11 research outputs found

    The Simulation of Infrasound Propagation During Volcanic Eruptions

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    Розглянуто інфразвук у якості ключового параметра під час реєстрації природних та техногенних катастроф. Проведено моделювання інфразвукових характеристик у разі виверження вулканів. Підкреслюється необхідність посилення ролі систем моніторингу у дослідженнях вулканічних інфразвуковых характеристик у разі вивержения вулканів. Необхідно посилити призначення системи моніторінгу у дослідженнях вулканчних вивердженнях шляхом реєстрації інфразвука.The simulation of infrasound propagation during volcanic eruptions is considered. Infrasound is considered as a factor of the informative parameter in volcanic eruptions recording. A factor that has a significant effect on the infrasound in the atmosphere is the seismic activity. And it can be an external influence on the preparatory processes and their result. About fifty percent of infrasound is thrown into the atmosphere in the blast wave form. Such impulses spread to many kilometers from the source in the sound wave form. Their damping depends primarily on the frequency. Eruptions monitoring of active volcanoes by remote methods is very important for ensuring the safety of aviation flights. One of the remote methods for monitoring volcanic ash is the infrasound method, since strong eruptions are accompanied by wave perturbations in the atmosphere recorded over long distances. It is necessary to investigate how the sound power, its intensity and sound pressure level change with volcanic eruptions. To simulate the infrasonic waves propagation during volcanic eruption an algorithm and a program are composed. The program is written on Java programming language and consists of individual generated cycles. Calculations are performed assuming that the atmosphere with the infrasonic waves propagation, is homogeneous, layers are absent, the temperature is 20 degrees Celsius, and the sound velocity in the air in this case is 340 m / s. Acoustic waves attenuation in the air is caused by the presence of shear and bulk viscosity and also thermal conductivity impact. If we neglect the thermal losses, and also take into account that the bulk viscosity must be taken into account, as a rule, for high frequencies, then we can assume that the propagation loss of the traveling wave in the real environment results from the shear viscosity. The aim of this work is the infrasound propagation simulating during volcanic eruptions by the program complex. Currently, there is a great need for the creation of systems that combine space and ground-based observations that accurately capture key climate variables and stable functioning for several decades to determine climate variability and trends. The method of interaction studies of space weather, natural and manmade disasters with the organisms of the noosphere of the Earth through the registration of infrasound is proposed. Algorithms and software for calculations of acoustic infrasound field characteristics and decay in the atmosphere are developed. It was found that when r = 5λ phase shift between the sound pressure and vibrational velocity in the far field can be neglected and they are considered to be in phase. The results of these calculations confirmed that for the infrasonic wave propagation in the air the counting of viscous friction is not produced. With the help of modern computers, it is possible to calculate the infrasonic waves movement in the atmosphere and use this information to predict volcanic eruptions.Рассмотрен инфразвук в качестве ключевого параметра при регистрации природных и техногенных катастроф. Проведено моделирование инфразвуковых характеристик при извержениях вулканов. Подчеркивается необходимость усиления роли систем мониторинга в исследованиях вулканических инфразвуковых характеристик при извержениях вулканов. Подчеркивается необходимость усиления роли систем мониторинга в исследованиях вулканических извержений путем регистрации инфразвука извержений путем регистрации инфразвука


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    At present, development of effective vaccines of new generation is an actual problem, in particular concerning the tularemia causative agent. It determines the need to search antigen determinants with high immunogenic activity. Some authors demonstrate that outer membrane proteins of Francisella tularensis possess immunological activity. This fact gave occasion to isolation and comprehensive study of F tularensis cellular envelopes as a perspective component in vaccine engineering. The influence of cell walls of F. tularensis was studied for morphological changes in immunocompetent organs of experimental animals. Cell walls were obtained from three virulence strains of living cultures: F. tularensis subsp. mediaasiatica А-61, F. tularensis subsp. nearctica В-399 A-Cole, F. tularensis subsp. holarctica 306 and vaccine strain F. tularensis subsp. holarctica 15 (extracted by Research Institute of Epidemiology and Hygiene). Cell walls of different subspecies of F. tularensis stimulate the production of antibody forming cells and cell proliferation more in T-dependent zones of lymph nodes and spleen. It has been determined that these antigen preparations do not cause stress reaction of the experimental animal organisms. Basing on the findings, we made a conclusion that there is a need for further detailed investigation of immunogenic properties of CE F. tularensis subsp. holarctica 306, F. tularensis subsp. mediasiatica А-61 and F. tularensis subsp. tularensis B-399 A-Cole as perspective components in development of tularemia vaccines

    Giant penile melanoma

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    Primary penile melanoma is an extremely rare casuistic pathology associated with a poor prognosis. The article presents a clinical case of massive lesion of the penis with malignant melanoma, and discusses surgical methods for treating this pathology

    The minimal quantity of separating hyperplanes in a classification problem

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    Assessment of the Degree of Allergenic Effects of Various Drugs of Francisella tularensis

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    The evaluation of sensitization conducted on guinea pig leukocytes immunized with the cell wall preparations of F. tularensis. In this research was shown that the cell wall preparations F tularensis subsp mediaasiatica A-61 and F tularensis subsp tularensis В-399 A-Cole do not caused allergization in contrast with cell wall prepararions of F. tularensis 15 (extracted by Research Institute of Epidemiology and Hygiene) and F. tularensis subsp. holarctica 306