6,779 research outputs found

    Voltage-biased I-V characteristics in the multi-Josephson junction model of high Tc_c superconductor

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    By use of the multi-Josephson junction model, we investigate voltage-biased I-V characteristics. Differently from the case of the single junction, I-V characteristics show a complicated behavior due to inter-layer couplings among superconducting phase differences mediated by the charging effect. We show that there exist three characteristic regions, which are identified by jumps and cusps in the I-V curve. In the low voltage region, the total current is periodic with trigonometric functional increases and rapid drops. Then a kind of chaotic region is followed. Above certain voltage, the total current behaves with a simple harmonic oscillation and the I-V characteristics form a multi-branch structure as in the current-biased case. The above behavior is the result of the inter-layer coupling, and may be used to confirm the inter-layer coupling mechanism of the formation of hysteresis branches.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, 4 figure

    Universality of massive scalar field late-time tails in black-hole spacetimes

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    The late-time tails of a massive scalar field in the spacetime of black holes are studied numerically. Previous analytical results for a Schwarzschild black hole are confirmed: The late-time behavior of the field as recorded by a static observer is given by ψ(t)∌t−5/6sin⁥[ω(t)×t]\psi(t)\sim t^{-5/6}\sin [\omega (t)\times t], where ω(t)\omega(t) depends weakly on time. This result is carried over to the case of a Kerr black hole. In particular, it is found that the power-law index of -5/6 depends on neither the multipole mode ℓ\ell nor on the spin rate of the black hole a/Ma/M. In all black hole spacetimes, massive scalar fields have the same late-time behavior irrespective of their initial data (i.e., angular distribution). Their late-time behavior is universal.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, published versio

    Magnetic Reynolds number dependence of reconnection rate and flow structure of the self-similar evolution model of fast magnetic reconnection

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    This paper investigates Magnetic Reynolds number dependence of the ``self-similar evolution model'' (Nitta et al. 2001) of fast magnetic reconnection. I focused my attention on the flow structure inside and around the reconnection outflow, which is essential to determine the entire reconnection system (Nitta et al. 2002). The outflow is consist of several regions divided by discontinuities, e.g., shocks, and it can be treated by a shock-tube approximation (Nitta 2004). By solving the junction conditions (e.g., Rankine-Hugoniot condition), the structure of the reconnection outflow is obtained. Magnetic reconnection in most astrophysical problems is characterized by a huge dynamic range of its expansion (sim107sim 10^7 for typical solar flares) in a free space which is free from any influence of external circumstances. Such evolution results in a spontaneous self-similar expansion which is controlled by two intrinsic parameters: the plasma-betabeta and the magnetic Reynolds number. The plasma-betabeta dependence had been investigated in our previous paper. This paper newly clarifies the relation between the reconnection rate and the inflow structure just outside the Petschek-like slow shock: As the magnetic Reynolds number increases, strongly converging inflow toward the Petschek-like slow shock forms, and it significantly reduces the reconnection rate.Comment: 16 pages. to appear in ApJ (2006 Jan. 20 issue

    A Hot Helium Plasma in the Galactic Center Region

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    Recent X-ray observations by the space mission Chandra confirmed the astonishing evidence for a diffuse, hot, thermal plasma at a temperature of 9. 10710^7 K (8 keV) found by previous surveys to extend over a few hundred parsecs in the Galactic Centre region. This plasma coexists with the usual components of the interstellar medium such as cold molecular clouds and a soft (~0.8 keV) component produced by supernova remnants, and its origin remains uncertain. First, simple calculations using a mean sound speed for a hydrogen-dominated plasma have suggested that it should not be gravitationally bound, and thus requires a huge energy source to heat it in less than the escape time. Second, an astrophysical mechanism must be found to generate such a high temperature. No known source has been identified to fulfill both requirements. Here we address the energetics problem and show that the hot component could actually be a gravitationally confined helium plasma. We illustrate the new prospects this opens by discussing the origin of this gas, and by suggesting possible heating mechanisms.Comment: 9 pages, accepted for publication in APJ

    Discovery of a wandering radio jet base after a large X-ray flare in the blazar Markarian 421

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    We investigate the location of the radio jet bases ("radio cores") of blazars in radio images, and their stationarity by means of dense very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations. In order to measure the position of a radio core, we conducted 12 epoch astrometric observation of the blazar Markarian 421 with the VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry at 22 GHz immediately after a large X-ray flare, which occurred in the middle of 2011 September. For the first time, we find that the radio core is not stationary but rather changes its location toward 0.5 mas downstream. This angular scale corresponds to the de-projected length of a scale of 10510^5 Schwarzschild radii (Rs) at the distance of Markarian~421. This radio-core wandering may be a new type of manifestation associated with the phenomena of large X-ray flares.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, has been published in ApJ Letter

