214 research outputs found

    Plan of Seoul Olympic games facilities and the execution of the plans of green area and road network of Seoul City Planning

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    By analyzing the changes in planning for facilities for the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, focusing especially on green areas and road networks, this study aims to reveal the transformation of Seoul City, sparked by the Seoul Olympic Games. Most of the new competition venues for the Olympic games were built in the green areas in the Jamsil District and the Taenung District. In particular, the Jamsil District was able to support the development of two main Olympic venues by reclaiming land through the revetment of the Han River. The river was the defining feature for Seoul City Planning’s Olympic development plans, dictating the paths of the broad highways and bridges which follow and span its waters

    Quark number Susceptibility and Phase Transition in hQCD Models

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    We study the quark number susceptibility, an indicator of QCD phase transition, in the hard wall and soft wall models of hQCD. We find that the susceptibilities in both models are the same, jumping up at the deconfinement phase transition temperature. We also find that the diffusion constant in the soft wall model is enhanced compared to the one in the hard wall model.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    On the efficiency and accuracy of the single equivalent moving dipole method to identify sites of cardiac electrical activation

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    We have proposed an algorithm to guide radiofrequency catheter ablation procedures. This algorithm employs the single equivalent moving dipole (SEMD) to model cardiac electrical activity. The aim of this study is to investigate the optimal time instant during the cardiac cycle as well as the number of beats needed to accurately estimate the location of a pacing site. We have evaluated this algorithm by pacing the ventricular epicardial surface and inversely estimating the locations of pacing electrodes from the recorded body surface potentials. Two pacing electrode arrays were sutured on the right and left ventricular epicardial surfaces in swine. The hearts were paced by the electrodes sequentially at multiple rates (120–220 bpm), and body surface ECG signals from 64 leads were recorded for the SEMD estimation. We evaluated the combined error of the estimated interelectrode distance and SEMD direction at each time instant during the cardiac cycle, and found the error was minimum when the normalized root mean square (RMS[subscript n]) value of body surface ECG signals reached 15 % of its maximum value. The beat-to-beat variation of the SEMD locations was significantly reduced (p < 0.001) when estimated at 15 % RMS[subscript n] compared to the earliest activation time (EAT). In addition, the 5–95 % interval of the estimated interelectrode distance error decreased exponentially as the number of beats used to estimate a median beat increased. When the number of beats was 4 or larger, the 5–95 % interval was smaller than 3.5 mm (the diameter of a commonly used catheter). In conclusion, the optimal time for the SEMD estimation is at 15 % of RMS[subscript n], and at that time instant a median beat estimated from 4 beats is associated with a beat-to-beat variability of the SEMD location that is appropriate for catheter ablation procedures.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant 1RO1HL103961

    Writing/thinking in real time: digital video and corpus query analysis

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    The advance of digital video technology in the past two decades facilitates empirical investigation of learning in real time. The focus of this paper is the combined use of real-time digital video and a networked linguistic corpus for exploring the ways in which these technologies enhance our capability to investigate the cognitive process of learning. A perennial challenge to research using digital video (e.g., screen recordings) has been the method for interfacing the captured behavior with the learners’ cognition. An exploratory proposal in this paper is that with an additional layer of data (i.e., corpus search queries), analyses of real-time data can be extended to provide an explicit representation of learner’s cognitive processes. This paper describes the method and applies it to an area of SLA, specifically writing, and presents an in-depth, moment-by-moment analysis of an L2 writer’s composing process. The findings show that the writer’s composing process is fundamentally developmental, and that it is facilitated in her dialogue-like interaction with an artifact (i.e., the corpus). The analysis illustrates the effectiveness of the method for capturing learners’ cognition, suggesting that L2 learning can be more fully explicated by interpreting real-time data in concert with investigation of corpus search queries

    Photo-emission rate of sQGP at finite density

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    We calculate the thermal spectral function of SYM plasma with finite density using holographic technique. We take the RN-AdS black hole as the dual gravity theory. In the presence of charge, vector modes of gravitational and electromagnetic perturbation are coupled with each other. By introducing master variables for these modes, we solve the coupled system and calculate spectral function. We also calculated photoemission rate of SYM plasma from spectral function for light like momentum, AC conductivity and their density dependence. The suppression of the conductivity in high density is noticed, which might be yet another mechanism for the Jet quenching phenomena in RHIC experiment.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure


