58 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Sikap, Tingkat Intelegensi, Dan Metode Pembelajaran Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa SMA Widya Kutoarjo

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan secara parsial maupun simultan antara sikap, tingkat intelegensi dan metode pembelajaran terhadap prestasi belajar siswa kelas X SMA Widya Kutoarjo Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Widya Kutoarjo Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013 yang berjumlah 35 siswa, dengan menggunakan tabel Krecjie dengan taraf kesalahan 5% maka didapat sampel sebanyak 32 siswa dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan kuantitatif. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa sikap berada pada kategori baik yaitu 34,4%, tingkat intelegensi pada kategori baik yaitu 40,6%, metode pembelajaran pada kategori baik yaitu 40,6%, dan prestasi belajar siswa pada kategori cukup baik yaitu 62,5%. Dari hasil analisis kuantitatif menunjukkan bahwa (1) variabel sikap memberikan pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar siswa SMA Widya Kutoarjo thitung 4,526;asig. 0,000<0,005 dan besar pengaruh sebesar 42,25%, (2) variabel tingkat intelegensi memberikan pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar siswa SMA Widya Kutoarjo thitung 2,755;sig.0,010<0,005 dan besar pengaruh sebesar 21,34%, (3) variable metode pembelajaran member pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar siswa SMA Widya Kutoarjo thitung 2,768; sig.0,010<0,005 dan besar pengaruh 21,53%, (4) variabel sikap, tingkat intelegensi dan metode pembelajaran secara bersama-sama memberikan pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar siswa SMA Widya Kutoarjo, Fhitung=15.554;sig.0,000<0,05 dan besar pengaruh sebesar 62,50% dan sisanya 37,5% dipengaruhi variabel lain yang tidak diteliti. Persamaan regresi Y = 6,777+ 0,444 X1 + 0,301 X2 + 0,521 X3 Kata

    Analisis Kemampuan Membayar Tarif Angkutan Kota (Studi Kasus Pengguna Jasa Angkutan Kota Pada Empat Kecamatan Di Kota Semarang)

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    To determine the fare of city transport, the local government as a regulator has to consider two different interests those are interest of the operator and interest of the user. The operator wishes the fare would give high profit, while the user affected wishes the cheapest fare. The factors to the fare rate are vehicle operation cost, and ability to pay of the users. This study is focussed as the discussion of the ability to pay of the users.Two approaches were used to find and the ability to pay of users those are the ability based on user perception (willingness to pay) and ability based on budget allocation for transport (ability to pay).The factors used to determine the Ability To Pay and Willingness To Pay are house size, family income, transportation needs, total transportation cost and trip distance. Data was collected by questioner and interviewing the respondent at four kecamatan i.e. Gayamsari, South Semarang, East Semarang and Central Semarang. It was found the public transport which was dominated by man, of 20 – 50 year old, and elementary education level

    Estimasi Potensi PLTMH Dengan Metode Regionalisasi Pada Ungauged Catchments Di Kecamatan Suoh

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    . Electricity is the major problem in Suoh sub-district because there is no electricity distributed by National Electricity Company (PLN). Suoh is located in the upstream of Way Semaka and water is available in river tributaries throughout the year which can be utilized for micro hydro power. This research aims to analyse the potency of the rivers including Way Hantatai, Way Sekandak and Way Gunung Lanang. The three rivers are categorised as ungauged catchments. Research method includes analysis of hydrologic similarity berween Way Semaka and Way Besai catchments, application of regionalization method where FDC for Way Semaka was developed from discharge data from Way Besai located close to Way Semaka. Measurement of flow variables in the rivers are used to verify dependable discharge calculated by regionalization method. The potency of electricity power is calculated based on dependable discharge Q50 and head. The result shows that hydrologic similarity exists between Way Semaka and Way Besai catchments. Calculated discharges based on river measurements comparable to dependable discharges between 80%-93% from the FDCs for the three rivers. The maximum electricity power which can be generated are 15.26 KW, 4.12 KW and 2.71 KW for Way Hantatai, Way Sekandak and Way Gunung Lanang respectively

    The Debris Particles Analysis of Rsg Gas Coolant to Anticipate Sediment Induced Corrosion

