465 research outputs found

    Technique for manufacturing nickel electrodes

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    A method of manufacturing nickel electrodes distinctive for its use of a composite material for the electrode made up of nickel compound, electrode material, cobalt in metal form or cobalt in compound form is investigated. The composite is over-discharged (same as reverse charging) in an alkaline solution. After dealkalization, synthetic resin adhesive is added and the electrode is formed. Selection of the cobalt compound is made from a group consisting of cobalt oxide, cobalt hydroxide, cobalt carbonate and cobalt sulfate. The method upgrades plate characteristics by using an active material in a non-sintered type nickel electrode, which is activated by electro-chemical effect

    Method of producing nickel electrode

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    A large capacity nickel electrode is provided in which the charging efficiency and discharge utilization coefficient are improved in comparison to nickel electrodes which are produced by the conventional method. Nickel electrodes retaining nickel active material or nickel active material and cobalt compounds on a porous nickel substrate are immersed in a cobalt sulfate aqueous solution whose pH is adjusted in the range of 3.5 to 6.0, followed by crystallization of the hydroxide or oxide by pyrolysis or immersion in alkali, thereby coating the surface of the nickel active material with cobalt crystals and simultaneously promoting alloying of the nickel-cobalt

    Generalized form factors, generalized parton distributions and the spin contents of the nucleon

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    With a special intention of clarifying the underlying spin contents of the nucleon, we investigate the generalized form factors of the nucleon, which are defined as the nn-th xx-moments of the generalized parton distribution functions, within the framework of the chiral quark soliton model. A particular emphasis is put on the pion mass dependence of final predictions, which we shall compare with the predictions of lattice QCD simulations carried out in the so-called heavy pion region around mπ(700900)MeVm_\pi \simeq (700 \sim 900) {MeV}. We find that some observables are very sensitive to the variation of the pion mass. It will be argued that the negligible importance of the quark orbital angular momentum indicated by the LHPC and QCDSF lattice collaborations might be true in the unrealistic heavy pion world, but it is not necessarily the case in our real world close to the chiral limit.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Test of CDF dijet anomaly within the standard model

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    Dijet anomaly reported by the CDF (Collider Detector at Fermilab) collaboration in 1.96 TeV p-pbar collisions is investigated within the standard model by considering effects of parton distribution functions on various processes: W+dijet, Z+dijet, WW, ZW, and top production. Since the anomalous peak exists in the dijet-mass region of 140 GeV with the p-pbar center-of-mass energy sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV, a relevant momentum fraction x of partons is roughly 0.1. In this x region, recent HERMES semi-inclusive charged-lepton scattering experiment indicated that the strange-quark distribution could be very different from a conventional one, which has been used for many years, based on opposite-sign dimuon measurements in neutrino-induced deep inelastic scattering. We investigated effects of such variations in the strange-quark distribution s(x) on the anomaly. We found that distributions of W+dijets and other process are affected by the strange-quark modifications in wide dijet-mass regions including the 140 GeV one. Since the CDF anomaly was observed in the shoulder region of the dijet-mass distribution, a slight modification of the distribution shape could explain at least partially the CDF excess. Therefore, it is important to consider such effects within the standard model for judging whether the CDF anomaly indicates new physics beyond the standard model. We also show modification effects of the strange-quark distribution in the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) kinematics, where cross sections are sensitive to a smaller-x region of s(x).Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, submitted for publicatio

    Determination of nuclear parton distributions

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    Parametrization of nuclear parton distributions is investigated in the leading order of alpha_s. The parton distributions are provided at Q^2=1 GeV^2 with a number of parameters, which are determined by a chi^2 analysis of the data on nuclear structure functions. Quadratic or cubic functional form is assumed for the initial distributions. Although valence quark distributions in the medium x region are relatively well determined, the small x distributions depend slightly on the assumed functional form. It is difficult to determine the antiquark distributions at medium x and gluon distributions. From the analysis, we propose parton distributions at Q^2=1 GeV^2 for nuclei from deuteron to heavy ones with the mass number A~208. They are provided either analytical expressions or computer subroutines for practical usage. Our studies should be important for understanding the physics mechanism of the nuclear modification and also for applications to heavy-ion reactions. This kind of nuclear parametrization should also affect existing parametrization studies in the nucleon because "nuclear" data are partially used for obtaining the optimum distributions in the "nucleon".Comment: 16 pages, REVTeX4b5, revtex4.cls, url.sty, natbib.sty, 10pt.rtx, aps.rtx, revsymb.sty, 21 eps figures. Submitted for publication. Computer codes for the nuclear parton distributions could be obtained from http://www-hs.phys.saga-u.ac.jp Email: [email protected]

