53 research outputs found

    Keefektifan Entomopatogen Hirsutella Citriformis (Deuteromycetes: Moniliales) Pada Kutu Psyllid Diaphorina Citri Kuw.

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    . Diaphorina citri Kuw. (Homoptera:Psylidae) adalah salah satu hama penting pada tanaman jeruk dan merupakan vektor penyakit CVPD. Diaphorina citri dapat dikendalikan dengan insektisida, predator, parasitoid, dan patogen serangga. Pengendalian dengan patogen serangga, khususnya dengan entomopatogen sedang dikembangkan, salah satu yang ditemukan menginfeksi D. citri adalah Hirsutella citriformis. Di lapang H. citriformis ditemukan pada serangga dewasa dan tidak pernah menyerang stadia nimfa. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui stadia D. citri yang dapat terinfeksi oleh konidia jamur H. citriformis. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah acak lengkap faktorial 2 faktor, dengan 20 perlakuan kombinasi, masing-masing diulang 3 kali. Faktor pertama stadia D. citri, yaitu imago, nimfa instar 3, 4, dan 5. Faktor kedua, yaitu konsentrasi konidia jamur, yaitu kontrol, 105 konidia/ml, 106 konidia/ml, 107 konidia/ml, dan 108 konidia/ml. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa H. citriformis lebih patogenik terhadap stadia imago daripada nimfa (instar 3, 4, dan 5) dengan konsentrasi 108 konidia/ml dengan median lethal time 11,72 hari. Patogenisitas H. citriformis pada D. citri dipengaruhi oleh konsentrasi dan stadia D. citri

    Analysis of the Health of Sharia Banks with Approach to Rentability Factors (Earning)

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    The level of health of Islamic banks is a measure that States that an Islamic banking institutions have good qualifications in terms of liquidity, solvency and profitabiltias, in addition to being able to run the function and role of intermediary institutions as well. This research aims to analyze the extent of the influence of the ratio of the supporting factors in the assessment of earning or earning ratios that in proxy by the Return On Asset (ROA) as the variable X 1, the ratio Retun on Equity (ROE) as the variable X 2 and the ratio of Assets that can generate revenue (IGA) as the variable X3 in contributing the main factor ratio rentabiltias at the level of health of bank syariah i.e. Net Operating Margin (NOM) as the variable Y. The sample in this research is the entire population of the study i.e. the National Islamic Bank which has provided a bank statement on the financial services authority (OJK) for the period January 2013 until December 2017. Model analysis of the multiple linear regression model using and being estimated using OLS (Ordinary Least Square). Based on the research results obtained value R Square of 0,406. The figure indicated that the ability of the independent variable (the ratio of ROA, ROE ratio and the ratio of IGA) in explaining his independe variables (ratio of NOM) amounted to 40.6% while the rest is affected by other variables.     Keywords: bank, earning health levels, return on assets, return on equity, the ratio of assets that can generate income, net operating margi

    Pengaruh Harga Tembakau Internasional, Jumlah Produksi Domestik Dan Nilai Tukar Terhadap Nilai Ekspor Tembakau Indonesia (Studi Ekspor Tembakau Indonesia Tahun 1985-2014)

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    The main objective of this study is to understand and to explain the influence of International tobacco prices, number of domestic production and exchange rate against Indonesian tobacco export value. This type of research study is explanatory research with quantitative approach. This study used secondary data time series from the years from 1985 to 2014. Data was analyzed further by multiple linear regression analysis with the support of IBM SPSS Statistics program 20. The results of this study Is, International tobacco prices, number of domestic production and exchange rate simultaneous affected the value of Indonesia's tobacco exports significantly. Partial test in this research study showed that the International tobacco prices, number of domestic production and the exchange rate significantly affected of Indonesia tobacco exports value. Based on the results, it is recommended for Indonesia to sign and participate in FCTC Treaty in order to protect the tobacco industry in the country and improve the competitiveness of Indonesia tobacco in in the global market

    Pengembangan Pembelajaran Peta Konsep Dan Aplikasi E-learning Moodle: Upaya Meningkatkan Ketuntasan Belajar Dan Sikap Positif Terhadap Matematika Siswa Smk Surakarta1)

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    This main purpose of this research is developing a mind mapping model of learning with moodle e learning application to increase SMK's student mathematics achievement and positive attitudes towards of mathematics. In line with the objective of the research, so this research is R and D research model. This research aim to produce a learning devices and research instruments that comply a mind mapping model of learning with moodle e learning application. It used 4D procedur by Thiagarajan that comprised some phase, namely : Define, Design, Develop, and DisseminateThe subject of development research is XH class of SMK Warga Surakarta's students. The collection data methods, we used achievement test of students, validation sheet of all instruments research , and observation sheet of positives attitudes students of towards mathematics, observation sheet of management classroom by the teacher, students response sheet towards devices and the implementation of learning. To analyze the datas, we used quantitative descriptive analyze. The descriptive analyze used to describe achievement of learning outcomes from validator, that consist of mathemetics achievement, positives attitudes towards mathematics and students responses to mind mapping model of learning with moodle e learning application. The result of this research has been developed the devices of learning and implementation of mind mapping model of learning with moodle e learning application. That is (1) the average of positives attitudes towards mathematics reliabilities is 79.2 %. It means the result of observations made both observers was credible and the instruments had a good category (2) the average of reliabilities of teacher's abilities to manage his classroom is 84.75 %. It means the result of observations made both observers was credible and the instruments had a good category. (3) the result of respons's students was unknown thal all aspects were above 70%, exception was an aspect that related by classroom condition (3) the achievement tes that was developed from this research were valid instrument, have reliability indeks 0.77 and the average of sensitive indeks was 0.5051. It means that all instrument of learning can be used