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    THE DEBRIS PARTICLES ANALYSIS OF RSG-GAS COOLANT TO ANTICIPATE SEDIMENT-INDUCED CORROSION. The reliability of the structures, systems and components (SSC) of the G.A. Siwabessy Multipurpose Research Reactor (RSG-GAS) should be maintained to keep the reactor operates safely. Chemical control and management of coolant is one factor which determines the SSC's reliability. The debris sedimentation in the primary coolant system must be examined. Debris occurs in the reactor pool, originating from airborne dust from the engineering hall. Several elements contained by the sediment can induce corrosion. This research was conducted to identify the trace elements which were contained in the sediments and determine their concentrations. The objective was to anticipate the occurrence of galvanic and pitting corrosion due to the presence of elements which are more noble than aluminum. The measurement methodology is Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA). Two groups of samples were analyzed; the first group was sampled from the debris trapped in the mechanical filter after the resin column, or known as the resin trap, and second was sampled from the debris which adhered to the heat exchanger tube. The primary coolant debris analysis showed that the neutron-activated sediment contained Na-24, Na-25, Al-28, Mg-27, Cr-51, Mn-54, Mn-56, Co-58, Co-60, Ni-65, and Fe-59. The Mn, Cr, Co, Ni, and Fe are more noble than aluminum can induce galvanic corrosion while Na, Ba, Al, and Mg are not. The radionuclides contained by the result of neutron activation of sediment from the heat exchanger tube are Mn-56, Na-24, As-76, Br-82, Fe-59, Zn-65, Cr-51, La-140, and Sc-46 which are mostly carbon steel corrosion products. Those elements do not initiate galvanic corrosion. The prevention of galvanic corrosion can be done by periodic maintenance

    Why do you cycle on that route?

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    Safe cycling has become a priority in many New Zealand cities and a large investment in cycleways is underway. To maximize the benefit, it is important to have insight into cyclists’ preferences and factors influencing cyclist route choice. Previous, studies about preferences were typically done by asking respondents to rank/rate factors important to them, without linking those ranked/rated factors with respondents’ choices. Thus, such an approach cannot assess the changes in preferences and choices when there is interaction between factors. For example, cyclists’ route choices may change depending upon combinations of ‘levels/states’ of the ‘bicycle lane’ and ‘road hierarchy’ factors. Furthermore, when designing cycle networks/routes, it is not always possible to optimise them with respect to all factors. The stated preference method, used in this study, presented respondents with pairs of scenarios, involving different combinations of factor ‘levels’, and asked which were preferred, highlighting ‘trade-off’ between factors. In this study, the factors of travel time, road hierarchy, on-street car parking and bicycle lanes were investigated. The responses were used to estimate choice models, indicating the relative importance of those factors. Ultimately, these results can be used to assist in the design of better cycle routes, hence, increasing cycle route use

    Determinan Persepsi Pengguna, Kepuasaan Pengguna dan Kesuksesan Implementasi E-Budgeting di Pemerintah Kota Surakarta: (Studi Kasus pada Organisasi Pemerintah Daerah Kota Surakarta)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji tingkat kesuksesan model sistem e-budgeting di pemerintah kota Surakarta dengan menggunakan  D&M IS Succes Model  yang dikembangkan oleh Delone dan McLean (Delone dan McLean, 2003). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi dan survei yaitu metode pengumpulan data primer yang diperoleh secara langsung dari sumber asli melalui kuesioner dan wawancara langsung dengan responden. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD) di pemerintah kota Surakarta yang terkait dengan penyusunan anggaran dengan menggunakan e-budgeting. Data yang sudah disebar melalui kuesioner dianalisis menggunakan sotware Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS) IBM 23. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa kualitas sistem berpengaruh positif terhadap persepsi penggunaan e-budgeting. Kualitas sistem informasi e-budgeting berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap kepuasan pengguna e-budgeting. Kualitas informasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap penggunaan e-budgeting. Kualitas informasi tidak berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pengguna. Kualitas layanan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap penggunaan e-budgeting. Kualitas pelayanan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan pengguna. Persepsi penggunaan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan pengguna. Persepsi penggunaan e-budgeting berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja e-budgeting. Kepuasan pengguna berpengaruh positif terhadap kesuksesan atau kinerja e-budgeting

    Communication Network in Increasing Productivity of ‘Pelapak' (Case Study in Bukalapak Community in Jakarta Area)

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    In the last five years, the number of SMEs in Indonesia has continued to increase. However, only 4.9% made use of digital access as a sales medium, either through social media or e-commerce. In 2017, the number of SMEs going online increase to 8%, and is targeted to increase in 2018 by the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs of the Republic of Indonesia. Increasing e-commerce is a challenge for Bukalapak. To continue to maintain its exixtance, Bukalapak formed the ‘Komunitas Pelapak' as a communication network between ‘pelapak' (seller) in each region. This community allows pelapak to share strategies to increase productivity. This study aims to describe the communication network of ‘Komunitas Pelapak' in the Jakarta area and analyze it's role in improving the productivity of pelapak in the community. This research method is qualitative descriptive using a case study spproach. The study, which used in-depth interview techniques with members of the Komunitas Bukalapak Jakarta area, found that within the Bukalapak community in Jakarta, there were four (4) individuals who were chosen by members of the community. The four individuals constitute opinion leaders who are active in providing information and motivation to other community members through social media channels, the WhatsApp Group of the Bukalapak community, and offline activities such as ‘kopdar' and social activities. By communicating with information and motivation in every community activity, it can increase enthusiasm and innovation for the products and also the sales method. This will ultimately increase the productivity of community members in doing business in the world of e-commerce
