65 research outputs found

    Çocuk hastalıklarında geleneksel olarak kullanılan bazı bitkiler

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    Objective: Different types of pediatric diseases negatively affect the lives of many people, physically. Here, we aimed to document some medicinal plants used as traditional folk medicine in pediatrics treatment. Result and Discussion: 117 taxa and 53 families have been identified as traditional herbal medicines used in defined pediatric diseases. The most frequently used medicinal plant species according to the number of citations Foeniculum vulgare Mill., Juglans regia L., Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott, Rosa canina L., Mentha x piperita L., Matricaria chamomilla L. All findings are expected to form the basis for new pharmaceutical products and become a handbook for healthcare professionals.Amaç: Çocuk hastalıklarının farklı türleri birçok insanın yaşamını fiziksel olarak olumsuz etkilemektedir. Burada geleneksel halk hekimliği olarak pediatri tedavisinde kullanılan bazı şifalı bitkileri belgelemeyi amaçladık. Sonuç ve Tartışma: Tanımlanmış çocuk hastalıklarında kullanılan geleneksel bitkisel ilaçlar olarak 117 takson ve 53 familya tespit edilmiştir. Atıf sayılarına göre en sık kullanılan tıbbi bitki türleri Foeniculum vulgare Mill., Juglans regia L., Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott, Rosa canina L., Mentha x piperita L., Matricaria chamomilla L. Tüm bulguların yeni farmasötik ürünler için temel oluşturması ve sağlık profesyonelleri için bir el kitabı olması bekleniyor

    Allium sphaeronixum (Amaryllidaceae), A New Species from Turkey

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    n this paper, Allium sphaeronixum, a new species of the sect. Codonoprasum from Turkey, is described and illustrated. The new species is endemic to Central Anatolia, limited to the area of Nevşehir, where it grows on sandy or rocky soil at an elevation of 1000–1300 m a.s.l. Its morphology, phenology, karyology, leaf anatomy, seed testa micromorphology, chorology, and conservation status are examined in detail. The taxonomic relationships with the closest allied species, A. staticiforme and A. myrianthum, are also highlighted and discussed


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    World Congress of the Osteoarthritis-Research-Society-International (OARSI) on Osteoarthritis -- MAR 31-APR 03, 2016 -- Amsterdam, NETHERLANDSWOS: 000373538800849Twenty-six patients with knee OA (Kellgren & Lawrence grade 2 or 3), aged 53,86 ± 5,33 years participated in this study. All of the patients were informed about OA risk factors, pathogenesis, prognosis, modification of daily living activities during a 2-hour long patient education lecture. Participants were then assigned at random to one of two groups as home-based strength training group (HEG) (n ¼ 13) and resistive exercise training group (REG) (n ¼ 13). Both exercise programs include the same or similar exercises and aimed at increasing lower limb strength (hip, knee and ankle muscles). All subjects performed three months exercise training. The subjects in the HEG were given strength exercise training and instructed to perform the exercise program three times a week for three months at home. And also, they received one session monthly supervised exercise training for progression. Progression in exercise training obtained with elastic bant. The REG received a supervised program three times a week for three months at indoor resistive exercise station. Patients in both groups performed 10 minutes warm-up period and cool-down period. The strength of quadriceps femoris, hamstrings, hip abductors, hip adductors, and gastrocnemius muscles assessed by using handheld dynamometry by the same investigator. Muscle strength of participants was assessed at baseline, 12 weeks and 24 weeks (follow-up).Osteoarthritis Research Society Internationa

    Türkiye Geofitleri

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    Yalova Araştırmaları

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    Türkiye Geofitleri

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