    A Cooper pair light emitting diode

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    We demonstrate Cooper-pair's drastic enhancement effect on band-to-band radiative recombination in a semiconductor. Electron Cooper pairs injected from a superconducting electrode into an active layer by the proximity effect recombine with holes injected from a p-type electrode and dramatically accelerate the photon generation rates of a light emitting diode in the optical-fiber communication band. Cooper pairs are the condensation of electrons at a spin-singlet quantum state and this condensation leads to the observed enhancement of the electric-dipole transitions. Our results indicate the possibility to open up new interdisciplinary fields between superconductivity and optoelectronics.Comment: 5 pages (4 figures

    Plans for Hadronic Structure Studies at J-PARC

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    Hadron-physics projects at J-PARC are explained. The J-PARC is the most-intense hadron-beam facility in the multi-GeV high-energy region. By using secondary beams of kaons, pions, and others as well as the primary-beam proton, various hadron projects are planned. First, some of approved experiments are introduced on strangeness hadron physics and hadron-mass modifications in nuclear medium. Second, future possibilities are discussed on hadron-structure physics, including structure functions of hadrons, spin physics, and high-energy hadron reactions in nuclear medium. The second part is discussed in more details because this is an article in the hadron-structure session.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 20 eps files, to be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), Proceedings of the 24th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC 2010), Vancouver, Canada, July 4 - 9, 201

    Conference Summary of QNP2018

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    This report is the summary of the Eighth International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2018). Hadron and nuclear physics is the field to investigate high-density quantum many-body systems bound by strong interactions. It is intended to clarify matter generation of universe and properties of quark-hadron many-body systems. The QNP is an international conference which covers a wide range of hadron and nuclear physics, including quark and gluon structure of hadrons, hadron spectroscopy, hadron interactions and nuclear structure, hot and cold dense matter, and experimental facilities. First, I introduce the current status of the hadron and nuclear physics field related to this conference. Next, the organization of the conference is explained, and a brief overview of major recent developments is discussed by selecting topics from discussions at the plenary sessions. They include rapidly-developing field of gravitational waves and nuclear physics, hadron interactions and nuclear structure with strangeness, lattice QCD, hadron spectroscopy, nucleon structure, heavy-ion physics, hadrons in nuclear medium, and experimental facilities of EIC, GSI-FAIR, JLab, J-PARC, Super-KEKB, and others. Nuclear physics is at a fortunate time to push various projects at these facilities. However, we should note that the projects need to be developed together with related studies in other fields such as gravitational physics, astrophysics, condensed-matter physics, particle physics, and fundamental quantum physics.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 1 style file, 3 figure files, Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics (QNP2018), November 13-17, 2018, Tsukuba, Japa

    Polarized light-flavor antiquarks from Drell-Yan processes of h+\vec{N}\to\vec{l^{+-}} + l^{-+} + X

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    We propose a formula to determine the first moment of difference between the polarized uˉ\bar u- and dˉ\bar d-quarks in the nucleon, {\it i.e.} ΔuˉΔdˉ\Delta\bar u-\Delta \bar d from the Drell-Yan processes in collisions of unpolarized hadrons with longitudinally polarized nucleons by measuring outgoing lepton helicities. As coefficients in the differential cross section depend on the uu- and dd-quark numbers in the unpolarized hadron beam, the difference ΔuˉΔdˉ\Delta\bar u-\Delta\bar d can be independently tested by changing the hadron beam. Moreover, a formula for estimating the KK-factor in Drell-Yan processes is also suggested.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur