17 research outputs found

    The Paradox of Muscle Hypertrophy in Muscular Dystrophy

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    Mutations in the dystrophin gene cause Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy in humans and syndromes in mice, dogs, and cats. Affected humans and dogs have progressive disease that leads primarily to muscle atrophy. Mdx mice progress through an initial phase of muscle hypertrophy followed by atrophy. Cats have persistent muscle hypertrophy. Hypertrophy in humans has been attributed to deposition of fat and connective tissue (pseudohypertrophy). Increased muscle mass (true hypertrophy) has been documented in animal models. Muscle hypertrophy can exaggerate postural instability and joint contractures. Deleterious consequences of muscle hypertrophy should be considered when developing treatments for muscular dystrophy

    Assessment of systemic AAV-microdystrophin gene therapy in the GRMD model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a progressive muscle wasting disease caused by the absence of dystrophin, a membrane-stabilizing protein encoded by the DMD gene. Although mouse models of DMD provide insight into the potential of a corrective therapy, data from genetically homologous large animals, such as the dystrophin-deficient golden retriever muscular dystrophy (GRMD) model, may more readily translate to humans. To evaluate the clinical translatability of an adeno-associated virus serotype 9 vector (AAV9)–microdystrophin (μDys5) construct, we performed a blinded, placebo-controlled study in which 12 GRMD dogs were divided among four dose groups [control, 1 × 1013 vector genomes per kilogram (vg/kg), 1 × 1014 vg/kg, and 2 × 1014 vg/kg; n = 3 each], treated intravenously at 3 months of age with a canine codon-optimized microdystrophin construct, rAAV9-CK8e-c-μDys5, and followed for 90 days after dosing. All dogs received prednisone (1 milligram/kilogram) for a total of 5 weeks from day-7 through day 28. We observed dose-dependent increases in tissue vector genome copy numbers; μDys5 protein in multiple appendicular muscles, the diaphragm, and heart; limb and respiratory muscle functional improvement; and reduction of histopathologic lesions. As expected, given that a truncated dystrophin protein was generated, phenotypic test results and histopathologic lesions did not fully normalize. All administrations were well tolerated, and adverse events were not seen. These data suggest that systemically administered AAV-microdystrophin may be dosed safely and could provide therapeutic benefit for patients with DMD

    Alternative dystrophin gene transcripts in golden retriever muscular dystrophy

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    Golden retriever muscular dystrophy (GRMD), the canine model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), is caused by a splice site mutation in the dystrophin gene. This mutation predicts a premature termination codon in exon 8 and a peptide that is 5% the size of normal dystrophin. Western blot analysis of skeletal muscle from GRMD dogs reveals a slightly truncated 390-kD protein that is approximately 91% the size of normal dystrophin. This 390-kD dystrophin suggests that GRMD dogs, like some DMD patients, employ a mechanism to overcome their predicted frameshift. Reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction on GRMD muscle has revealed two in-frame dystrophin transcripts which lack either exons 3–9 or exons 5–12. Both transcripts could be translated into a dystrophin protein of approximately 390 kD. An understanding of how truncated dystrophin is produced in GRMD may allow this mechanism to be manipulated toward a potential therapy for DMD

    Molecular analysis of a spontaneous dystrophin `knockout' dog

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    We have determined the molecular basis for skeletal myopathy and dilated cardiomyopathy in two male German short-haired pointer (GSHP) littermates. Analysis of skeletal muscle demonstrated a complete absence of dystrophin on Western blot analysis. PCR analysis of genomic DNA revealed a deletion encompassing the entire dystrophin gene. Molecular cytogenetic analysis of lymphocytes from the dam and both dystrophic pups confirmed a visible deletion in the p21 region of the affected canine X chromosome. Utrophin is up-regulated in the skeletal muscle, but does not appear to ameliorate the dystrophic canine phenotype. This new canine model should further our understanding of the physiological and biochemical processes in Duchenne muscular dystrophy

    Hipomielinização em cães Weimaraner: relato de caso Hypomielination in Weimaraner dogs: case report

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    Três cães, fêmeas, da raça Weimaraner apresentaram tremores corporais rítmicos generalizados a partir da primeira semana de vida. Outros dois cães, machos, da mesma ninhada não apresentaram alterações. Uma fêmea com quatro semanas de idade foi submetida à eutanásia e necropsiada. Macroscopicamente, observou-se no encéfalo pouca demarcação da substância branca em relação à cinzenta. Histologicamente havia acentuada vacuolização de toda a substância branca subcortical. A mielinização no sistema nervoso periférico estava normal. Os sinais clínicos, a idade de ocorrência e as lesões histológicas são compatíveis com a hipomielinogênese congênita descrita em cães.<br>Three female Weimaraner pups had generalized and rhythmic body tremors since the first week of age. The remaining two male littermates were unaffected. One 4-week-old female was euthanatized and necropsied. On gross examination, poor demarcation between the gray and white matter was observed. Microscopically, there was severe hypomyelination of the brain compatible with congenital hypomyelinogenesis reported in dogs

    Mutation segregation and rapid carrier detection of X-linked muscular dystrophy in dogs

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    OBJECTIVES: To use exon 7-specific genomic polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products to identify the genotypes of normal, affected, and carrier female dogs in pedigrees segregating Golden Retriever muscular dystrophy (GRMD), and to confirm the concordant segregation of the mutation in all carrier and affected dogs presently available. DESIGN: The GRMD mutation is found in the consensus splice acceptor site in intron 6 of the canine dystrophin gene. PCR cycle-sequencing and restriction fragment length polymorphism/PCR were used for determination of the pattern of segregation of the point mutation which causes GRMD. ANIMALS: Normal, clinically affected, and obligate carrier dogs in pedigrees of GRMD. PROCEDURE: DNA from blood was amplified, using PCR and primers that bracket all of exon 7 of the canine dystrophin gene as well as 100 base pairs of intron on either side. PCR products were either cycle-sequenced directly or submitted to a second round of PCR, using 1 of the original primers coupled with a mutagenic restriction fragment length polymorphism-primer, which thus creates an artificial restriction site. Digestion with Stu I detected the normal allele. To detect the affected allele, Sau96 I was used to digest the 310-base pair exon 7 genomic fragment directly. CONCLUSIONS: Simple, clear diagnosis of carrier status was possible using these methods. This mutation is passed through all carrier and affected dogs in both United States GRMD colonies and the colony in Australia. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Rapid, accurate diagnosis of carrier and affected dogs will enhance study of this homologue of Duchenne muscular dystrophy

    Clinical and magnetic resonance imaging findings in 92 cats with clinical signs of spinal cord disease

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    Medical records of 92 cats presented with clinical signs of spinal cord disease, which had undergone magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), were reviewed. The cats were grouped into seven categories based upon the diagnosis suggested by results of MRI, cerebrospinal fluid analysis and other diagnostic procedures: neoplastic (n=25), inflammatory or infectious (n=13), traumatic (n=8), vascular (n=6), degenerative (n=5), anomalous (n=3) and those with an unremarkable MRI (n=32). There were two independent predictors of abnormal MRI findings: severity of clinical signs and presence of spinal pain. Abnormal MRI findings and speed of onset of disease were significantly associated with survival. For the 32 cats with unremarkable MRI findings, only nine died due to spinal disease and, therefore, the median survival time (MST) was not reached (lower 95% confidence interval (CI)=970 days). For the 60 cats with abnormal MRI findings, 37 died due to their disease and the MST was 138 days (95% CI: 7-807