2,183 research outputs found

    Azotobacter vinelandii RNA polymerase. II - Effect of ribonuclease on polymerase activity

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    Ribonuclease effect on polymerase activity during ribonucleic acid synthesis kinetic

    Handwriting analysis for diagnosis and prognosis of Parkinson’s disease

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    At present, there are no quantitative, objective methods for diagnosing the Parkinson disease. Existing methods of quantitative analysis by myograms suffer by inaccuracy and patient strain; electronic tablet analysis is limited to the visible drawing, not including the writing forces and hand movements. In our paper we show how handwriting analysis can be obtained by a new electronic pen and new features of the recorded signals. This gives good results for diagnostics. Keywords: Parkinson diagnosis, electronic pen, automatic handwriting analysi

    Joachim Lelewel's "Edda" of 1807

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    This article focuses on Joachim Lelewel’s interest in Old Norse literature as reflected in his paper on Old Norse literature delivered in 1806 and his book Edda that was published a year later. Lelewel’s Edda comprises the first Polish translation (partly as a concise retelling) of selected parts of the French translation of the Poetic Edda and the Snorra Edda as included in Paul Henri Mallet’s Monumens de la mythologie [...] published in 1756. Lelewel’s work is placed in the context of the rising interest in this literature before 1800, whereby special attention is put on the sources Lelewel resorted to, in particular Mallet’s publications and articles in the French literary magazine Magasin Encyclopedique. Comparing the Eddas in Lelewel’s and Mallet’s publications, one can, among other things, note that Lelewel (1) ignores the literary value of the dialogue form in Gylfaginning due to a narrow focus on the mythological content (2) relates the migration of the Scythians to northern Europe in his introduction which thus serves as a substitute for the missing Prologue to the Snorra Edda and (3) partly deviates from Mallet in his footnotes. Aspects (2) and (3) can also be linked back to Lelewel’s use of Magasin Encyclopedique

    Joachim Lelewel’s Edda of 1807

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    This article focuses on Joachim Lelewel’s interest in Old Norse literature as reflected in his paper on Old Norse literature delivered in 1806 and his book Edda that was published a year later. Lelewel’s Edda comprises the first Polish translation (partly as a concise retelling) of selected parts of the French translation of the Poetic Edda and the Snorra Edda as included in Paul Henri Mallet’s Monumens de la mythologie [...] published in 1756. Lelewel’s work is placed in the context of the rising interest in this literature before 1800, whereby special attention is put on the sources Lelewel resorted to, in particular Mallet’s publications and articles in the French literary magazine Magasin Encyclopedique. Comparing the Eddas in Lelewel’s and Mallet’s publications, one can, among other things, note that Lelewel (1) ignores the literary value of the dialogue form in Gylfaginning due to a narrow focus on the mythological content (2) relates the migration of the Scythians to northern Europe in his introduction which thus serves as a substitute for the missing Prologue to the Snorra Edda and (3) partly deviates from Mallet in his footnotes. Aspects (2) and (3) can also be linked back to Lelewel’s use of Magasin Encyclopedique

    The King and His Retainers Some Notes on Interpolations in the Flateyjarbók Version of "Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta"

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    W artykule badane są interpolacje w Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta (największej sadze o Olafie Tryggvasonie) w rękopiśmie Flateyjarbók, dotyczące tych mężczyzn w świcie króla Olafa Tryggvasona, którzy z nim walczyli w bitwie morskiej pod Svǫlðr. Najpierw przedstawione są źródła oraz różne redakcje sagi. Punktem wyjścia do analizy jest lista świty Olafa na okręcie królewskim Ormrinn langi w starszej redakcji sagi. Tylko niektórzy z tych mężczyzn pojawiają się również w innych częściach sagi. Modyfikacje we Flateyjarbók obejmują zarówno interpolacje imion w liście świty, jak i dodatkowe opowieści w bloku narracyjnym przed bitwą. W ten sposób modyfikacje intensyfikują koherencję i narracyjną wielowarstwowość w sadze o Olafie Tryggvasonie

    How the US has exploited ‘states of emergency’ to facilitate discriminatory policy

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    Successive US presidents have used declarations of national emergency to facilitate damaging and discriminatory policies. Carly A Krakow (LSE) looks at the impact these have had on minority communities, and argues that the current crisis must not delay genuine and sustainable reform

    Imaging of epileptic activity using EEG-correlated functional MRI.

