7 research outputs found

    Suppression of tousled-like kinase activity after DNA damage or replication block requires ATM, NBS1 and Chk1

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    The human Tousled-like kinases 1 and 2 (TLK) have been shown to be active during S phase of the cell cycle. TLK activity is rapidly suppressed by DNA damage and by inhibitors of replication. Here we report that the signal transduction pathway, which leads to transient suppression of TLK activity after the induction of double-strand breaks (DSBs) in the DNA, is dependent on the presence of a functional ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated kinase (ATM). Interestingly, we have discovered that rapid suppression of TLK activity after low doses of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation or aphidicolin-induced replication block is also ATM-dependent. The nature of the signal that triggers ATM-dependent downregulation of TLK activity after UVC and replication block remains unknown, but it is not due exclusively to DSBs in the DNA. We also demonstrate that TLK suppression is dependent on the presence of a functional Nijmegan Breakage Syndrome protein (NBS1). ATM-dependent phosphorylation of NBS1 is required for the suppression of TLK activity, indicating a role for NBS1 as an adaptor or scaffold in the ATM/TLK pathway. ATM does not phosphorylate TLK directly to regulate its activity, but Chk1 does phosphorylate TLK1 GST-fusion proteins in vitro. Using Chk1 siRNAs, we show that Chk1 is essential for the suppression of TLK activity after replication block, but that ATR, Chk2 and BRCA1 are dispensable for TLK suppression. Overall, we propose that ATM activation is not linked solely to DSBs and that ATM participates in initiating signaling pathways in response to replication block and UV-induced DNA damage

    Copper chelation suppresses epithelial-mesenchymal transition by inhibition of canonical and non-canonical TGF-β signaling pathways in cancer

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    Abstract Background Metastatic cancer cells exploit Epithelial-mesenchymal-transition (EMT) to enhance their migration, invasion, and resistance to treatments. Recent studies highlight that elevated levels of copper are implicated in cancer progression and metastasis. Clinical trials using copper chelators are associated with improved patient survival; however, the molecular mechanisms by which copper depletion inhibits tumor progression and metastasis are poorly understood. This remains a major hurdle to the clinical translation of copper chelators. Here, we propose that copper chelation inhibits metastasis by reducing TGF-β levels and EMT signaling. Given that many drugs targeting TGF-β have failed in clinical trials, partly because of severe side effects arising in patients, we hypothesized that copper chelation therapy might be a less toxic alternative to target the TGF-β/EMT axis. Results Our cytokine array and RNA-seq data suggested a link between copper homeostasis, TGF-β and EMT process. To validate this hypothesis, we performed single-cell imaging, protein assays, and in vivo studies. Here, we used the copper chelating agent TEPA to block copper trafficking. Our in vivo study showed a reduction of TGF-β levels and metastasis to the lung in the TNBC mouse model. Mechanistically, TEPA significantly downregulated canonical (TGF-β/SMAD2&3) and non-canonical (TGF-β/PI3K/AKT, TGF-β/RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK, and TGF-β/WNT/β-catenin) TGF-β signaling pathways. Additionally, EMT markers of MMP-9, MMP-14, Vimentin, β-catenin, ZEB1, and p-SMAD2 were downregulated, and EMT transcription factors of SNAI1, ZEB1, and p-SMAD2 accumulated in the cytoplasm after treatment. Conclusions Our study suggests that copper chelation therapy represents a potentially effective therapeutic approach for targeting TGF-β and inhibiting EMT in a diverse range of cancers

    Subtypes of familial breast tumours revealed by expression and copy number profiling

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    Extensive expression profiling studies have shown that sporadic breast cancer is composed of five clinically relevant molecular subtypes. However, although BRCA1-related tumours are known to be predominantly basal-like, there are few published data on other classes of familial breast tumours. We analysed a cohort of 75 BRCA1, BRCA2 and non-BRCA1/2 breast tumours by gene expression profiling and found that 74% BRCA1 tumours were basal-like, 73% of BRCA2 tumours were luminal A or B, and 52% non-BRCA1/2 tumours were luminal A. Thirty-four tumours were also analysed by single nucleotide polymorphism-comparative genomic hybridization (SNP-CGH) arrays. Copy number data could predict whether a tumour was basal-like or luminal with high accuracy, but could not predict its mutation class. Basal-like BRCA1 and basal-like non-BRCA1 tumours were very similar, and contained the highest number of chromosome aberrations. We identified regions of frequent gain containing potential driver genes in the basal (8q and 12p) and luminal A tumours (1q and 17q). Regions of homozygous loss associated with decreased expression of potential tumour suppressor genes were also detected, including in basal tumours (5q and 9p), and basal and luminal tumours (10q). This study highlights the heterogeneity of familial tumours and the clinical consequences for treatment and prognosis