29 research outputs found

    Variable morphology of the hyoid bone in Anatolian Population: Clinical implications - A cadaveric study Morfología variable del hueso hioides en una población de Anatolia: Consecuencias clínicas - Un estudio cadavérico

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    The variations of the hyoid bone has a great significance for surgical procedures of neck region, and in forensic medicine for evidence of strangulation or hanging, which causes fractures. The aim of this study was to investigate the morphological and morphometrical variations of the hyoid bone in Anatolian population. A total of 60 adult larynx specimens (46 male, 14 female) were dissected to identify morphological and morphometrical variations of hyoid. The infrahyoid muscles and thyrohyoid membrane were cut and ligamentous structures of bone were removed. The variations of shape of the hyoid were classified into six types: A (U-shaped) hyoid bone observed in 31.7 % (19 bones), a horseshoe-H-type in 10 % (6 bones), a B-type hyoid in 31.7 % (19 bones), a D-type hyoid in % 15 (9 bones), a V-type bone in % 5 (3 bones) and HK-type bone in 6.7 % (4 bones) of all necks. The breadth, width and major transverse axis were approximately measured as 40.4 mm, 28.4 mm and 33.5 mm, repectively. It has been found that the hyoid bones of Anatolian population had morphologically important differences than in other populations.To understand the anatomical variations and measurements of this bone is of valuable importance with regard to clinical practice and forensic medicine

    The musculocutaneous nerve completely fused with lateral root , partially with median nerve while not perforating coracobrachialis muscle: Its embryological basis and literature review

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    An rare anomaly of the musculocutaneous nerve was detected during routine dissection of the left upper limb of a 42-year-old Turkish male cadaver. MCN extend in a common sheath together with the lateral cord (LC) and lateral root of MN without leaving LC. The lateral and medial roots combined ventral to the axillary artery forming a common trunk of the MCN and MN. The MCN left the MN 0,5 cm distal to the junction of the lateral and medial roots of MN. It traveled between the biceps brachii and coracobrachial muscles without piercing the coracobrachial muscle and crossed over the axillary artery. Later, the MCN passed between the biceps and brahial muscles and continued as the lateral cutaneous nerve. No a prominent branch to the coracobrachialis muscle originating from MCN. It was observed that very thin branches extend from the lateral cord and MCN to the coracobrachialis muscle.  A connection extending from the proximal of the LC to the point where the ulnar nerve originated in the distal part of the MC was also detected. A good knowledge of the anatomical variations for upper extremity surgical interventions and treatments helps surgeons to avoid potential errors during surgery. Considering that our case does not fit the cases in the classifications found in the literature, or is compatible with more than one proposed variation, we rarely find this variation, as we cannot really find anything similar

    Evaluation of morphological variations of petrotympanic fissure using computed tomography imaging of the temporal bone

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    Purpose: Petrotympanic fissure (PF) is important for both dentists and otolaryngologists to know the temporal anatomy well especially for pre-surgical radiological evaluations. Computed tomography (CT) is indispensable method for temporal bone imaging. The purpose of this study was to evaluate PF morphology and position using CT. Methods: CT scans of 300 patients (600 PFs) were retrospectively evaluated. PF types were recorded by dividing into 3 groups (Type 1,2 and 3). Length of the mandibular fossa (MF) and PF, vertical diameter (VD) of the PF at the MF level, midpoint and tympanic cavity (TC) level were measured. PF position types were subdivided as low, midline and high. Results: Type 1, 2 and 3 was found in 18.7%, 51.5% and 29.8% of the cases, respectively. The mean length of the MF and PF was 18.33 mm and 3.77 mm, respectively. The mean VD of the PF at the MF level, midpoint and TC level was 1.71, 0.98 and 0.97 mm, respectively. The low, midline and high position of PF was observed 14.5%, 54.3% and 31.2% of the cases, respectively. Conclusion: Length of the MF and PF in males was significantly higher than females. VD of the PF at the MF level in Type 1 and Type 3 was significantly higher than type 2. In type 1,VD of the PF at the midpoint was significantly higher than type 2 and type 3. VD of the PF at the TC level in Type 1 and Type 3 was significantly higher than type 2