162 research outputs found

    Acute brucella melitensis M16 infection model in mice treated with tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors

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    Introduction: There is limited data in the literature about brucellosis related to an intracellular pathogen and anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha (anti-TNFα) medication. The aim of this study was to evaluate acute Brucella infections in mice receiving anti-TNFα drug treatment. Methodology: Anti-TNFα drugs were injected in mice on the first and fifth days of the study, after which the mice were infected with B. melitensis M16 strain. Mice were sacrificed on the fourteenth day after infection. Bacterial loads in the liver and spleen were defined, and histopathological changes were evaluated. Results: Neither the liver nor the spleen showed an increased bacterial load in all anti-TNFα drug groups when compared to a non-treated, infected group. The most significant histopathological findings were neutrophil infiltrations in the red pulp of the spleen and apoptotic cells with hepatocellular pleomorphism in the liver. There was no significant difference among the groups in terms of previously reported histopathological findings, such as extramedullary hematopoiesis and granuloma formation. Conclusions: There were no differences in hepatic and splenic bacterial load and granuloma formation, which indicate worsening of the acute Brucella infection in mice; in other words, anti-TNFα treatment did not exacerbate the acute Brucella spp. infection in mice. © 2015 Kutlu et al

    Dünya'da ve Türkiye'de Hizmetiçi Eğitimler: Kurumsal ve Akademik Hafıza(Kayıpları)mız

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    By examining the history of national and international in-service teacher education literature, policies, trends, and developments, this paper aims to highlight Turkish institutional and academic memories and the memory that has been lost. Adopting qualitative methodology through context and historical review approaches, policy documents, research articles, official newspapers and websites, and congress minutes were analyzed. The findings indicated that, in an international setting, in-service teacher training has been developed by establishing an understanding and creating memories through implementations, experiences and findings from research. On the other hand, in the Turkish setting in-service teacher training is influenced by changing regulations, personal bureaucratic decisions and fundamental reform movements, which fail to consider the research findings.Geçtiğimiz doksan yıl içinde ulusal ve uluslararası hizmetiçi eğitim çalışmalarını, yönelimlerini, politika değişimlerini ve izdüşümlerini paralel dönem aralıklarında irdeleyen bu tarama çalışması, ulusal ve uluslararası karşılaştırma yoluyla mesleki gelişim sürecinde ülkemizde oluşan kurumsal hafıza ve hafıza kayıplarının incelenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Nitel metodoloji çerçevesinde bağlam ve tarihsel derleme özellikleri taşıyan çalışmada, ulusal ve uluslararası makalelerin yanı sıra politika dokümanları, resmi web sayfaları, gazeteler, raporlar ve meclis tutanakları incelenerek değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Değerlendirme ve derleme sonuçları uluslararası düzeyde hizmetiçi eğitimi alanında kazanımların, başarısızlıkların ve araştırma bulgularının zaman içerisinde politika ve uygulamalara yön verdiğini, ulusal düzeyde ise merkeziyetçilik, nicelik ve popülist değerlerin hizmetiçi eğitim kurgu ve süreçlerinde hakim kılındığını göstermektedir

    Acinetobacter türlerine bağlı kan dolaşımı infeksiyonlarında risk faktörleri: İleriye dönük bir olgu-kontrol çalışması

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    Objective: The aim of this prospective case control study was to describe the risk factors for bacteremia due to Acinetobacter species among hospitalized patients. Methods: The study was conducted prospectively from July 2012 to January 2014, and one case group and two control groups were created. Case group comprising patients with Acinetobacter bacteremia and control group 1 comprising patients with bacteremia due to other agents and control group 2 comprising non-bacteremic patients were compared in terms of demographic characteristics, underlying diseases, invasive procedures, and antibiotic use. Results: The study group (n=23) and control groups (n=46) were compared with univariate analysis and significant risk factors for Acinetobacter bacteremia were as follows: total parenteral nutrition, chemotherapy, use of broad spectrum antibiotics including β-lactam and β-lactamase inhibitors, carbapenems, teicoplanin, and antifungals (p<0.05). The duration of hospitalization was longer in case group (p=0.005). In multivariate analysis, factors independently associated with an increased risk of Acinetobacter spp. bacteremia included total parenteral nutrition (odds ratio, OR 5.13; confidence interval 95%, CI 95%, 1.41-18.57; p=0.013), use of a β-lactam/β-lactamase inhibitor (OR 7.67; CI 95% 1.67- 35.25; p=0.009), and use of teicoplanin (OR 4.11; CI 95% 1.09- 15.46; p=0.036). Conclusions: The definition of risk factors for Acinetobacter spp. bacteremia may help with the management of patients and infection control precautions by early prediction of the infection. © 2015, AVES Ibrahim Kara. All rights reserved

    Türkiye'de buğday (t. Aestivum l.) ekim alanı, üretim ve veriminin krigging yöntemi ile değerlendirmesi

