucía (BIO-1778) to JJDM. RMSM and JDUB thank CEI Biotic Granada for funding P_BS_54 and mP_BS_37 projects. JDUB thanks Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad for a Torres Quevedo fellowship (PTQ-13-06046)

    A Novel Docetaxel-Loaded Poly (ε-Caprolactone)/Pluronic F68 Nanoparticle Overcoming Multidrug Resistance for Breast Cancer Treatment

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    Multidrug resistance (MDR) in tumor cells is a significant obstacle to the success of chemotherapy in many cancers. The purpose of this research is to test the possibility of docetaxel-loaded poly (ε-caprolactone)/Pluronic F68 (PCL/Pluronic F68) nanoparticles to overcome MDR in docetaxel-resistance human breast cancer cell line. Docetaxel-loaded nanoparticles were prepared by modified solvent displacement method using commercial PCL and self-synthesized PCL/Pluronic F68, respectively. PCL/Pluronic F68 nanoparticles were found to be of spherical shape with a rough and porous surface. The nanoparticles had an average size of around 200 nm with a narrow size distribution. The in vitro drug release profile of both nanoparticle formulations showed a biphasic release pattern. There was an increased level of uptake of PCL/Pluronic F68 nanoparticles in docetaxel-resistance human breast cancer cell line, MCF-7 TAX30, when compared with PCL nanoparticles. The cytotoxicity of PCL nanoparticles was higher than commercial Taxotere®in the MCF-7 TAX30 cell culture, but the differences were not significant (p > 0.05). However, the PCL/Pluronic F68 nanoparticles achieved significantly higher level of cytotoxicity than both of PCL nanoparticles and Taxotere®(p < 0.05), indicating docetaxel-loaded PCL/Pluronic F68 nanoparticles could overcome multidrug resistance in human breast cancer cells and therefore have considerable potential for treatment of breast cancer

    Fluorescence Modified Chitosan-Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles for High-Efficient Cellular Imaging

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    Labeling of cells with nanoparticles for living detection is of interest to various biomedical applications. In this study, novel fluorescent/magnetic nanoparticles were prepared and used in high-efficient cellular imaging. The nanoparticles coated with the modified chitosan possessed a magnetic oxide core and a covalently attached fluorescent dye. We evaluated the feasibility and efficiency in labeling cancer cells (SMMC-7721) with the nanoparticles. The nanoparticles exhibited a high affinity to cells, which was demonstrated by flow cytometry and magnetic resonance imaging. The results showed that cell-labeling efficiency of the nanoparticles was dependent on the incubation time and nanoparticles’ concentration. The minimum detected number of labeled cells was around 104by using a clinical 1.5-T MRI imager. Fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy instruments were used to monitor the localization patterns of the magnetic nanoparticles in cells. These new magneto-fluorescent nanoagents have demonstrated the potential for future medical use

    Receptor-targeted liposome-peptide-siRNA nanoparticles represent a novel and efficient therapeutic approach to prevent conjunctival fibrosis.

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    There is increasing evidence that the Myocardin-related transcription factor/Serum response factor (MRTF/SRF) pathway plays a key role in fibroblast activation and that knocking down MRTF can lead to reduced scarring and fibrosis. Here, we have developed a receptor-targeted liposome-peptide-siRNA nanoparticle as a non-viral delivery system for MRTF-B siRNA in conjunctival fibrosis. Using 50 nM siRNA, the MRTF-B gene was efficiently silenced by 76% and 72% with LYR and LER nanoparticles, respectively. The silencing efficiency was low when non-targeting peptides or siRNA alone or liposome-siRNA alone were used. LYR and LER nanoparticles also showed higher silencing efficiency than PEGylated LYR-P and LER-P nanoparticles. The nanoparticles were not cytotoxic using different liposomes, targeting peptides, and 50 nM siRNA. Three-dimensional fibroblast-populated collagen matrices were also used as a functional assay to measure contraction in vitro, and showed that MRTF-B LYR nanoparticles completely blocked matrix contraction after a single transfection treatment. In conclusion, this is the first study to develop and show that receptor-targeted liposome-peptide-siRNA nanoparticles represent an efficient and safe non-viral siRNA delivery system that could be used to prevent fibrosis after glaucoma filtration surgery and other contractile scarring conditions in the eye


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