116 research outputs found

    Effect of osmotic dehydration on the drying kinetics and quality of cashew apple,

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    The effect of different osmotic pretreatments on cashew apple drying kinetics and product quality were investigated

    The physics of dynamical atomic charges: the case of ABO3 compounds

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    Based on recent first-principles computations in perovskite compounds, especially BaTiO3, we examine the significance of the Born effective charge concept and contrast it with other atomic charge definitions, either static (Mulliken, Bader...) or dynamical (Callen, Szigeti...). It is shown that static and dynamical charges are not driven by the same underlying parameters. A unified treatment of dynamical charges in periodic solids and large clusters is proposed. The origin of the difference between static and dynamical charges is discussed in terms of local polarizability and delocalized transfers of charge: local models succeed in reproducing anomalous effective charges thanks to large atomic polarizabilities but, in ABO3 compounds, ab initio calculations favor the physical picture based upon transfer of charges. Various results concerning barium and strontium titanates are presented. The origin of anomalous Born effective charges is discussed thanks to a band-by-band decomposition which allows to identify the displacement of the Wannier center of separated bands induced by an atomic displacement. The sensitivity of the Born effective charges to microscopic and macroscopic strains is examined. Finally, we estimate the spontaneous polarization in the four phases of barium titanate.Comment: 25 pages, 6 Figures, 10 Tables, LaTe

    Resistência a Septoria lycopersici em espécies de Solanum (Secção Lycopersicon) e em progênies de S. lycopersicum × S. peruvianum

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    Septoria leaf spot (Septoria lycopersici) is one of the major fungal diseases of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) in tropical and subtropical regions with humid climates and/or in areas cultivated under sprinkler irrigation systems. Sources of resistance have been found in accessions of Solanum (section Lycopersicon) species. However, many of the described sources are not effective under Brazilian conditions. The objective of this work was to evaluate wild and cultivated Solanum (section Lycopersicon) germplasm to S. lycopersici isolates. A collection of 124 accessions was initially evaluated under greenhouse conditions. Ten accessions were highly resistance (HR), whereas 33 were classified as having a resistant (R) response to S. lycopersici isolates. Field evaluation was also conducted with a sub-set of accessions identified as either HR or R in the greenhouse experiment. This field evaluation confirmed greenhouse tests and indicated the presence of some potential sources of rate-reducing resistance. One highly resistant and eight resistant S. habrochaites accessions were identified as being resistant under both conditions, confirming that this wild species is one of the most promising sources of resistance to S. lycopersici. Five new sources with high levels of resistance were found in S. peruvianum accessions (PI-306811, CNPH-1036, LA-1910, LA-1984 and LA-2744). One accession derived from an interspecific cross between S. lycopersicum and S. peruvianum was also found to be highly resistant and might be useful to introgress resistance factors from this wild species into cultivated tomato germplasm. However, additional breeding efforts will be necessary to introgress into the cultivated tomato the resistance factors identified in other S. peruvianum accessions due to the presence of natural crossing barriers between the two species.A mancha-de-septória (Septoria lycopersici) é importante doença fúngica do tomateiro (Solanum lycopersicum) em áreas tropicais e subtropicais com alta umidade ou quando esta hortaliça é cultivada sob irrigação por aspersão. Fontes de resistência têm sido encontradas em germoplasma de Solanum (secção Lycopersicon). No entanto, muitas das fontes descritas não funcionam nas condições brasileiras. Avaliou-se uma coleção de germoplasma de tomate cultivado e selvagem (Solanum secção Lycopersicon) visando identificar novas fontes de elevada resistência. Uma coleção de 124 acessos foi inicialmente avaliada sob condições de casa de vegetação. Somente dez acessos foram classificados como altamente resistentes e 33 foram classificados como resistentes. Um ensaio de campo foi também conduzido com um subconjunto de acessos promissores identificados no primeiro experimento. Foi confirmada a resposta da maioria dos acessos avaliados em casa de vegetação e indicou a presença de fontes de resistência capazes de reduzir a taxa de progresso da doença. Um acesso de S. habrochaites com elevada resistência e oito acessos resistentes foram identificados, confirmando que esta espécie representa uma das mais promissoras fontes de genes de resistência a S. lycopersici. Cinco novas fontes com elevados níveis de resistência foram identificadas em acessos da espécie S. peruvianum (PI-306811, CNPH-1036, LA-1910, LA-1984 e LA-2744). Um acesso, derivado de cruzamento interespecífico entre S. lycopersicum e S. peruvianum também mostrou-se altamente resistente e poderá ser útil na introgressão deste(s) gene(s) em germoplasma de tomateiro cultivado. No entanto, esforços adicionais de melhoramento serão necessários para transferir para o tomateiro cultivado os fatores de resistência identificados em outros acessos de S. peruvianum, uma vez que existem barreiras naturais de cruzamentos entre estas duas espécies

    The effect of interaction between hepatitis C virus and cigarette smoking on the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma

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    We evaluated the interaction between hepatitis C virus (HCV) and cigarette smoking on death from hepatocellular cancer in The Japan Collaborative Cohort Study. The odds ratio of death from HCC for smoking was 9.60 (1.50–61.35) and 1.71(0.58–5.08) among anti-HCV positive and negative individuals, respectively