13 research outputs found

    Brazilian Consensus on Photoprotection

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    Brazil is a country of continental dimensions with a large heterogeneity of climates and massive mixing of the population. Almost the entire national territory is located between the Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn, and the Earth axial tilt to the south certainly makes Brazil one of the countries of the world with greater extent of land in proximity to the sun. The Brazilian coastline, where most of its population lives, is more than 8,500 km long. Due to geographic characteristics and cultural trends, Brazilians are among the peoples with the highest annual exposure to the sun. Epidemiological data show a continuing increase in the incidence of nonmelanoma and melanoma skin cancers. Photoprotection can be understood as a set of measures aimed at reducing sun exposure and at preventing the development of acute and chronic actinic damage. Due to the peculiarities of Brazilian territory and culture, it would not be advisable to replicate the concepts of photoprotection from other developed countries, places with completely different climates and populations. Thus the Brazilian Society of Dermatology has developed the Brazilian Consensus on Photoprotection, the first official document on photoprotection developed in Brazil for Brazilians, with recommendations on matters involving photoprotection

    Psychosocial impact of acne and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation

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    Abstract: Background: Acne is one of the most common skin diseases. It has significant effect on self-image and negative impact on quality of life. Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation is an acquired hypermelanosis that occurs after a skin injury or cutaneous inflammation. It is common sequelae in acne patients. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the psychosocial impact of acne and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation among patients treated in a dermatology outpatient clinic at the University of Miami Hospital. Methods: The study had the participation of 50 patients with acne and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. All participants volunteered to complete an anonymous questionnaire containing socio-demographical information, questions about patient's attitudes toward postinflammatory hyperpigmentation caused by acne, the Cardiff Acne Disability Index and the Dermatology Life Quality Index. Results: Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation was more predominant in the face. Makeup was frequently used to conceal the imperfections and the majority of patients felt embarrassed due to their condition. Interestingly, the majority of our patients did not have their quality of life impacted for acne and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. Study limitations: A limitation of the study was the relatively small sample size. For this reason, the findings of the study should not be generalized to the broader community. Conclusion: The current medical literature has many studies analyzing the psychological impact of acne. This study is the first study in the literature that analyzed the psychosocial impact of acne and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation caused by acne

    Dermatófitos: interação patógeno-hospedeiro e resistência a antifúngicos Dermatophytes: host-pathogen interaction and antifungal resistance

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    As micoses cutâneas estão entre as infecções mais comuns em humanos e se tornaram um importante problema de saúde pública, principalmente por causarem infecções invasivas em pacientes imunodeprimidos. Durante a infecção, a interação dermatófito-hospedeiro desencadeia adaptações metabólicas específicas que permitem aos patógenos aderirem e penetrarem no tecido, remodelando seu metabolismo para captar nutrientes e superar os mecanismos de defesa do hospedeiro. Esse remodelamento metabólico e a inter-relação entre metabolismo, morfogênese e resposta ao estresse são importantes fatores que estão sendo intensamente avaliados em diversos patógenos. As células do hospedeiro também respondem aos estímulos do patógeno, ativando vias de sinalização intracelular que culminam no desencadeamento de uma resposta imune contra o agente infeccioso. O entendimento molecular dessas respostas metabólicas pode ajudar no estabelecimento de novas estratégias terapêuticas. Nesta revisão, são abordados diferentes aspectos da biologia dos dermatófitos, com ênfase na interação dermatófito-hospedeiro e nos mecanismos de resistência a antifúngicos.<br>Cutaneous mycoses are among the most common infections in humans and have become an important public health issue because they cause invasive infections in immunocompromised patients. During the infectious process, dermatophyte-host interactions trigger specific metabolic adaptations that allow the pathogen to adhere to and penetrate the host tissue, scavenge nutrients, and overcome the host defense mechanisms. This metabolic shift and the interplay between metabolism, morphogenesis and stress response are important factors that have been extensively studied in several pathogens. Host cells also respond to the pathogen stimuli by activating intracellular signaling pathways that trigger the immune response against the infectious agent. The comprehension of the molecular aspects of these responses may help to establish new therapeutical strategies. In this review, different aspects of the biology of dermatophytes are addressed, with emphasis on the dermatophyte-host interaction and the mechanisms of antifungal resistance