449 research outputs found

    Construction of Prestressed Concrete Pavement Slabs in Osaka City

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    This paper describes the prestressed concrete pavement slabs, 60 m and 40 m in length which were constructed in Osaka City in January of 1958. Prestressing steel was laid in both longitudinally and transversely in the 60 m slab, and diagonally with angles of intersection of about 60 deg. in the 40 m slab. The construction and testing of the pavement slabs are described in detail. The results prove the superior behavior of prestressed slabs, especially in their elastic recovery, and indicate that. such construction could be advantageously utilized in future pavement construction when it becomes economically comparable with other forms of construction

    Über den Fugenabstand der Fahrbahnbetondecken

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    In der vorliegende Abhandlung, haben die Verfasser versucht klar zu machen, dass der Fugenabstand der Fahrbahnbetondecken in Abhängigkeit von der Deckendicke, dem Elastizitätsmodul des Betons und dem Untergrundzustande bestimmt werden müssen. Aufgrund dieser Überlegung haben die Verfasser die Risseabstände der Betondecken besichtigt, und haben eine Berechnungsmethode gefunden wie die Fugenabstände bestimmt werden können

    Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary and Cretaceous formations in the Tosayamada-Birafu area, Kochi Prefecture

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    見学コースは,香美市土佐山田町から香美市香北町にかけて分布する黒瀬川帯南帯の地層見学で,田代(1985)による南海層群の模式地とされている地域である.南海層群の地帯帰属を考察するために,南海層群の南側に分布するペルム紀付加体,南海層群基底部礫岩,テチス型二枚貝フォーナとされている二枚貝類の産出地点を観察する.その後,南海層群と断層で接し,ジュラ紀後期から白亜紀最前期の地質年代を持つ美良布層模式地に移動し,Kilinora spiralis群集,Loopus primitivus群集,Pseudodictyomitra carpatica群集の放散虫と海生・汽水生の二枚貝類の産出層準を見学するとともに砕屑岩・石灰岩からなる堆積相を観察する.また,美良布層のジュラ系白亜系境界についても検討する

    The 1988-1989 explosive eruption of Tokachi-dake, central Hokkaido, Its sequence and mode

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    On December 16, 1988, after 26 years of dormancy since the last eruption in 1962, Tokachi-dake began to erupt from the 62-II crater. The eruption started with phreatic explosions. Then, on December 19, the activity changed into phreatomagmatic explosions of Vulcanian type and continued intermittently until March 5, 1989. Although the composition of the essential ejecta, mafic andesite, is similar to those of 1926 and 1962 eruptions, the mode of the present eruption is considerably diffrent The present eruption consists of a series of 23 discrete cannon-like explosions, being frequently accompanied with small-scale pyrcclastic surges and flows. The total volume of ejecta amounts to approximately 6×105 m3, of which about 20% is essential ejecta. A complete sequence of events was compiled and distribution maps of the ash-fall, ballistic blocks, and pyroclastic surges and flows were drawn for each of the larger eruptions. The pyrrolastic surges and flows of the present eruption were small scale, low temperature pyroclastic flows, rich in accessory clasts and unaccompanied by sector collapse. Therefore, the sudden melting of snow causing disastrous mudflows, as in the case of the 1926 eruption, fortunately did not occur

    Papillo-Choledochectomy in the Operative Management of Mucosal Neoplasms of the Periampullary Region

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    Two patients with mucosal cancer of the periampullary region were treated with papillocholedochectomy, which entails removal of the papilla of Vater and the whole length of the common bile duct. The neoplasm is dissected out through the plane between the duodenal circular and longitudinal muscles, deep to the sphincter of Oddi and the fibromuscular layer of the bile duct. Pathological examination showed that cancer was confined to the mucosal layer without stromal invasion, and that the operation achieved radical cure. For mucosal cancer, papillo-choledochectomy is an alternative to pancreatoduodenectomy, provided that repeated frozen-section studies confirm the completeness of excision