234 research outputs found

    A study of the handling of split readings in common Chinese dictionaries in Hong Kong

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    Paper PresentationSplit readings are about pronunciation differences due to different meanings. They are generally explained in dictionaries. The handling of split readings in common Chinese dictionaries in Hong Kong, however, differs in many ways which eventually leads to the readers’ frustration. This article examines the handling of split readings in such Chinese dictionaries as Yueyin yunhui, Zhonghua xin zidian, Lishi zhongwen zidian and Changyong zi guangzhouhua duyin biao. It is found that there are explicit standards on split readings in most dictionaries, while the standards of some dictionaries are not so clear and consistent.破讀即別義異讀,屬於一字多音多義現象。一般來說,我們要通過翻查字典,了解某字有沒有破讀的情況,方能準確掌握這個字的形、音、義等資料。不過,觀乎香港通行常用字典對破讀字的處理,卻存在不少差異。本文以《粵音韻彙》、《中華新字典》、《李氏中文字典》、《常用字廣州話讀音表》、《商務新字典》、《粵音正讀字彙》、《廣州話正音字典》等香港通行常用字典為例,選取並剖析一些涉及破讀問題的字例,藉以探討這些字典對破讀字的處理準則。postprin

    Oscillation-induced softening in copper and molybdenum from nano- to micro-length scales

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    Understanding acoustoplasticity through dislocation dynamics simulations

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    The acoustoplastic effect in metals is routinely utilised in industrial processes involving forming, machining and joining, but the underlying mechanism is still not well understood. There have been earlier suggestions that dislocation mobility is enhanced intrinsically by the applied ultrasound excitation, but in subsequent deliberations it is routinely assumed that the ultrasound merely adds extra stresses to the material without altering its dislocation density or intrinsic resistance to deformation. In this study, a dislocation dynamics simulation was carried out to investigate the interactions of dislocations under the combined influence of quasi-static and oscillatory stresses. Under such combined stress states, dislocation annihilation is found to be enhanced leading to larger strains at the same load history. The simulated strain evolution under different stress schemes also closely resembles certain previously obtained experimental observations. The discovery here goes far beyond the simple picture that the ultrasound effect is merely an added-stress one, since here, the intrinsic strain-hardening potency of the material is found to be reduced by the ultrasound, through its effect on enhancing dislocation annihilation. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.postprin

    An efficient color compensation scheme for skin color segmentation

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    2002-2003 > Academic research: refereed > Refereed conference paperVersion of RecordPublishe

    A very low bit-rate video coding algorithm by focusing on moving regions

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    2000-2001 > Academic research: refereed > Refereed conference paperVersion of RecordPublishe

    An efficient low bit-rate video-coding algorithm focusing on moving regions

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    2001-2002 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    A novel illumination compensation scheme for sprite coding

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    Author name used in this publication: Dagan FengCentre for Multimedia Signal Processing, Department of Electronic and Information EngineeringRefereed conference paper2004-2005 > Academic research: refereed > Refereed conference paperVersion of RecordPublishe

    Assessing self-efficacy behaviour of type 2 diabetes mellitus in primary care

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    A guerra civil americana em "The brothers" e outros contos de Louisa May Alcott: uma tradução comentada

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    Este trabalho de projeto visa a apresentação de uma proposta de tradução dos contos “M.L.”, “The Brothers”, “A Hospital Christmas” e “Nelly’s Hospital”, da autoria de Louisa May Alcott, para a língua portuguesa. Tomando como suporte teórico deste trabalho os procedimentos de tradução preconizados por Jean-Paul Vinay e Jean Darbelnet e os contributos de Itamar Even- Zohar, Gideon Toury, André Lefevere e Lawrence Venuti no âmbito da tradução literária, pretendemos salientar a diversidade de fatores que entram em jogo na tradução literária enquanto processo intercultural, realçando que, neste campo, há sempre uma negociação entre perdas e ganhos nas apostas interpretativas que deverão ser feitas pelo tradutor. Sendo certo que nenhum texto pode ser traduzido em todos os seus aspetos, e não tomando como adequada apenas uma abordagem, procurámos adotar uma posição de compromisso e responder ao que é exigido ao “tradutor negociador” (Eco, 2005). Desenvolvemos, assim, um exercício de equilíbrio que procurou não “apagar” o Outro, nem colocar em causa a fluência e legibilidade do texto traduzido; The American Civil War in “The Brothers” and other short stories by Louisa May Alcott: a commented translation ### Abstract: This project work aims to present a translation of the short stories “M.L.”, “The Brothers”, “A Hospital Christmas” and “Nelly’s Hospital”, by Louisa May Alcott, into Portuguese. Taking as theoretical basis the translation procedures advocated by Jean-Paul Vinay and Jean Darbelnet, and the contributions of Itamar Even-Zohar, Gideon Toury, André Lefevere and Lawrence Venuti in the context of literary translation, we intend to point out the diversity of factors that come into play in literary translation as an intercultural process and emphasise the fact that, in this field, there is always a negotiation between losses and gains in the interpretive choices made by the translator. Certain that no text can be translated in all its aspects, we did not consider only one approach as adequate, and attempted to adopt a compromise position and respond to what is required to a " translator as a negotiator" (Eco, 2005).We tried to establish a balance that would not “erase” the Other, nor jeopardise the fluency and readability of the translated texto