21 research outputs found

    Can LiDARs Replace Meteorological Masts in Wind Energy?

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    This paper discusses whether profiling LiDARs can replace meteorological tower-based wind speed measurement for wind energy applications without severely compromising accuracy. To this end, the accuracy of LiDAR is evaluated in a moderately complex terrain by comparing long-term wind data measured by a profiling LiDAR against those obtained from tower-mounted cup and sonic anemometers. The LiDAR-measured wind speeds show good agreement with those measured using the sonic anemometer, with the slope of regression line being 1.0 and R 2 > 0.99 . Furthermore, the turbulence intensity obtained from the LiDAR has better agreement with that from the sonic anemometer compared to the cup anemometer which showed the lowest turbulence intensities among the three devices. A comparison of the turbulence intensity obtained from the 90th percentile of the standard deviation distribution shows that the LiDAR-measured turbulence intensities are mostly larger (by 2% or less) than those measured by the sonic anemometer. The gust factors obtained from both devices roughly converged to 1.9, showing that LiDAR is able to measure peak wind speed with acceptable accuracy. The accuracy of the wind speed and power distributions measured using the profiling LiDAR are then evaluated by comparing them against the corresponding distributions obtained from the sonic anemometer. Furthermore, the annual capacity factor—for the NREL 5-MW wind turbine—from the LiDAR-measured wind speed is 2% higher than that obtained from the sonic anemometer-measured wind speed. Numerical simulations are performed using OpenFAST in order to compute fatigue loads for the wind speed and turbulence distributions for the LiDAR and the sonic anemometer measurements. It is found that the 20 years lifetime Damage Equivalent Loads (DELs) computed for the LiDAR wind speed were higher than those for the sonic anemometer wind speeds, by 2%–6% for the blade root bending moments and by 11%–13% for the tower base bending moments. This study shows that even with some shortcomings, profiling LiDARs can measure wind speeds and turbulence intensities with acceptable accuracy. Therefore, they can be used to analyze wind resource and wind power potential of prospective sites, and to evaluate whether those sites are suitable for wind energy development


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    Investigation of the Fetch Effect Using Onshore and Offshore Vertical LiDAR Devices

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    An offshore wind measurement campaign using vertical light detection and ranging (LiDAR) devices was conducted at the Hazaki Oceanographic Research Station (HORS) as part of an investigation into determining the optimal distance from the coast for a nearshore wind farm from a meteorological perspective. The research platform was a 427 m long pier located on a rectilinear coastline on the Pacific coast of the central Honshu Island in Japan. The relationship between the ratios of the increase of wind speed near the surface and fetch length within 5 km of the coast was analyzed via LiDAR observations taken at heights from 40 to 200 m. The results showed that the speed of the coastal wind blowing from land to sea gradually increased as the fetch length increased, by approximately 15–20% at 50 m above sea level around a fetch length of 2 km. Moreover, empirical equations were derived by applying the power law to the relationship between the increase of wind speed and fetch lengths at 1–5 km, as obtained from the LiDAR measurements. It was also found that the wind speed increase at a 2 km fetch length was equivalent to the effect of a 50–90 m vertical height increase on the coast in this region

    Coastal Wind Measurements Using a Single Scanning LiDAR

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    A wind measurement campaign using a single scanning light detection and ranging (LiDAR) device was conducted at the Hazaki Oceanographical Research Station (HORS) on the Hazaki coast of Japan to evaluate the performance of the device for coastal wind measurements. The scanning LiDAR was deployed on the landward end of the HORS pier. We compared the wind speed and direction data recorded by the scanning LiDAR to the observations obtained from a vertical profiling LiDAR installed at the opposite end of the pier, 400 m from the scanning LiDAR. The best practice for offshore wind measurements using a single scanning LiDAR was evaluated by comparing results from a total of nine experiments using several different scanning settings. A two-parameter velocity volume processing (VVP) method was employed to retrieve the horizontal wind speed and direction from the radial wind speed. Our experiment showed that, at the current offshore site with a negligibly small vertical wind speed component, the accuracy of the scanning LiDAR wind speeds and directions was sensitive to the azimuth angle setting, but not to the elevation angle setting. In addition to the validations for the 10-minute mean wind speeds and directions, the application of LiDARs for the measurement of the turbulence intensity (TI) was also discussed by comparing the results with observations obtained from a sonic anemometer, mounted at the seaward end of the HORS pier, 400 m from the scanning LiDAR. The standard deviation obtained from the scanning LiDAR measurement showed a greater fluctuation than that obtained from the sonic anemometer measurement. However, the difference between the scanning LiDAR and sonic measurements appeared to be within an acceptable range for the wind turbine design. We discuss the variations in data availability and accuracy based on an analysis of the carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR) distribution and the goodness of fit for curve fitting via the VVP method

    アクチュエータ・ディスク・モデルを用いた風車後流のラージ・エディ・シミュレーション: 風車タワーが風速分布に与える影響

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    This study investigated the influence of a wind turbine tower on the wind velocity distribution in the wake of a wind turbine. Large-eddy simulation (LES) of the wind flow around the wind turbine was erformed using an actuator disk model for the rotor and by explicitly resolving the tower and nacelle. In addition, LES with no tower was performed. With regard to the streamwise component of the wind velocity in the wind turbine wake, the LES with tower reproduced the asymmetric distribution in thelateral direction, which was observed in a wind tunnel experiment, while the LES with no tower produced symmetric distribution. From the visualization of the LES results, it was considered that the enhanced turbulence and decreased velocity of wind flow behind the tower were attributable to the above-mentioned asymmetric wind velocity distribution predicted by the LES with tower