8,085 research outputs found

    The reason why doping causes superconductivity in LaFeAsO

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    The experimental observation of superconductivity in LaFeAsO appearing on doping is analyzed with the group-theoretical approach that evidently led in a foregoing paper (J. Supercond 24:2103, 2011) to an understanding of the cause of both the antiferromagnetic state and the accompanying structural distortion in this material. Doping, like the structural distortions, means also a reduction of the symmetry of the pure perfect crystal. In the present paper we show that this reduction modifies the correlated motion of the electrons in a special narrow half-filled band of LaFeAsO in such a way that these electrons produce a stable superconducting state

    The structural distortion in antiferromagnetic LaFeAsO investigated by a group-theoretical approach

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    As experimentally well established, undoped LaFeAsO is antiferromagnetic below 137K with the magnetic moments lying on the Fe sites. We determine the orthorhombic body-centered group Imma (74) as the space group of the experimentally observed magnetic structure in the undistorted lattice, i.e., in a lattice possessing no structural distortions in addition to the magnetostriction. We show that LaFeAsO possesses a partly filled "magnetic band" with Bloch functions that can be unitarily transformed into optimally localized Wannier functions adapted to the space group Imma. This finding is interpreted in the framework of a nonadiabatic extension of the Heisenberg model of magnetism, the nonadiabatic Heisenberg model. Within this model, however, the magnetic structure with the space group Imma is not stable but can be stabilized by a (slight) distortion of the crystal turning the space group Imma into the space group Pnn2 (34). This group-theoretical result is in accordance with the experimentally observed displacements of the Fe and O atoms in LaFeAsO as reported by Clarina de la Cruz et al. [nature 453, 899 (2008)]

    Neutron matter from chiral effective field theory interactions

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    The neutron-matter equation of state constrains the properties of many physical systems over a wide density range and can be studied systematically using chiral effective field theory (EFT). In chiral EFT, all many-body forces among neutrons are predicted to next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N3LO). We present details and additional results of the first complete N3LO calculation of the neutron-matter energy, which includes the subleading three-nucleon as well as the leading four-nucleon forces, and provides theoretical uncertainties. In addition, we discuss the impact of our results for astrophysics: for the supernova equation of state, the symmetry energy and its density derivative, and for the structure of neutron stars. Finally, we give a first estimate for the size of the N3LO many-body contributions to the energy of symmetric nuclear matter, which shows that their inclusion will be important in nuclear structure calculations.Comment: published version; 21 pages, 11 figures, 5 table

    Pairing in neutron matter: New uncertainty estimates and three-body forces

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    We present solutions of the BCS gap equation in the channels 1S0{}^1S_0 and 3P23F2{}^3P_2-{}^3F_2 in neutron matter based on nuclear interactions derived within chiral effective field theory (EFT). Our studies are based on a representative set of nonlocal nucleon-nucleon (NN) plus three-nucleon (3N) interactions up to next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N3^3LO) as well as local and semilocal chiral NN interactions up to N2^2LO and N4^4LO, respectively. In particular, we investigate for the first time the impact of subleading 3N forces at N3^3LO on pairing gaps and also derive uncertainty estimates by taking into account results for pairing gaps at different orders in the chiral expansion. Finally, we discuss different methods for obtaining self-consistent solutions of the gap equation. Besides the widely-used quasi-linear method by Khodel et al. we demonstrate that the modified Broyden method is well applicable and exhibits a robust convergence behavior. In contrast to Khodel's method it is based on a direct iteration of the gap equation without imposing an auxiliary potential and is straightforward to implement

    The chiral condensate in neutron matter

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    We calculate the chiral condensate in neutron matter at zero temperature based on nuclear forces derived within chiral effective field theory. Two-, three- and four-nucleon interactions are included consistently to next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N3LO) of the chiral expansion. We find that the interaction contributions lead to a modest increase of the condensate, thus impeding the restoration of chiral symmetry in dense matter and making a chiral phase transition in neutron-rich matter unlikely for densities that are not significantly higher than nuclear saturation density.Comment: published version, 6 pages, 4 figure

    An optical lattice on an atom chip

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    Optical dipole traps and atom chips are two very powerful tools for the quantum manipulation of neutral atoms. We demonstrate that both methods can be combined by creating an optical lattice potential on an atom chip. A red-detuned laser beam is retro-reflected using the atom chip surface as a high-quality mirror, generating a vertical array of purely optical oblate traps. We load thermal atoms from the chip into the lattice and observe cooling into the two-dimensional regime where the thermal energy is smaller than a quantum of transverse excitation. Using a chip-generated Bose-Einstein condensate, we demonstrate coherent Bloch oscillations in the lattice.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Atom chips with two-dimensional electron gases: theory of near surface trapping and ultracold-atom microscopy of quantum electronic systems

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    We show that current in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) can trap ultracold atoms <1μ<1 \mum away with orders of magnitude less spatial noise than a metal trapping wire. This enables the creation of hybrid systems, which integrate ultracold atoms with quantum electronic devices to give extreme sensitivity and control: for example, activating a single quantized conductance channel in the 2DEG can split a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) for atom interferometry. In turn, the BEC offers unique structural and functional imaging of quantum devices and transport in heterostructures and graphene.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, minor change

    On the low-field Hall coefficient of graphite

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    We have measured the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the Hall coefficient (RHR_{\rm H}) in three, several micrometer long multigraphene samples of thickness between 9 \sim 9~to 30\sim 30~nm in the temperature range 0.1 to 200~K and up to 0.2~T field. The temperature dependence of the longitudinal resistance of two of the samples indicates the contribution from embedded interfaces running parallel to the graphene layers. At low enough temperatures and fields RHR_{\rm H} is positive in all samples, showing a crossover to negative values at high enough fields and/or temperatures in samples with interfaces contribution. The overall results are compatible with the reported superconducting behavior of embedded interfaces in the graphite structure and indicate that the negative low magnetic field Hall coefficient is not intrinsic of the ideal graphite structure.Comment: 10 pages with 7 figures, to be published in AIP Advances (2014