
A study of the handling of split readings in common Chinese dictionaries in Hong Kong


Paper PresentationSplit readings are about pronunciation differences due to different meanings. They are generally explained in dictionaries. The handling of split readings in common Chinese dictionaries in Hong Kong, however, differs in many ways which eventually leads to the readers’ frustration. This article examines the handling of split readings in such Chinese dictionaries as Yueyin yunhui, Zhonghua xin zidian, Lishi zhongwen zidian and Changyong zi guangzhouhua duyin biao. It is found that there are explicit standards on split readings in most dictionaries, while the standards of some dictionaries are not so clear and consistent.破讀即別義異讀,屬於一字多音多義現象。一般來說,我們要通過翻查字典,了解某字有沒有破讀的情況,方能準確掌握這個字的形、音、義等資料。不過,觀乎香港通行常用字典對破讀字的處理,卻存在不少差異。本文以《粵音韻彙》、《中華新字典》、《李氏中文字典》、《常用字廣州話讀音表》、《商務新字典》、《粵音正讀字彙》、《廣州話正音字典》等香港通行常用字典為例,選取並剖析一些涉及破讀問題的字例,藉以探討這些字典對破讀字的處理準則。postprin

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