    Excised acoustic black holes: the scattering problem in the time domain

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    The scattering process of a dynamic perturbation impinging on a draining-tub model of an acoustic black hole is numerically solved in the time domain. Analogies with real black holes of General Relativity are explored by using recently developed mathematical tools involving finite elements methods, excision techniques, and constrained evolution schemes for strongly hyperbolic systems. In particular it is shown that superradiant scattering of a quasi-monochromatic wavepacket can produce strong amplification of the signal, offering the possibility of a significant extraction of rotational energy at suitable values of the angular frequency of the vortex and of the central frequency of the wavepacket. The results show that theoretical tools recently developed for gravitational waves can be brought to fruition in the study of other problems in which strong anisotropies are present.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Consistency test of general relativity from large scale structure of the Universe

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    We construct a consistency test of General Relativity (GR) on cosmological scales. This test enables us to distinguish between the two alternatives to explain the late-time accelerated expansion of the universe, that is, dark energy models based on GR and modified gravity models without dark energy. We derive the consistency relation in GR which is written only in terms of observables - the Hubble parameter, the density perturbations, the peculiar velocities and the lensing potential. The breakdown of this consistency relation implies that the Newton constant which governs large-scale structure is different from that in the background cosmology, which is a typical feature in modified gravity models. We propose a method to perform this test by reconstructing the weak lensing spectrum from measured density perturbations and peculiar velocities. This reconstruction relies on Poisson's equation in GR to convert the density perturbations to the lensing potential. Hence any inconsistency between the reconstructed lensing spectrum and the measured lensing spectrum indicates the failure of GR on cosmological scales. The difficulties in performing this test using actual observations are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Bulk gravitational field and dark radiation on the brane in dilatonic brane world

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    We discuss the connection between the dark radiation on the brane and the bulk gravitational field in a dilatonic brane world model proposed by Koyama and Takahashi where the exact solutions for the five dimensional cosmological perturbations can be obtained analytically. It is shown that the dark radiation perturbation is related to the non-normalizable Kaluza-Klein (KK) mode of the bulk perturbations. For the de Sitter brane in the anti-de Sitter bulk, the squared mass of this KK mode is 2H22 H^2 where HH is the Hubble parameter on the brane. This mode is shown to be connected to the excitation of small black hole in the bulk in the long wavelength limit. The exact solution for an anisotropic stress on the brane induced by this KK mode is found, which plays an important role in the calculation of cosmic microwave background radiation anisotropies in the brane world.Comment: 11 page

    Inflaton perturbations in brane-world cosmology with induced gravity

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    We study cosmological perturbations in the brane models with an induced Einstein-Hilbert term on a brane. We consider an inflaton confined to a de Sitter brane in a five-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. Inflaton fluctuations excite Kaluza-Klein modes of bulk metric perturbations with mass m2=−2(2ℓ−1)(ℓ+1)H2m^2 = -2(2\ell-1) (\ell +1) H^2 and m2=−2ℓ(2ℓ+3)H2m^2 = -2\ell(2\ell+3) H^2 where ℓ\ell is an integer. There are two branches (±\pm branches) of solutions for the background spacetime. In the ++ branch, which includes the self-accelerating universe, a resonance appears for a mode with m2=2H2m^2 = 2 H^2 due to a spin-0 perturbation with m2=2H2m^2 = 2H^2. The self-accelerating universe has a distinct feature because there is also a helicity-0 mode of spin-2 perturbations with m2=2H2m^2 = 2H^2. In the −- branch, which can be thought as the Randall-Sundrum type brane-world with the high energy quantum corrections, there is no resonance. At high energies, we analytically confirm that four-dimensional Einstein gravity is recovered, which is related to the disappearance of van Dam-Veltman-Zakharov discontinuity in de Sitter spacetime. On sufficiently small scales, we confirm that the lineariaed gravity on the brane is well described by the Brans-Dicke theory with ω=3Hrc\omega=3Hr_c in −- branch and ω=−3Hrc\omega = -3H r_c in ++ branch, respectively, which confirms the existence of the ghost in ++ branch. We also study large scale perturbations. In ++ branch, the resonance induces a non-trivial anisotropic stress on the brane via the projection of Weyl tensor in the bulk, but no instability is shown to exist on the brane.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure