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    The purpose of this study was to reveal similarities and dissimilarities of provinces and to determine the potential of provinces on wheat in terms of for acreage, production and yield by using krigging method in Turkey. Wheat is the most important and strategic crop for Turkey and plays important a role in crop production, food industry and animal husbandry whether it is given greater importance in production marketing and valorization. Results revealed that, significant relationships appear between acreage, production and crop yield. Besides, climatic, topographic and soil conditions are very significant factors in determining acreage, yield and production of wheat. The use of cultivars having higher yield, more tolerance to drought cold, and have a shorter growing period allowing rapid development will increase crop, yield therefore acreage and production.Bu çalışmanın amacı Krigging metodu ile Türkiye’de buğday yetiştiriciliği yapılan illerin ekim alanı, üretim ve verimi bakımından benzerlik ve farklılıklarının saptanması ve potansiyellerinin belirlenmesidir. Buğday Türkiye için önemli ve stratejik bir ürün olup bitkisel üretim, gıda sanayi ve hayvan beslenmesinde kullanılmaktadır. Çalışmalar ekim alanı, üretim ve verim arasında önemli ilişki olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Buğdayın ekim alanı, verim ve üretim miktarında iklim, topografya ve toprak koşulları önemli faktörler olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bunun yanı sıra verimi yüksek, soğuğa ve kurağa daha dayanıklı, vejetasyon süresi kısa çeşit kullanımı da buğdayda ekim alanı, verim ve üretim miktarında artışlara neden olmaktadır

    Investigation the effect of propranolol, metoprolol and carvedilol on spermatogenesis in rat testis

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    Background: Coronary arterial diseases are one of the increasing disease around the worldwide. Because of common using of the beta blockers, we aimed to investigate the effect of different beta-adrenergic receptor blockers on spermatogenesis in male rats.Methods: Adult male Sprague Dawley rats were obtained. Totally 32 rats homogenized according to their weight and divided into four groups that each one includes eight rats. Three of groups were determined as drug groups and remained groups were determined as a control group. Propranolol 40mg/kg, Metoprolol succinate 60mg/kg, Carvedilol 30mg/kg dosage was given by oral gavage within the saline solution, and the only saline solution was given to control group for 21 days, respectively. After 21 days rats were sacrificed, and testis were extracted. Then, histopathologic evaluation was performed.Results: There was statistical significance both right and left testis volume of experimental between control and carvedilol groups (p<0.05). There was statistical histopathological significance between control and carvedilol (p<0.05), control and propranolol (p<0.05), metoprolol succinate and propranolol (p<0.05), metoprolol succinate and carvedilol groups (p<0.05), respectively.Conclusions: Beta-adrenergic receptor blockers have adverse effects on spermatogenesis. Especially propranolol and carvedilol that were non-selective, effects spermatogenesis worse than selective beta blockers such as metoprolol succinate. Extensive use of these drugs may affect spermatogenesis in male, so male patients who have a complaint of infertility should be questioned regarding the use of beta blockers

    Post-intervention Status in Patients With Refractory Myasthenia Gravis Treated With Eculizumab During REGAIN and Its Open-Label Extension

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether eculizumab helps patients with anti-acetylcholine receptor-positive (AChR+) refractory generalized myasthenia gravis (gMG) achieve the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America (MGFA) post-intervention status of minimal manifestations (MM), we assessed patients' status throughout REGAIN (Safety and Efficacy of Eculizumab in AChR+ Refractory Generalized Myasthenia Gravis) and its open-label extension. METHODS: Patients who completed the REGAIN randomized controlled trial and continued into the open-label extension were included in this tertiary endpoint analysis. Patients were assessed for the MGFA post-intervention status of improved, unchanged, worse, MM, and pharmacologic remission at defined time points during REGAIN and through week 130 of the open-label study. RESULTS: A total of 117 patients completed REGAIN and continued into the open-label study (eculizumab/eculizumab: 56; placebo/eculizumab: 61). At week 26 of REGAIN, more eculizumab-treated patients than placebo-treated patients achieved a status of improved (60.7% vs 41.7%) or MM (25.0% vs 13.3%; common OR: 2.3; 95% CI: 1.1-4.5). After 130 weeks of eculizumab treatment, 88.0% of patients achieved improved status and 57.3% of patients achieved MM status. The safety profile of eculizumab was consistent with its known profile and no new safety signals were detected. CONCLUSION: Eculizumab led to rapid and sustained achievement of MM in patients with AChR+ refractory gMG. These findings support the use of eculizumab in this previously difficult-to-treat patient population. CLINICALTRIALSGOV IDENTIFIER: REGAIN, NCT01997229; REGAIN open-label extension, NCT02301624. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class II evidence that, after 26 weeks of eculizumab treatment, 25.0% of adults with AChR+ refractory gMG achieved MM, compared with 13.3% who received placebo

