567 research outputs found

    Magnetic field vector maps of nearby spiral galaxies

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    We present a method for determining directions of magnetic field vectors in a spiral galaxy using two synchrotron polarization maps, an optical image, and a velocity field. The orientation of the transverse magnetic field is determined with a synchrotron polarization map of higher frequency band and the 180180^\circ-ambiguity is solved by using sign of the Rotation Measure (RM) after determining geometrical orientation of a disk based on a assumption of trailing spiral arms. The advantage of this method is that direction of magnetic vector for each line of sight through the galaxy can be inexpensively determined with easily available data and with simple assumptions. We applied this method to three nearby spiral galaxies using archival data obtained with the Very Large Array (VLA) to demonstrate how it works. The three galaxies have both clockwise and counter-clockwise magnetic fields, which implies that all three galaxies are not classified in simple Axis-Symmetric type but types of higher modes and that magnetic reversals commonly exist.Comment: 9 pages, 5figure

    The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaiʻi: Making History Accessible to All

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    Presentation slidesLearn how volunteer librarians and teachers at the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaiʻi have produced a wealth of resources about the internment experiences of Japanese Americans in Hawaiʻi during World War II that is now available to schools and the public throughout the state. These free resources include curriculum units, resource folders, videos, and more. Exchange ideas about the best ways to use these resources and suggest ways to increase access to these materials

    Frequency and Legal Regulations Surrounding a Ground Station Network

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    The small satellite community is presently facing an issue regarding UHF band frequency usage. There is currently an effort to establish limits on the strength of the waves for the bands Uplink: 401-403 MHz and Downlink 460-470 MHz. Once this rule is officially approved in the ITU, the only other remaining option is 449.75-450.25 MHz for uplink. However, these bands are only treated as side notes, and there is no guarantee that they can definitely be used. With regards to amateur radio bands, there are fundamental disagreements with the idea of using amateur radio frequencies for satellite TT&C. As a result, it will become functionally impossible to use those frequencies for satellite uplink. Maintaining usage of UHF band frequencies is important for the development of the satellite industry. If unable to use UHF frequencies, there remains no other option but to use high frequency bands. For instance, if a country wanted to begin satellite development, and they were in a situation where they had no choice but to use S/X/Ka band frequencies, this would be a significant barrier to entry. Overall, there is a need to make the community’s voice heard in the ITU


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    Efeitos de um programa interdisciplinar baseado em exercícios resistidos sobre qualidade de vida, equilíbrio e índice de quedas de mulheres obesas idosas

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    O aumento da expectativa de vida é um fenômeno global sendo que o processo de envelhecimento da população demanda um olhar mais atencioso aos problemas que podem surgir nessa fase. Sabe-se que nessa etapa muitas mudanças ocorrem no organismo e na estrutura física do corpo sendo o sedentarismo, muitas vezes o fator que contribui rapidamente para complicações dessa fase, como a obesidade, que pode ser relacionada com a diabetes, hipertensão e doenças osteoarticulares, e também a perda de massa muscular, que favorece o risco de quedas e consequentemente afeta as atividades de vida diária dessa população. Esses problemas podem causar dependência funcional, limitando-os na participação das atividades sociais, e assim diminuindo sua qualidade de vida. A boa alimentação e principalmente a prática do exercício pode proporcionar um estilo de vida ativo, fazendo com que ocorram mudanças no organismo que sejam benéficas à saúde e à independência funcional das idosas. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar os efeitos do exercício resistido sobre o equilíbrio, prevenção de quedas e qualidade de vida em obesas idosas inseridas em um programa interdisciplinar, discutindo as possíveis atuações da terapia ocupacional nesse contexto. O estudo foi realizado de forma transversal com 10 mulheres acima de 60 anos de idade e IMC entre 30 e 39,9kg/m² submetidas a sessões de exercício resistido em academia 2 vezes por semana (3 series de 8 a 10 repetições com carga entre 70 a 80% de uma repetição máxima), além de reuniões psicológicas e nutricionais quinzenalmente. Foram realizados testes de equilíbrio, força, e avaliada a qualidade de vida e eficácia de quedas no inicio e ao final de 12 semanas de protocolo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a prática do exercício resistido associado a intervenção interprofissional não ocasionou diferenças em relação a escala de eficácia de quedas ou o equilíbrio medido pela escala de Berg mas foi capaz de melhorar significativamente o equilíbrio dinâmico, força de preensão manual, assim como o domínio saúde mental das participantes obtido pelo questionário de qualidade de vida. Além disso, mesmo que percentualmente houve melhora de outras variáveis da qualidade de vida indicando que este protocolo interdisciplinar e a presença do terapeuta ocupacional possam otimizar e contribuir positivamente para a independência funcional das idosas, aumentando a força e o equilíbrio, mantendo estável o risco de quedas e consequentemente melhorando a qualidade de vida.Increased life expectancy is a global phenomenon and the process of aging populations demand a more attention to the problems that may arise during this phase. It is known that at this stage many changes occur in the body and the physical structure of the body being sedentary lifestyle, often the factor that contributes to complications that phase quickly, such as obesity, which can be related to diabetes, hypertension and osteoarticular diseases, and also the loss of muscle mass, which favors the risk of falls and consequently affects the daily activities of this population. These problems can cause functional dependence, limiting the participation in social activities, and thus decreasing their quality of life. The good nutrition and especially the practice of exercise can provide an active lifestyle, causing changes in the body that are beneficial to health and functional independence of elderly. Thus, the present study aimed to examine the effects of resistance exercise on balance, fall prevention and quality of life in obese elderly women inserted into an interdisciplinary program, discussing possible actions of occupational therapy in this context. The study was performed transversely with 10 women over 60 years old and BMI between 30 and 39.9 kg / m² undergo sessions of resistance exercise in gym 2 times per week (3 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions with a load of 70 80% of one repetition maximum), and psychological and nutritional fortnightly meetings. Tests of balance, strength, quality of life and efficacy of falls were made at the beginning and the end of 12 weeks of protocol. The results showed that the practice of resistance exercise associated with interprofessional intervention did not cause differences in the falls efficacy scale or balance measured by the Berg scale, but was able to significantly improve the dynamic balance, grip strength, and the domain of mental health participants obtained by questionnaire of quality of life. Moreover, even if there was an improvement in percentage of other quality of life variables indicating that this protocol and the presence of interdisciplinary occupational therapist can contribute positively to optimize the functional independence of older, increasing strength and balance, maintaining stable and the risk of falls consequently improving the quality of life

    Discovery of Diffuse Radio Source in Abell 1060

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    Non-thermal components in the intra-cluster medium (ICM) such as turbulence, magnetic field, and cosmic rays imprint the past and current energetic activities of jets from active galactic neuclie (AGN) of member galaxies as well as disturbance caused by galaxy cluster mergers. Meter- and centimeter-radio observations of synchrotron radiation allow us to diagnose the nonthermal component. Here we report on our discovery of an unidentified diffuse radio source, named the Flying Fox, near the center of the Abell 1060 field. The Flying Fox has an elongated ring-like structure and a central bar shape, but there is no obvious host galaxy. The average spectral index of the Flying Fox is -1.4, which is steeper than those for radio sources seen at meter wavelength. We discussed the possibilities of radio lobes, phoenixes, radio halos and relics, and Odd Radio Circle (ORC). In conclusion, the Flying Fox is not clearly explained by known radio sources.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to PASJ as Lette