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    A series of SrAl2O4: Eu2+, Dy3+ long-afterglow (LAG) phosphors with varying concentration of Li+, Na+ and K+, has been synthesized. The increased concentration of the three types of alkaline ions does not decrease the quantity of the total luminescent phases (SrAl2O4 plus Sr4Al14O25), but a different set of secondary phases has been evoluted for the K+-added series due to the failure of the incorporation of relatively large K+ (1.38 Å) to the Sr2+ (1.18 Å) site in the hosts, unlike the cases of smaller Li+ (0.76 Å) and Na+ (1.02 Å) ions. PL excitation, PL emission, and LAG luminescence, are decreased by all investigated alkaline ions, which would be due to the diminished incorporation of Eu2+ and Dy3+ activators into the luminescent hosts by the alkaline ions. For the cases of the Li+ and Na+-added series, the incorporated Li+ or Na+ to the luminescent hosts would also limit the activation of Eu2+ and charge trapping/detrapping of Dy3+ to yield the diminished PL properties and LAG luminescence. The type of defect complex formed by the addition of Li+ and Na+ ions has been deduced and compared with that formed when no alkaline ion is added

    Investigation of material, chemical, and electrochemical properties of Li10SiP2S12-xOx and Li10[SnySi1-y]P2S12-xOx solid electrolytes

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    With the increasing demand and desire for stronger power and longer life of lithium ion batteries, the lithium ion battery (LIB) system is needed to be developed into next level while it is overcoming the traditional safety issues originated from the use of organic liquid electrolyte. By the physically strong and none volatile feature of solid, one of the simplest and best way to replace the organic liquid electrolyte apply the solid-state electrolyte and establish the all solid-state battery (ASSB). Furthermore, the ASSB system can give an advantage to use Alkali metals to LIB system as electrode that has much huge potential capacity compared to the commercialized current cathode and anode LIB materials. This research studies two sulfide-based solid-state electrolytes, Li10SiP2S12-xOx (LSiPSO) and Li10[SnySi1-y]P2S12-xOx (LSnSiPSO), a crystalline material based on the Li10GeP2S12 (LGPS) high Li+ ion conductive material. The initial Li+ ion conductivity increase and optimization was observed with the substitution of oxygen into crystal structure of Li10SiPS12, and it is a new phenomenon not confirmed with the LGPS and its oxygen substitution. Further spectroscopy and crystallography analysis reveals that there is a formation of oxy-sulfide phase. The phase purification effect by the added oxygen is also observed that it is consuming impurity phases and coverts them into the high Li+ ion conductive LGPS like phase. However, a high oxygen substitution gives a trade-off between the phase purity and Li+ ion conductivity of material. The high addition of oxygen causes a phase degradation into oxide crystalline phase. The investigation of structure and properties of LSnSiPSO shows the same phase purification by the oxygen substitution but it is much enhanced with the additional substitution of tin. The improved phase purification effect is expected that it was possible to form a much close crystal structure to the parent LGPS by the distribution of large ion sized tin to the LSiPSO structure. Finally, ASSB assembled with the LSiPSO and LSnSiPSO samples as SE with Li metal electrode. The impedance and cyclic voltammetry (CV) analysis of the LSiPSO and LSnSiPSO exhibit a formation of solid electrolyte interface (SEI) layer which leads a consumption/deformation of the solid-state electrolyte and Li metal. CV analysis reveals chemical reactions such as redox reaction of Si, Sn, S, and P on the interface between the SE and Li metal. The cycled batteries failed with a constant current density of 0.3 mA/cm2. However, the LSnSiPSO samples showed more stable cycling behavior than the LSiPSO sample