    Pelatihan Penerapan Beberapa Aplikasi Dari Microsoft: Office Mix, Onenote, Sway Dalam Pembelajaran Bagi Guru-guru Matematika SMA Di Kabupaten Sragen

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    Community service program aims to improve the quality of education in Sragen to broaden the horizon of teachers of mathematics senior high school in Sragen on information and communication technology in the form of applications from Microsoft and is able to use it in the learning of mathematics in senior high school. The design of these training activities began with a presentation from guest speaker activity to 60 senior high school math teacher who joined the senior high school math MGMPs Sragen. Exposure training material is divided into two stages. The first exposure of the material associated with the explanation office mix, OneNote and Sway application program. The second stage of material related exposure how to use these three applications to make draft lesson of mathematics with microsoft applications in senior high school. After the exposure of the activities activities continued with a training resource persons assisting the preparation of the learning device oriented material that has been presented. Devices that have been compiled implemented at SMAN 2 Sragen. In the implementation of activities carried out observations of the ability of teachers in implementing the learning, student activities and student response to learning. The results of the observations are learning simulation activities, the ability of teachers to manage learning in the simulation activities achieve good category. Microsoft office applications make use of student activity is better and the results of students 'responses, suggests that Microsoft application deployments in learning can build learning environment for the better, more interactive and can enhance students' interest in participating in the learning of mathematics. Once implemented in the classroom reflection to be improved and further implemented in school trainees

    Assessment of Heavy Metals on Occupationally Exposed Workers From Hair Analysis

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    The use of human hair as a tool in assessing changes and abnormalities in human bodies has been increasing for last decades since it may reflect the health status or environmental condition of habitation or working place of individuals as well as population groups. Compared to other body tissue or fluids, hair provides an ease of elemental analysis especially in reflecting the long-term exposure. This research was conducted to determine the elemental content especially heavy metals, since they are bioaccumulated in human body organs and impact human health, in hair of workshop workers and traffic services officers as exposed groups and its comparison with control group and references data for assessing of occupational exposure. Thirty-five automotive workshop workers and 32 traffic services officers\u27 hair specimens were collected in Bandung, while hair specimens of the control group were collected from 43 healthy individuals. The elemental concentrations in hair specimen were analyzed using neutron activation analysis (NAA) for mercury and chromium, and atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) for lead and arsenic. The accuracy of the method was evaluated using GBW 07601 human hair certified reference material (CRM) and it was found to give good results in accordance with the certificate values. It was found that chromium, lead, and arsenic hair concentration in exposed groups (0.88, 10.7, and 0.051 mg/kg, respectively) were higher than in control group (0.27, 4.52, and 0.045 mg/kg, respectively), while mercury hair concentration of traffic services officers were higher than control group but mercury hair concentration of automotive workshop workers were lower than in control group (1.41 mg/kg). The t-test statistical results shown that mercury concentrations in one exposed group did not differ significantly from the control, but other exposed groups showed otherwise. The level of mercury in hair is strongly attributed not only to environmental exposure, but also to lifestyle and dietary habits, while t-test statistical results ofchromiumand lead differ significantly with p value < 0.05. These results indicate that heavy metal hair concentrations were well quantified to show the abnormalities of elemental concentration in human hair for evaluating the occupational exposure

    Evaluasi Uji Profisiensi Wepal 2015.1 Pada Cuplikan Tanah

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    EVALUASI UJI PROFISIENSI WEPAL 2015.1 PADA CUPLIKAN TANAH. Pengendalian kualitas prosedur analitik sangat penting untuk menghasilkan data analisis yang andal. Partisipasi dalam program uji profisiensi yang diselenggarakan oleh WEPAL (Wageningen Evaluating Programmes for Analytical Laboratories) 2015.1, merupakan salah satu proses penting untuk meningkatkan akurasi dan ketepatan teknik analisis yang digunakan di laboratorium serta dalam peningkatan pemanfaatan reaktor riset. Cuplikan ISE (International Soil Analytical Exchange) diiradiasi pada fasilitas rabbit system dan dianalisis menggunakan metode AAN (Analisis Aktivasi Neutron). Evaluasi kinerja metode dilakukan dengan uji akurasi dan Z-score. Unsur yang dilaporkan sebanyak 14 unsur yang meliputi Al, As, Ca, Co, Cr, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Sc, Ti, V dan Zn. Berdasarkan hasil analisis14 unsur yang dilaporkan, 57,1-78,6% memuaskan dengan |Z| ≤ 2; 7,14-21,4% dipertanyakan dengan 2<|Z|<3 dan 21,4-35,7% tidak memuaskan dengan |Z| ≥ 3. Pada hasil yang tidak memuaskan/outlier dilakukan tindakan perbaikan dan hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat kesesuaian dengan nilai Z-score berkisar antara -2<Z<2. Secara umum, metode AAN baik untuk analisis multielemen matrik tanah dengan hasil analisis yang andal dan tingkat validitas yang baik
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