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    This thesis describes the method of EEG-correlated fMRI and its application to patients with epilepsy. First, an introduction on MRI and functional imaging methods in the field of epilepsy is provided. Then, the present and future role of EEG-correlated fMRI in the investigation of the epilepsies is discussed. The fourth chapter reviews the important practicalities of EEG-correlated fMRI that were addressed in this project. These included patient safety, EEG quality and MRI artifacts during EEG-correlated fMRI. Technical solutions to enable safe, good quality EEG recordings inside the MR scanner are presented, including optimisation of the EEG recording techniques and algorithms for the on-line subtraction of pulse and image artifact. In chapter five, a study applying spike-triggered fMRI to patients with focal epilepsy (n = 24) is presented. Using statistical parametric mapping (SPM), cortical Blood Oxygen Level-Dependent (BOLD) activations corresponding to the presumed generators of the interictal epileptiform discharges (IED) were identified in twelve patients. The results were reproducible in repeated experiments in eight patients. In the remaining patients no significant activation (n = 10) was present or the activation did not correspond to the presumed epileptic focus (n = 2). The clinical implications of this finding are discussed. In a second study it was demonstrated that in selected patients, individual (as opposed to averaged) IED could also be associated with hemodynamic changes detectable with fMRI. Chapter six gives examples of combination of EEG-correlated fMRI with other modalities to obtain complementary information on interictal epileptiform activity and epileptic foci. One study compared spike-triggered fMRI activation maps with EEG source analysis based on 64-channel scalp EEG recordings of interictal spikes using co-registration of both modalities. In all but one patient, source analysis solutions were anatomically concordant with the BOLD activation. Further, the combination of spike- triggered fMRI with diffusion tensor and chemical shift imaging is demonstrated in a patient with localisation-related epilepsy. In chapter seven, applications of EEG-correlated fMRI in different areas of neuroscience are discussed. Finally, the initial imaging findings with the novel technique for the simultaneous and continuous acquisition of fMRI and EEG data are presented as an outlook to future applications of EEG-correlated fMRI. In conclusion, the technical problems of both EEG-triggered fMRI and simultaneous EEG-correlated fMRI are now largely solved. The method has proved useful to provide new insights into the generation of epileptiform activity and other pathological and physiological brain activity. Currently, its utility in clinical epileptology remains unknown

    Possible techniques for optical measurement of temperature and concentration profiles in a supersonic ramjet

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    Optical measurement techniques of temperature and concentration profiles in supersonic ramje

    The international law and politics of water access: experiences of displacement, statelessness, and armed conflict

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    This article analyses international law regarding the human right to water as it impacts people who are stateless, displaced, and/or residents of armed conflict zones in the contemporary Middle East. Deficiencies in international law, including humanitarian, water, human rights, and criminal law, are examined to demonstrate international law's strengths and weaknesses for functioning as a guarantor of essential rights for vulnerable groups already facing challenges resulting from ambiguous legal statuses. What are the political factors causing lack of water access, and what international legal protections exist to protect vulnerable groups when affected by water denial? The analysis is framed by Hannah Arendt's assertion that loss of citizenship in a sovereign state leaves people lacking "the right to have rights", as human rights are inextricably connected to civil rights. This article demonstrates that stateless/displaced persons and armed conflict zone residents are disproportionately impacted by lack of water, yet uniquely vulnerable under international law. This paper offers unprecedented analysis of international criminal law's role in grappling with water access restrictions. I challenge existing "water wars" arguments, instead proposing remedies for international law's struggle to guarantee the human right to water for refugees/internally displaced persons (IDPs). Examples include Israel/Palestine, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. A key original contribution is the application of Arendt's theory of the totalising impacts of human rights violations to cases of water access denial, arguing that these scenarios are examples of environmental injustice that restrict vulnerable persons' abilities to access their human rights