1,172 research outputs found

    日英のコードスイッチング -バイリンガルのチャット分析を通して-

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    Code-switching は、バイリンガルによって日常的に使われるものだ。しかしながら、コードスイッチングは特定の物だけでなく、広範囲のカバーを対象に使われる言葉である。これは、コードスイッチングとは何か、そして何故バイリンガルはコードスイッチングを使うのかについての研究だ。この研究にはスカイプでのチャットメッセージが使われている。たいていのバイリンガルは文中コードスイッチング(Intra-sentential switching)を使う。この研究から、bilingual が何故コードスイッチングをするかが二つ分かった。一つ目は、感情の強調によるもの、二つ目は、話し相手による影響からだ


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    ネイティブ・スピーカーの発音を真似ることができる能力は、多くの言語学習者から獲得が望まれている能力である。本調査では、まず春学期に、CEFR のA2にいる6名の日本人英語学習者―大学レベルの学習水準であり、第二言語として英語を学習している―に、練習のために英語の発音の音声のペアをいくつか紹介した。かれらは4人のグループと2人のグループに分けられ、数週間に渡って、音声のペアの練習と発表を繰り返した。成果には多くの類似点が見られた。特に顕著だったのは、「l/r」と「s/sh」のペアである。どちらのグループも、発音の上達が見られた。しかしながら、教材、接触時間、サポートの割合がすべて同じであったにもかかわらず、2人のグループの上達が4人のグループの上達よりもわずかに速かった。本研究は、英語の授業において教員が発音の指導に焦点を当てる時間はわずかな時間に留められるという示唆を与えている。今後、同様の調査を他集団で継続していく必要がある。The ability to be able to emulate the pronunciation of a native speaker is a skill desired by many language learners. This research, the first part in a yearlong study, introduced several sound pairs of English pronunciation for practice to6Japanese second language (L2) learners of English, in the CEFR A2 band, currently studying at university level. They were divided into two groups, a group of4and a group of 2, were introduced to and practiced the sound pairs over the course of several weeks. There were a number of similarities in the resulting change, most notably with the “l/r” and “s/sh” sound pairs. Both groups showed an improvement in their English pronunciation. However, the pair group progressed at a slightly faster rate than the group of 4 despite all students receiving the same materials, contact time and support. The study concludes with the suggestion that teachers should allocate a small amount of time to focus on English pronunciation in their courses. The study will continue with the inclusion of another group

    Empire and Eurasia: In the Footsteps of Alexander

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    Alle Imperien streben nach Universalität, das heißt, sie wollen Weltreiche sein. Sie sind sich jedoch im Allgemeinen der Existenz anderer Imperien in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart ebenso wie der Notwendigkeit bewusst, sich mit ihnen auseinanderzusetzen. Es hilft, wenn sie sich ideologisch und materiell miteinander verbinden können. Im Falle der älteren eurasischen Landimperien – Rom, Byzanz, Arabische und Persische Reiche, Indien, China – wurden die Verbindungen durch Handel und religiösen Austausch – christlich, islamisch, buddhistisch –hergestellt. Mit den neueren überseeischen Reichen – spanisch, holländisch, französisch, britisch – wurden diese Verbindungen fortgesetzt, nun aber ergänzt durch die starke europäische Präsenz in allen Ecken der Welt, die sie noch stärker zu eurasischen macht. Vieles davon, so wird argumentiert, stützt sich auf das Beispiel des großen eurasischen Reiches von Alexander dem  Großen, dessen Erinnerung in praktisch jedem nachfolgenden Reich zu finden ist und dessen Vorbild alle nachahmen wollten.All empires aspire to universality, which is to say that they aim to be world empires. But they are generally aware of the existence of other empires, past and present, and of the need to come to terms with them. It helps if they can make links, ideologically and materially, with each other. In the case of the older Eurasian land empires – Rome, Byzantium, the Arab and Persian empires, India, China – the links were supplied by trade and religious interchange, Christian, Islamic, Buddhist. With the newer overseas empires – Spanish, Dutch, French, British – these links continued, but were supplemented now by the strong European presence in every corner of the globe, making them Eurasian in an even stronger sense. Behind much of this, it is argued, is the example of the vast Eurasian empire of Alexander the Great, the memory of which is to be found in practically every succeeding empire, and the example of which all aspired to imitate

    Detection techniques of selective forwarding attacks in wireless sensor networks: a survey

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    The wireless sensor network has become a hot research area due its wide range of application in military and civilian domain, but as it uses wireless media for communication these are easily prone to security attacks. There are number of attacks on wireless sensor networks like black hole attack, sink hole attack, Sybil attack, selective forwarding attacks etc. in this paper we will concentrate on selective forwarding attacks In selective forwarding attacks, malicious nodes behave like normal nodes and selectively drop packets. The selection of dropping nodes may be random. Identifying such attacks is very difficult and sometimes impossible. In this paper we have listed up some detection techniques, which have been proposed by different researcher in recent years, there we also have tabular representation of qualitative analysis of detection techniquesComment: 6 Page

    Activation energy for recrystallization in rolled silver

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    In several metals the process of recrystallization is accompanied by a change in the orientation of the recrystallized material with respect to the cold rolled material. If the change is sufficiently large, the changing position of the crystals can be determined by measuring the change in the intensity of the characteristic Bragg-reflection with a Geiger counter x-ray spectrometer. Recent determinations of the activation energies of copper and a 50/50 iron-nickel alloy have been made by using this x-ray technique. Both of these metals show a decided shift in the orientation as the material is recrystallized. Silver was examined to find out the possibilities of application of this x-ray technique to metals with a more complex textural change. It is known that the crystalline texture in severely cold rolled silver can be described by saying that the [112] direction of the face centered cubic crystal is aligned approximately in the rolling direction and that faces of the form (110) lie approximately in the rolling plane. On complete recrystallization the [112] direction aligns itself approximately in the cross rolling direction and faces of the form (113) lie approximately in the rolling plane. This shift in the orientation from the cold rolled to the recrystallized state is a fair indication that the above mentioned x-ray technique could be applied to silver for the determination of its activation energy of recrystallization. Since recrystallization is not an instantaneous process, it may be stopped at various stages of its progress and the change in orientation determined by accurately measuring the change in the intensity of the x-ray lines. A plot of time versus percent recrystallization can thus be made. By determining these recrystallization rate curves at several temperatures, the activation energy of the process can be calculated. In this examination five different temperatures of recrystallization were employed and sufficient number of samples were prepared to follow the course of recrystallization completely by measuring the changes of x-ray line intensities at various stages. Although (220) and (113) line intensities were measured, the calculations were based on (113) line measurements, while (220) line measurements were used as a check for the (113) line values. Silver of 99.97% purity was used in this investigation. Since the recrystallization process is considerably affected by impurity content, the results of this investigation apply only to silver of a similar composition. This metal after 96.55% cold rolling was found to yield a value of 24.1 ± 1.5 Kcal/gm mole as its activation energy --Introduction, pages 1-2

    Development and charaterisation of 3 dimensional culture models for zebrafish (Danio rerio) skeletal muscle cells

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyZebrafish (Danio rerio) have been extensively used over the past two decades to study muscle development, human myopathies and dystrophies, due to its higher degree of homology with human disease causing genes and genome. Despite its unique qualities, zebrafish have only been used as an in-vivo model for muscle development research, due to the limitations surrounding lack of a consistent isolation and culture protocol for zebrafish muscle progenitor cells in-vitro. Using different mammalian myoblast isolation protocols, a novel and robust protocol has been developed to successfully isolate and culture zebrafish skeletal muscle cells repeatedly and obtain differentiated long multi nucleated zebrafish myotubes. Commitment to myogenic lineage was confirmed by immuno-staining against muscle specific protein desmin, and expression pattern of different genetic markers regulating myogenesis. In order to recapitulate the in-vivo bio-physiological environment for zebrafish skeletal muscle cells in-vitro, these cells were successfully cultured in tissue engineered three dimensional (3D) constructs based on fibrin and collagen models. Maturation of tissue engineered collagen and fibrin based constructs was confirmed using the basic parameters described in the literature i.e. collagen three times greater contraction from the original width (Mudera, Smith et al. 2010) and fibrin constructs tightly coiled up to 4mm of diameter (Khodabukus, Paxton et al. 2007). In-vitro characterisation of zebrafish skeletal muscle cells showed hypertrophic growth of muscle mass compared to hyperplasic growth in-vivo as suggested for fish species in literature (Johnston 2006), which is different from human and other mammals. Comparative analysis of zebrafish muscle cells cultured in monolayer against cultured in 3D tissue engineered constructs showed significant increase in fusion index, nuclei per myotube (two-fold) and myotubes per microscopic frame (two-fold). Cells cultured in tissue engineered construct closely resembled in-vivo muscle in terms of their unidirectional orientation of myotubes. These tissue engineered 3D zebrafish skeletal muscle models could be used for various purposes such as drug screening, effect of different temperature extremes, studying underlined pathways involved in human diseases; and with further refinements it would potentially replace the need for studies on live fish in these areas

    A study of the deformation texture and its variation in cold drawn nickel rods

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    The production of rods by cold drawing is a development of recent years as compared to other methods of fabrication. Though a good many investigations correlating the observed mechanical properties to the mill practices employed have been reported, the results nevertheless are more of a qualitative and empirical nature. It is well known that the physical properties of a metal product are related to its deformation textures which are characteristic of the metal and the fabricating method used. Thus a study of the deformation textures of cold-drawn rods, specially by x-ray diffraction techniques should provide a much more precise and direct correlation of the mechanical properties of the product and the mill practice. The Problem Statement of the problem. This study was undertaken (1) to determine the textures developed in nickel during cold drawing, (2) to determine whether the effect of cold drawing is uniformly distributed over the cross-section of the drawn rod, and (3) to develop a satisfactory explanation of the observed deformation textures of cold drawn nickel --Abstract, page 1

    A Kalman Filter Approach for Biomolecular Systems with Noise Covariance Updating

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    An important part of system modeling is determining parameter values, particularly for biomolecular systems, where direct measurements of individual parameters are typically hard. While Extended Kalman Filters have been used for this purpose, the choice of the process noise covariance is generally unclear. In this chapter, we address this issue for biomolecular systems using a combination of Monte Carlo simulations and experimental data, exploiting the dependence of the process noise covariance on the states and parameters, as given in the Langevin framework. We adapt a Hybrid Extended Kalman Filtering technique by updating the process noise covariance at each time step based on estimates. We compare the performance of this framework with different fixed values of process noise covariance in biomolecular system models, including an oscillator model, as well as in experimentally measured data for a negative transcriptional feedback circuit. We find that the Extended Kalman Filter with such process noise covariance update is closer to the optimality condition in the sense that the innovation sequence becomes white and in achieving a balance between the mean square estimation error and parameter convergence time. The results of this chapter may help in the use of Extended Kalman Filters for systems where process noise covariance depends on states and/or parameters.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure