59 research outputs found


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    二分脊椎症は、先天的に脊椎骨が形成不全となって起こる神経管閉鎖障害の1つであり、脳と脊髄の機能不全により神経学的認知特性を伴う。教科学習においても、これらの認知特性が要因となり、学習上の困難を呈すると思われるが、二分脊椎症児の学習の困難さに焦点を当てた研究は少ない。本研究では、二分脊椎症児12名を対象に、認知特性が算数学習に及ぼす影響について検討を行った。二分脊椎症児の知能検査(WISC-IV) の指標得点の分析を行った結呆、全検査IQは標準の範囲内であるが、知覚推理・処埋速度の指標得点の低さが指摘された。また、教研式標準学力検査(CRT)を用いた算数の学習習得状況の把握を行い、WISC-IVの指標得点との相関関係を検討した結果、知覚推理と図形関連の間題の間で正の相関がみられた。これらの結果から、二分脊椎症児の算数学習において、図形や計算等の処理に困難さが見られることが示唆される。A congenital abnormality, spina bifida is one of the neural tube defects that occurs with vertebral hypoplasia. Children with spina bifida have neurological characteristics of impaired cognitive functions due to brain and spinal cord dysfunctions. Children may have learning difficulties in school due to their cognitive characteristics. However, few studies have focused on the learning dis-abilities in children with spina bifida. In this study, we examined the relationship between chara-cteristics of cognitive functions and arithmetic learning disabilities in children with spina bifida. As a result of the intelligence test (WISC-IV) which has four indexes. Although the IQ score was within the standard range, the scores of Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) and Processing Speed lndex (PSI) were low. In addition, we studied the sub-ject\u27s achievement in arithmetic using Criterion Referenced Test (CRT). The results showed that there was a correlation between the index scores of WISC-IV and CRT and a positive correlation between PRI and graphic questions. These results indicate that processing, such as of figures and cal-culations, is difficult for children with spina bifida

    NMR study of the layered cobalt oxyphosphide Sr2Sc(Co1-xFex)PO3

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    We report the results of 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements on the layered cobalt oxyphosphide Sr2Sc(Co1−xFex)PO3 in order to investigate the magnetic properties at low temperatures from a microscopic view point. The 31P-Knight shifts measured at the resonance peak maximum of Sr2Sc(Co1−xFex)PO3 have positive values and are T-independent in an entire temperature range, and the absolute value decreases with increasing Fe content. Also, the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1 is almost proportional to the temperature at low temperatures. The magnitude of 1/T1T decreases with increasing the Fe content, which suggests the decrease of the density of states around the Fermi level

    Magnetic Field–Temperature Phase Diagram of Fine YBa2Cu3O7−δ Ceramics from Linear and Non-linear Resistivities

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    We performed linear and non-linear resistivity measurements for fine YBa2Cu3O7−δ ceramics under magnetic field. Successive superconducting transition was observed in the linear resistivity and the lower temperature part of the resistivity curve became convex upward at high fields. A non-linear resistivity peak was observed for this lower temperature region and its offset temperature Toffset and the onset temperature Tonest coincided with the temperature of zero resistivity and inflexion point in linear resistivity, respectively. At lower field, Tonset was less sensitive to the field than Toffset, which implies the existence of the peculiar inter-grain ordering phase at finite fields.2019 International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES2019), September 23-28, 2019, Okayama Convention Center in Okayama, Japa

    Oxidation and reduction effects of successive superconducting transitions in ultra-fine YBa2Cu4O8 ceramics

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    We investigated the effects of oxidation and reduction on the successive superconducting transition in a ceramic material composed of YBa2Cu4O8 (Y124) submicron grains by linear and non-linear resistivity measurements. This material shows two-step superconducting transition and the lower one is identified as an inter-grain ordering. A sintering process fuses and joins the adjacent grains, so the lower transition was suppressed with increasing sintered time. Although Y124 is a stoichiometric ceramic, a reduction treatment suppressed the temperature of zero resistivity and broadened the non-linear resistivity peak. This suggests an oxygen vacancy was induced on the grain surface

    Lesson Study Manual for Teacher Educators International Edition

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    1. 授業研究への誘い -本マニュアルの構成と見方 - … 1 2. なぜ教師教育者に授業研究が必要なのか … 3 3. 授業研究の手順 … 5  ステップ1 授業研究の組織を作る … 5  ステップ2 事前協議会を行う … 7  ステップ3 研究授業を実施し,観察する … 11  ステップ4 事後協議会を行う … 15  ステップ5 自分の授業を見直し,改善していく … 19  ステップ6 授業研究の仲間を増やし,拡げる … 20 4.おわりに … 22 5.よくあるQ&A … 23 執筆者・翻訳者一覧 … 2

    〈研究論文〉二分脊椎症児の教科学習の困難 : 担当経験のある教員への聴取を通した検討

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    本論文は,二分脊椎症児の教科学習の困難さとそれに対する対応について検討している。そのため,二分脊椎症児の教科学習の指導経験のある教師から回答を得た。20名の教師から,算数・数学,社会,体育,国語,理科,外国語,音楽,学校生活全般についての困難さとその対応について回答があった。分析は,テキストマイニングを行い,抽出語の出現数を求めた後,クラスター分析,共起の程度が強い語を結んで図式化した共起ネットワーク,「抽出語×文章」および「抽出語×外部変数(教科)」の2元データについて対応分析を行った。その結果,理科,算数,社会,英語の困難さが比較的共通していること,体育と国語に関しては特有の困難さがあることが分かった。困難さへの対応は体育が他の教科と異なっていた。二分脊椎症児の認知特性と教科の困難さについて考察した。This paper considers the difficulty of learning for children with spina bifida and its solutions. The participants were teachers with experience in teaching children with spina bifida. Twenty teachers responded to questions about the challenges and solutions for mathematics, society, physical education, national language, science, English, music, school life in general. Analysis was performed using text mining, cluster analysis, a co-occurrence network schematized by connecting strong words of co-occurrence, "extracted word × sentence," and "extracted word × external variable (subject)." Results show that science, mathematics, society, English have difficulties in common, while physical education and national languages classes have specific challenges. Physical education required considerable countermeasures to meet the challenges. We discuss the cognitive characteristics and the difficulty of learning specific subjects for children with spina bifida

    Hyaluronic acid and its derivative as a multi-functional gene expression enhancer: Protection from non-specific interactions, adhesion to targeted cells, and transcriptional activation

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    Hyaluronic acid (HA), a natural anionic mucopolysaccharide, can be deposited onto the cationic surface of DNA/polyethyleneimine (PEI) complexes to recharge the surface potential and reduce nonspecific interactions with proteins. HA can also be used as a ligand to target specific cell receptors. Furthermore, HA-coating enhanced the transcriptional activity of the plasmid/PEI complexes, probably by loosening the tight binding between DNA and PEI, which facilitated the approach of transcription factors. Amphoteric HA derivative having spermine side chains (Spn-HA) with a structure similar to HMG protein showed higher transcription-enhancing activity than HA. Plasmid/PEI/Spn-HA ternary complex exhibited 29-fold higher transgene expression efficiency than naked plasmid/PEI complexes in CHO cells