    Minimal Symptom Expression' in Patients With Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody-Positive Refractory Generalized Myasthenia Gravis Treated With Eculizumab

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    The efficacy and tolerability of eculizumab were assessed in REGAIN, a 26-week, phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody-positive (AChR+) refractory generalized myasthenia gravis (gMG), and its open-label extension

    Effects of national cultures in contract negotiations : a study of Turkish and American cultures

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    This thesis examines the impact of national cultures in international contract negotiations. The main focus, however, is negotiations between Turkish and American entities. The key cultural differences between the two societies are determined by a cultural survey amongst Turkish and American participants. Prof. Geert Hofstede's "five dimensions" model was implemented to reveal characteristics of these two cultures. The survey questions used by Hofstede were changed and adjusted, however, to fit the needs of this particular study. In the light of the survey results and comments obtained from experienced Turkish and American businessmen, this study provides an analysis of the differences between the two cultures and proposes general considerations and roadmaps to guide contract negotiators of these two cultures.http://archive.org/details/effectsofnationa1094513525Turkish Navy author.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    The politics of religious revival and getting closer to the Islamic world during Cold War period (1945-1960): Examples of Sebilürreşad and Selamet journals

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    İslam dünyası kavramı, tarihi seyri içerinde hep aynı istikamette ilerleyen bir düşünce değildir. Dünyada yaşanan güncel siyasi koşulların farklılaşması bu fikrin zemininde zaman içerisinde değişikliklerin yaşanmasına neden olmuştur. Bilhassa II. Dünya Savaşı, İslam dünyası fikri için bir kırılma noktasıdır. Müslüman coğrafyalardaki bağımsızlık mücadeleleri sonucu ortaya çıkan gelişmeler, Batı Bloku'nun İslam dünyası üzerinde izlediği siyaseti farklı noktalara taşıdığı söylenebilir. Soğuk Savaş sürecinde iki taraflı bir uyum arayışıyla birlikte gelişen bu siyaset, pek çok Müslüman devleti/toplumu küresel bir tehdit olarak algılanan Sovyet Rusya karşısında ortak bir noktada buluşmaya itecektir. II. Dünya Savaşı'nın, sonuçları itibarıyla Türkiye'nin iç ve dış siyasetinin şekillenmesindeki etkisi günümüze kadar uzanmaktadır. Orta Doğu'daki jeostratejik önemi Türkiye'yi, Batı ile ittifaka doğru sürüklerken, bununla doğrudan irtibatlı olarak liberal bir siyasi hayata geçiş çabası beraberinde devletin dinî alana yönelik politikalarını da değiştirmektedir. Siyasal merkezin katı laiklik uygulamalarının gevşemesi şeklinde gelişen bu değişimi, İslamcı neşriyatın devletin çizdiği sınırlar çerçevesinde desteklediği görülmektedir. Pakistan ve İsrail'in bir devlet olarak ortaya çıkışının yanında komünizm tehdidi ve belki en başta saymamız gereken Batı'nın Orta Doğu'da tasarladığı plan, Türkiye'nin İslam dünyasına yakınlaşmasını sağlayan/destekleyen gelişmelerdir. Soğuk Savaşın başlarında Türkiye, Batı Bloku'na dâhil olma hedefini, yüzünü İslam dünyasına dönerek gerçekleştirmeye gayret etmiştir. İslamcı neşriyat bu anlamda sadece iç politikada devletin dinî açılımına motive edici bir katkı vermekle yetinmemiş, İslam dünyası ile Türkiye'nin siyasi, sosyal ve kültürel irtibat noktalarını ustaca işleyerek devletin bölgede yürüttüğü siyasete paralel bir yaklaşım/strateji izlemiştir.The notion of Islamic World is not a thought that moves in the same direction all the time. The differentiation of current political circumstances of the World caused changes within the base of this thought. World War II, above all is a breaking point for the thought of an Islamic World. The politics of West Block on the Islamic World has changed, it may be said, by the incidents occurred in Muslim territories caused by the independence struggles within those areas. During the Cold War period this politics had been developed by the search for a co-alignment, and it made the majority of Muslim states/societies to get together under the same roof against Soviet Russia, which was perceived as a global threat. The effect of World War II on Turkey's domestic and foreign politics is existent even today. The geostrategic importance of Turkey in the Middle East leads Turkey to ally with Europe and along with the effort of transition into a liberal life, which is a direct consequence of this situation, changes the state's the politics on religion. The center of politics loosened up the strict secular practices, and this change is supported by the Islamic publications within the bounds drawn by the state. Along with the emergence of Pakistan and Israel as states, the threat of communism and last but not least the plans of the West in the Middle East, all of these three points made/supported Turkey's getting closer to the Islamic World. In the beginning of the Cold War, Turkey tried to be involved in the West Block through turning its face to the Islamic World. Islamic publication did not only motivated this religious expansion within the domestic politics, it also skillfully handled the political, social, and cultural contact points of Turkey and Islamic World