172 research outputs found

    Cultura emotiva y orden moral: miedo y riesgo en la nueva sensibilidad contemporánea

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    A questão desenvolvida neste trabalho é a de que o medo é uma emoção social e uma construção social de sentidos. Parte da hipótese de que o medo é uma emoção forjada nas relações sociais. Este trabalho objetiva compreender as bases da construção social do medo no imaginário do homem comum, como um jogo de manutenção, conformação e transformação de ensaios sociais e individuais, enquanto redes de conflito que informam e formulam culturas emotivas e processos morais. O trabalho analisa as relações entre indivíduos ou grupos, apreendidas como entrelaçadas na presença direta ou indireta do medo.The issue developed in this paper is that fear is a social emotion and a social construction of meanings. It starts from the hypothesis that fear is a forged emotion in social relations. This paper aims to understand the basis of the social construction of fear in the common man’s imagination, as a game of maintenance, conformation and transformation of social and individual essays, as networks of conflict, which inform and formulate emotional cultures and moral processes. The paper analyzes the relationships between individuals or groups, perceived as intertwined in the direct or indirect presence of fear.Le problème développé dans cet article est que la peur est une émotion sociale et une construction sociale de significations. Cela part de l’hypothèse que la peur est une émotion forgée dans les relations sociales. Cet article a pour objectif de comprendre les fondements de la construction sociale de la peur dans l’imagination de l’homme commun, en tant que jeu de maintien, de conformation et de transformation d’essais sociaux et individuels, de réseaux de conflits, qui informent et formulent des cultures émotionnelles et des processus moraux. Le document analyse les relations entre des individus ou des groupes, perçus comme liés dans la présence directe ou indirecte de la peur.El tema desarrollado en este artículo es que el miedo es una emoción social y una construcción social de significados. Se parte de la hipótesis de que el miedo es una emoción forjada en las relaciones sociales. Este artículo tiene como objetivo comprender la base de la construcción social del miedo en la imaginación del hombre común, como un juego de mantenimiento, conformación y transformación de ensayos sociales e individuales, redes de conflicto, que informan y formulan culturas emocionales y procesos morales. El artículo analiza las relaciones entre individuos o grupos, percibidos como entrelazados en la presencia directa o indirecta del miedo

    Operação Bororos: vivências de saúde, educação e cultura na Chapada dos Guimarães

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    Trabalho apresentado no II Congresso Nacional do PROJETO RONDON, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 23 a 25 de setembro de 2015 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.Introdução: O Projeto Rondon é um programa interministerial, coordenado pelo Ministério da Defesa, que visa integrar e desenvolver ações comunitárias em regiões com maiores índices de pobreza e exclusão social, bem como áreas isoladas do território nacional necessitadas de maior aporte de bens e serviços. Em parceira com as universidades, o projeto pretende contribuir com a formação do universitário como cidadão, integrá-lo ao processo de desenvolvimento nacional por meio de ações participativas sobre a realidade do país. Além disso, visa consolidar no universitário o sentido de responsabilidade social coletiva, em prol da cidadania estimulando a produção de projetos coletivos locais, em parceria com as comunidades, com foco na capacitação de agentes multiplicadores, estimulando ações que valorizem o cidadão, a cultura local e promovam o intercâmbio de informações. Com esse espírito, a Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) desenvolveu um plano de trabalho, aprovado para execução no município de Chapada dos Guimarães, estado do Mato Grosso, durante a Operação Bororos, no período de 10 a 26 de julho de 2015. Objetivo: Descrever as atividades realizadas no município, direcionadas aos profissionais de saúde, educação, assistência social e à comunidade em geral. Metodologia: A descrição se dará a partir do registro documental e fotográfico das atividades desenvolvidas e das avaliações feitas pelos participantes. Resultados: Foram realizadas 22 atividades de cultura, comunicação, saúde e educação, por meio de oficinas teórico-práticas, simpósios, mutirão de saúde e rodas de conversa, com participação de 293 pessoas. A maior parte das atividades foi concentrada na área urbana do município, em escolas, creches, centros culturais, praças e feiras ao ar livre. Observaram-se benefícios à comunidade com a troca de saberes e informações ofertadas pelos universitários, uma vez que agregaram novos subsídios para o trabalho cotidiano, seja dos multiplicadores ou dos cidadãos em geral que tiveram acesso às atividades desenvolvidas. Conclusão: O Projeto Rondon consolida-se como oportunidade única para os universitários colocarem em prática os conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo de suas vivências acadêmicas em prol da sociedade. Observou-se a necessidade de adequação das atividades priorizando-se as populações rurais caracterizadas como mais vulneráveis

    Ensaio imunoenzimático (ELIZA) com antígeno recombinante para triagem de bovinos positivos para leptospirose.

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    Os ensaios imunoenzimáticos (ELISAs) têm sido desenvolvidos como métodos alternativos de triagem soroepidemiológica para a leptospirose bovina. Podem-se destacar como vantagens do teste de ELISA em relação à SAM, a segurança (não utiliza bactérias vivas), a alta sensibilidade do teste, a facilidade de execução da análise, rapidez, menor custo e a objetividade da interpretação dos resultadosbitstream/CPAP-2010/57324/1/CT86.pd

    Interaction of inflammatory cytokines and erythropoeitin in iron metabolism and erythropoiesis in anaemia of chronic disease

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    In chronic inflammatory conditions increased endogenous release of specific cytokines (TNFα, IL-1, IL-6, IFNγ and others) is presumed. It has been shown that those of monocyte lineage play a key role in cytokine expression and synthesis. This may be associated with changes in iron metabolism and impaired erythropoiesis and may lead to development of anaemia in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Firstly, increased synthesis of acute phase proteins, like ferritin, during chronic inflammation is proposed as the way by which the toxic effect of iron and thereby the synthesis of free oxy-radicals causing the damage on the affected joints, may be reduced. This is associated with a shift of iron towards the mononuclear phagocyte system which may participate in the development of anaemia of chronic disease. Secondly, an inhibitory action of inflammatory cytokines (TNFα, IL-1), on proliferation and differentiation of erythroid progenitors as well as on synthesis of erythropoietin has been shown, thereby also contributing to anaemia. Finally, chronic inflammation causes multiple, complex disturbances in the delicate physiologic equilibrium of interaction between cytokines and cells (erythroid progenitors, cells of mononuclear phagocyte system and erythropoietin producing cells) leading to development of anaemia of chronic disease (Fig. 1)

    Negative Autoregulation by Fas Stabilizes Adult Erythropoiesis and Accelerates Its Stress Response

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    Erythropoiesis maintains a stable hematocrit and tissue oxygenation in the basal state, while mounting a stress response that accelerates red cell production in anemia, blood loss or high altitude. Thus, tissue hypoxia increases secretion of the hormone erythropoietin (Epo), stimulating an increase in erythroid progenitors and erythropoietic rate. Several cell divisions must elapse, however, before Epo-responsive progenitors mature into red cells. This inherent delay is expected to reduce the stability of erythropoiesis and to slow its response to stress. Here we identify a mechanism that helps to offset these effects. We recently showed that splenic early erythroblasts, ‘EryA’, negatively regulate their own survival by co-expressing the death receptor Fas, and its ligand, FasL. Here we studied mice mutant for either Fas or FasL, bred onto an immune-deficient background, in order to avoid an autoimmune syndrome associated with Fas deficiency. Mutant mice had a higher hematocrit, lower serum Epo, and an increased number of splenic erythroid progenitors, suggesting that Fas negatively regulates erythropoiesis at the level of the whole animal. In addition, Fas-mediated autoregulation stabilizes the size of the splenic early erythroblast pool, since mutant mice had a significantly more variable EryA pool than matched control mice. Unexpectedly, in spite of the loss of a negative regulator, the expansion of EryA and ProE progenitors in response to high Epo in vivo, as well as the increase in erythropoietic rate in mice injected with Epo or placed in a hypoxic environment, lagged significantly in the mutant mice. This suggests that Fas-mediated autoregulation accelerates the erythropoietic response to stress. Therefore, Fas-mediated negative autoregulation within splenic erythropoietic tissue optimizes key dynamic features in the operation of the erythropoietic network as a whole, helping to maintain erythroid homeostasis in the basal state, while accelerating the stress response

    Nutritional considerations during prolonged exposure to a confined, hyperbaric, hyperoxic environment: Recommendations for saturation divers

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    Saturation diving is an occupation that involves prolonged exposure to a confined, hyperoxic, hyperbaric environment. The unique and extreme environment is thought to result in disruption to physiological and metabolic homeostasis, which may impact human health and performance. Appropriate nutritional intake has the potential to alleviate and/or support many of these physiological and metabolic concerns, whilst enhancing health and performance in saturation divers. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to identify the physiological and practical challenges of saturation diving and consequently provide evidence-based nutritional recommendations for saturation divers to promote health and performance within this challenging environment. Saturation diving has a high-energy demand, with an energy intake of between 44 and 52 kcal/kg body mass per day recommended, dependent on intensity and duration of underwater activity. The macronutrient composition of dietary intake is in accordance with the current Institute of Medicine guidelines at 45-65 % and 20-35 % of total energy intake for carbohydrate and fat intake, respectively. A minimum daily protein intake of 1.3 g/kg body mass is recommended to facilitate body composition maintenance. Macronutrient intake between individuals should, however, be dictated by personal preference to support the attainment of an energy balance. A varied diet high in fruit and vegetables is highly recommended for the provision of sufficient micronutrients to support physiological processes, such as vitamin B12 and folate intake to facilitate red blood cell production. Antioxidants, such as vitamin C and E, are also recommended to reduce oxidised molecules, e.g. free radicals, whilst selenium and zinc intake may be beneficial to reinforce endogenous antioxidant reserves. In addition, tailored hydration and carbohydrate fueling strategies for underwater work are also advised

    A multidisciplinary systematic review of the use of diagrams as a means of collecting data from research subjects: application, benefits and recommendations

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    BACKGROUND: In research, diagrams are most commonly used in the analysis of data and visual presentation of results. However there has been a substantial growth in the use of diagrams in earlier stages of the research process to collect data. Despite this growth, guidance on this technique is often isolated within disciplines. METHODS: A multidisciplinary systematic review was performed, which included 13 traditional healthcare and non-health-focused indexes, non-indexed searches and contacting experts in the field. English-language articles that used diagrams as a data collection tool and reflected on the process were included in the review, with no restriction on publication date. RESULTS: The search identified 2690 documents, of which 80 were included in the final analysis. The choice to use diagrams for data collection is often determined by requirements of the research topic, such as the need to understand research subjects' knowledge or cognitive structure, to overcome cultural and linguistic differences, or to understand highly complex subject matter. How diagrams were used for data collection varied by the degrees of instruction for, and freedom in, diagram creation, the number of diagrams created or edited and the use of diagrams in conjunction with other data collection methods. Depending on how data collection is structured, a variety of options for qualitative and quantitative analysis are available to the researcher. The review identified a number of benefits to using diagrams in data collection, including the ease with which the method can be adapted to complement other data collection methods and its ability to focus discussion. However it is clear that the benefits and challenges of diagramming depend on the nature of its application and the type of diagrams used. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: The results of this multidisciplinary systematic review examine the application of diagrams in data collection and the methods for analyzing the unique datasets elicited. Three recommendations are presented. Firstly, the diagrammatic approach should be chosen based on the type of data needed. Secondly, appropriate instructions will depend on the approach chosen. And thirdly, the final results should present examples of original or recreated diagrams. This review also highlighted the need for a standardized terminology of the method and a supporting theoretical framework

    Quantitative Analysis of Mechanisms That Govern Red Blood Cell Age Structure and Dynamics during Anaemia

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    Mathematical modelling has proven an important tool in elucidating and quantifying mechanisms that govern the age structure and population dynamics of red blood cells (RBCs). Here we synthesise ideas from previous experimental data and the mathematical modelling literature with new data in order to test hypotheses and generate new predictions about these mechanisms. The result is a set of competing hypotheses about three intrinsic mechanisms: the feedback from circulating RBC concentration to production rate of immature RBCs (reticulocytes) in bone marrow, the release of reticulocytes from bone marrow into the circulation, and their subsequent ageing and clearance. In addition we examine two mechanisms specific to our experimental system: the effect of phenylhydrazine (PHZ) and blood sampling on RBC dynamics. We performed a set of experiments to quantify the dynamics of reticulocyte proportion, RBC concentration, and erythropoietin concentration in PHZ-induced anaemic mice. By quantifying experimental error we are able to fit and assess each hypothesis against our data and recover parameter estimates using Markov chain Monte Carlo based Bayesian inference. We find that, under normal conditions, about 3% of reticulocytes are released early from bone marrow and upon maturation all cells are released immediately. In the circulation, RBCs undergo random clearance but have a maximum lifespan of about 50 days. Under anaemic conditions reticulocyte production rate is linearly correlated with the difference between normal and anaemic RBC concentrations, and their release rate is exponentially correlated with the same. PHZ appears to age rather than kill RBCs, and younger RBCs are affected more than older RBCs. Blood sampling caused short aperiodic spikes in the proportion of reticulocytes which appear to have a different developmental pathway than normal reticulocytes. We also provide evidence of large diurnal oscillations in serum erythropoietin levels during anaemia

    Trauma Hemorrhagic Shock-Induced Lung Injury Involves a Gut-Lymph-Induced TLR4 Pathway in Mice

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    Injurious non-microbial factors released from the stressed gut during shocked states contribute to the development of acute lung injury (ALI) and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). Since Toll-like receptors (TLR) act as sensors of tissue injury as well as microbial invasion and TLR4 signaling occurs in both sepsis and noninfectious models of ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury, we hypothesized that factors in the intestinal mesenteric lymph after trauma hemorrhagic shock (T/HS) mediate gut-induced lung injury via TLR4 activation.The concept that factors in T/HS lymph exiting the gut recreates ALI is evidenced by our findings that the infusion of porcine lymph, collected from animals subjected to global T/HS injury, into naïve wildtype (WT) mice induced lung injury. Using C3H/HeJ mice that harbor a TLR4 mutation, we found that TLR4 activation was necessary for the development of T/HS porcine lymph-induced lung injury as determined by Evan's blue dye (EBD) lung permeability and myeloperoxidase (MPO) levels as well as the induction of the injurious pulmonary iNOS response. TRIF and Myd88 deficiency fully and partially attenuated T/HS lymph-induced increases in lung permeability respectively. Additional studies in TLR2 deficient mice showed that TLR2 activation was not involved in the pathology of T/HS lymph-induced lung injury. Lastly, the lymph samples were devoid of bacteria, endotoxin and bacterial DNA and passage of lymph through an endotoxin removal column did not abrogate the ability of T/HS lymph to cause lung injury in naïve mice.Our findings suggest that non-microbial factors in the intestinal mesenteric lymph after T/HS are capable of recreating T/HS-induced lung injury via TLR4 activation