2 research outputs found


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    This observation has purposes to know the ways of persuasion language expressed in wristwatch advertisement in Time Magazine and to describe the meaning of persuasive language used in wristwatch advertisement in Time Magazine. In this research, the data are derived from the English text in wristwatch advertisement that containing word, phrase, clause or sentence. There are two techniques in collecting the data, firstly the writer reads the English advertisement in Time Magazine especially the wristwatch advertisement; secondly the writer lists and collects phrases or sentence of the wristwatch advertisement in Time Magazine. And then the writer uses persuasive technique in language to get the ways persuasive language expressed and using contextual meaning to know the meaning of persuasive language. Based on the data analysis, the writer draws conclusion that there are eight ways to express persuasive language in wristwatch advertisement at Time magazine. They are intensifier, imperative, rhetorical question, repetition, simile, metaphor, short cut, and temporal language. And then related to the meaning, the meaning used to express persuasive presents by using superiority of wristwatch, prestige of wristwatch, the quality of wristwatch and the freedom of wearer to set the wristwatch as their want

    Teaching Learning Process Of English At State Elementary Schools In Boyolali

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    The objective of this research was to describe the teaching learning process of English that happened in state elementary schools in Boyolali as detail that include syllabus, learning objective, material, method that included classroom technique, teacher roles and student roles, media, evaluation model and advantages and weakness during teaching learning process done . It is the qualitative research that used ethnography method to explain the detail of this research. The data of this research is collected by three ways, they are (1) classroom observation, here the writer observes the teaching learning process of English that happened at state elementary school in Boyolali, (2) Interview, the interview is done for several people that have related with the research, they are English teacher, students, and principal, (3) Document analysis, the document that is collected, it is the document that has related with the research, they are syllabus, module and form of marks and evaluation. And then the technique of data analysis that used in this research are there several steps they are (1) Data Collecting, (2) Data Reducing, (3) Data Presenting, and (4) Conclusion and Verification. And based the research the writer found that (1) syllabus, they used mix syllabus that consist of functional-national syllabus and situational syllabus, (2) learning objective, as generally, the learning objective was taken from government regulation number 22 at 2006 and then as specification adjust the theme that leant that day, (3) material, the material that was presented, taken from textbook and supplementary book, (4) method that they used eclectic method in their classroom that combine several method of language, (5) Media, the media that was used flash cards, picture and real pictures, (6) evaluation model that used consist of summative and formative test