    전국민 기반 후향 연구

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    학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 행정대학원 행정학과(정책학전공), 2018. 8. Jorg Michael Dostal.Generally, socioeconomically disadvantaged populations have a different health status. Their access to medical facility and health information are more restricted than the case of the general populations. If this disparity is accumulated for decades, it can affect the mortality and diseases epidemiology. Based on these results, vulnerable groups request a different health policy for themselves. However, there are not many nationwide researches for their actual health conditions. That means that rational and proper health policy cannot be established due to absence of these data. The Korean government has been operating a national health insurance system for about 40 years. Today, this policy covers every single person residing in Korea for a period of at least one month. Due to this system, big data on national health has been built up electronically on a large scale. National health insurance offers three types of insurance programs for (1) the general population, (2) the medical aid group, (3) the patriots and wounded veterans groups. Among them, the medical aid group, patriots and wounded veterans groups could be defined as vulnerable population. Until now, there is no research on epidemiology and medical expense of vulnerable groups through nationwide health big data. Thus, the current dissertation conducts research on the frequency of each disease in vulnerable groups through big data analysis. This research can suggest more elaborate health policy for the vulnerable groups. The health status of the last two groups was markedly different from the general population. The frequency of inflammatory infectious disease observed as the most common disease in general population decreased, and senile disorders such as chronic medical illness generally increased in vulnerable populations. Furthermore, the most common five diseases group in patriots and wounded veterans group were totally differenthypertension, benign prostate hyperplasia, diabetes mellitus, gingivitis and periodontitis, and angina pectoris. With regard to medical expenses, the largest part of the budget was spent on the musculoskeletal disease group in the general population. Secondly, mental disorders such as schizophrenia and dementia consumed the largest portion in the medical aid group. Thirdly, chronic medical illnesses such as diabetes mellitus, angina pectoris, chronic kidney disease are the major medical expense items in patriots and wounded veterans. This situation might be due to the ageing phenomenon within the veterans group. Regarding differences in the health status between the three groups, they require delicate health policies such as the expansion of health security system, health care delivery system based on integrated primary complex intervention, mobile health and home care based on the high-tech technology, the globalization of health care policy, sustainable finding of the neglected class. The present study has the following limitationWe could not control other independent variable such as age, sex, chart review and laboratory findings. Moreover, we excluded non-insurance coverage health care and extreme poverty groups. Uncertainty of entered diagnostic codes could be another limitation because of health insurance coverage system. However, this study is the first big data study of the nationwide population based on retrospective analysis about the frequency of diseases in vulnerable groups. Thus, as the complete enumeration, it offers higher reliability and validity in comparison to single or multi - center sample studies. Henceforth, it provides fundamental information for more practical study founded on social class and each specific disease.Abstract 1 Table of Contents 3 List of Tables and Figures 5 Chapter 1. Introduction 7 1.1 Health care as public policy 1.2 The inequality of health problem across social classes 1.3 Ageing phenomenon 1.4 Health supporting policy for vulnerable groups under the present circumstances 1.5 Purpose of the research 1.6 Research questions 1.7 Hypothesis of the research Chapter 2. Literature review 15 2.1 Comparative health policy 2.2 Categorization of health care system 2.3 The introduction of the Korean National Health Insurance system 2.4 Emerging financial problem in the health care 2.5 The features of health information in medically poor group 2.6 Actual health and socioeconomic conditions of patriots and wounded veterans in Korea Chapter 3. Materials and Methods 21 3.1 Data source and study design 3.2 Study populations 3.3 The frequency of each disease and a comparison with a general population 3.4 A comparison of each groups total medical expenses 3.5 Statistical analysis Chapter 4. Results 24 4.1 The prevalent diseases of the general population 4.2 The prevalent diseases of the medical aid group 4.3 The prevalent diseases of the patriots and wounded veterans group 4.4 A comparison of each groups frequent diseases 4.5 The variable patterns of significant diseases over five years 4.6 A comparison of total required medical expenses in three groups Chapter 5. Discussions 47 5.1 Definition and socioeconomic characteristics of vulnerable populations 5.2 Different health status of two vulnerable populations(1) the medical aid group, (2) the patriots and wounded veterans group 5.3 Medical expenses depending on the social class and disease severity 5.4 Current condition of health support for vulnerable population 5.5 Policy implication for the future 5.6 The limitations and strength of this study Chapter 6. Conclusions 57 Bibliography 58 국문초록 61Maste