761 research outputs found

    Conservation laws for self-adjoint first order evolution equations

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    In this work we consider the problem on group classification and conservation laws of the general first order evolution equations. We obtain the subclasses of these general equations which are quasi-self-adjoint and self-adjoint. By using the recent Ibragimov's Theorem on conservation laws, we establish the conservation laws of the equations admiting self-adjoint equations. We illustrate our results applying them to the inviscid Burgers' equation. In particular an infinite number of new symmetries of these equations are found and their corresponding conservation laws are established.Comment: This manuscript has been accepted for publication in Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physic

    Accretion Processes for General Spherically Symmetric Compact Objects

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    We investigate the accretion process for different spherically symmetric space-time geometries for a static fluid. We analyse this procedure using the most general black hole metric ansatz. After that, we examine the accretion process for specific spherically symmetric metrics obtaining the velocity of the sound during the process and the critical speed of the flow of the fluid around the black hole. In addition, we study the behaviour of the rate of change of the mass for each chosen metric for a barotropic fluid.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figures, v2 accepted for publication in 'European Physical Journal C

    Fast Scramblers Of Small Size

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    We investigate various geometrical aspects of the notion of `optical depth' in the thermal atmosphere of black hole horizons. Optical depth has been proposed as a measure of fast-crambling times in such black hole systems, and the associated optical metric suggests that classical chaos plays a leading role in the actual scrambling mechanism. We study the behavior of the optical depth with the size of the system and find that AdS/CFT phase transitions with topology change occur naturally as the scrambler becomes smaller than its thermal length. In the context of detailed AdS/CFT models based on D-branes, T-duality implies that small scramblers are described in terms of matrix quantum mechanics.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Added reference

    Higher Dimensional Cylindrical or Kasner Type Electrovacuum Solutions

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    We consider a D dimensional Kasner type diagonal spacetime where metric functions depend only on a single coordinate and electromagnetic field shares the symmetries of spacetime. These solutions can describe static cylindrical or cosmological Einstein-Maxwell vacuum spacetimes. We mainly focus on electrovacuum solutions and four different types of solutions are obtained in which one of them has no four dimensional counterpart. We also consider the properties of the general solution corresponding to the exterior field of a charged line mass and discuss its several properties. Although it resembles the same form with four dimensional one, there is a difference on the range of the solutions for fixed signs of the parameters. General magnetic field vacuum solution are also briefly discussed, which reduces to Bonnor-Melvin magnetic universe for a special choice of the parameters. The Kasner forms of the general solution are also presented for the cylindrical or cosmological cases.Comment: 16 pages, Revtex. Text and references are extended, Published versio

    Fast Scramblers, Horizons and Expander Graphs

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    We propose that local quantum systems defined on expander graphs provide a simple microscopic model for thermalization on quantum horizons. Such systems are automatically fast scramblers and are motivated from the membrane paradigm by a conformal transformation to the so-called optical metric.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures. Added further discussion in section 3. Added reference

    Surfaces away from horizons are not thermodynamic

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    Since the 1970s, it has been known that black-hole (and other) horizons are truly thermodynamic. More generally, surfaces which are not horizons have also been conjectured to behave thermodynamically. Initially, for surfaces microscopically expanded from a horizon to so-called stretched horizons, and more recently, for more general ordinary surfaces in the emergent gravity program. To test these conjectures we ask whether such surfaces satisfy an analogue to the first law of thermodynamics (as do horizons). For static asymptotically flat spacetimes we find that such a first law holds on horizons. We prove that this law remains an excellent approximation for stretched horizons, but counter-intuitively this result illustrates the insufficiency of the laws of black-hole mechanics alone from implying truly thermodynamic behavior. For surfaces away from horizons in the emergent gravity program the first law fails (except for spherically symmetric scenarios), thus undermining the key thermodynamic assumption of this program

    From the Bloch sphere to phase space representations with the Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill encoding

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    In this work, we study the Wigner phase-space representation of qubit states encoded in continuous variables (CV) by using the Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) mapping. We explore a possible connection between resources for universal quantum computation in discrete-variable (DV) systems, i.e. non-stabilizer states, and negativity of the Wigner function in CV architectures, which is a necessary requirement for quantum advantage. In particular, we show that the lowest Wigner logarithmic negativity of qubit states encoded in CV with the GKP mapping corresponds to encoded stabilizer states, while the maximum negativity is associated with the most non-stabilizer states, H-type and T-type quantum states.Comment: (v1) Accepted for publication in the Springer's "Mathematics for Industry" series. (v2) Typo in the abstract fixed; URL of the conference where the paper has been presented added: International Symposium on Mathematics, Quantum Theory, and Cryptography (MQC), held in September 2019 in Fukuoka, Japan (https://www.mqc2019.org/mqc2019/program

    Logarithmic Corrections to Schwarzschild and Other Non-extremal Black Hole Entropy in Different Dimensions

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    Euclidean gravity method has been successful in computing logarithmic corrections to extremal black hole entropy in terms of low energy data, and gives results in perfect agreement with the microscopic results in string theory. Motivated by this success we apply Euclidean gravity to compute logarithmic corrections to the entropy of various non-extremal black holes in different dimensions, taking special care of integration over the zero modes and keeping track of the ensemble in which the computation is done. These results provide strong constraint on any ultraviolet completion of the theory if the latter is able to give an independent computation of the entropy of non-extremal black holes from microscopic description. For Schwarzschild black holes in four space-time dimensions the macroscopic result seems to disagree with the existing result in loop quantum gravity.Comment: LaTeX, 40 pages; corrected small typos and added reference